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Becoming a LEO 101

This is likely to be the case in a lot of departments. Baby boomers are hitting retirement age, and will continue to do so for the next ~10 years. It won't just be police, it will be all occupations.

True...except with the CHP. They only take applications once in a while. And besides that, Landsdowne was saying they get plenty of applications but most don't even make it past the written test and the physical. :|
This is likely to be the case in a lot of departments. Baby boomers are hitting retirement age, and will continue to do so for the next ~10 years. It won't just be police, it will be all occupations.

70% of our command staff will retire in the next 12 months.
100% of our command staff retired over the last three years.
Are these leadership vacancies usually filled from within the dept? I sure hope you don't work for Santa Clara PD.

Yes, usually. When it comes to chief of police positions many agencies will also look outside their agency as well.
I am scheduled to take the PELLETB in early March. Besides reading, and boosting my vocabulary, are there any other key points I can get from some of you who have taken this exam and passed with flying colors?

Thank you
Any Fremont Leo's in the house. Wanted to ask if you can take me on short ride along I have contacted hr but no response from them on the ride along. Not sure if this is ok to ask of you without going through proper channels. I'm having Lt panel soon and want to get a better idea of what's it's like in Fremont. If this is not appropriate to ask please let me know and I will edit my post accordingly.

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Any Fremont Leo's in the house. Wanted to ask if you can take me on short ride along I have contacted hr but no response from them on the ride along. Not sure if this is ok to ask of you without going through proper channels. I'm having Lt panel soon and want to get a better idea of what's it's like in Fremont. If this is not appropriate to ask please let me know and I will edit my post accordingly.

Contact Fremont PD directly, not the city HR department.
Any Fremont Leo's in the house. Wanted to ask if you can take me on short ride along I have contacted hr but no response from them on the ride along. Not sure if this is ok to ask of you without going through proper channels. I'm having Lt panel soon and want to get a better idea of what's it's like in Fremont. If this is not appropriate to ask please let me know and I will edit my post accordingly.


Call the PD, M-F 0800-1700 and tell them you're in the process and you should be able to get a ride a long set up. Definitely study up on the city, demographics, department size, etc. Subscribe to the Nixle for Fremont and see the stuff we deal with daily as well as you can read the Fremont Patch.com.

Know the Chief,Captains, mission statement and values. Good luck, it's great department.
Home Life

Good evening, LEOs.

I would like to ask about the effects of your career on marriage and family life, and how you, your significant other, and/or family have learned to adapt.

I am currently finishing up school and am also in the application process with a LE agency. Meanwhile, things have become more serious with my SO and we've been talking about a future together. I realize it would be a big sacrifice of her to support me in this, so it is my responsibility to educate her and myself as much and as early on as possible to prevent us from getting into something we did not expect.

I've read the book “101 Reasons Why You Should Not Become a Cop” and it has helped give me a bit of insight. Not knowing any LEOs personally, I wanted to ask about your experiences so she and I can have a clearer view of the potential challenges, particularly those at home.

Here are some questions I had in mind:

1. How have you and your family learned to adapt? What works, and what are some mistakes you made along the way?

2. What are the challenges of shift work, particularly those of you with back-to-back 12-hour shifts? Are you essentially unavailable for half of the week?

3. Finally, what do you think are some relevant questions that I (or anybody else considering LE), should be asking myself at this time? What issues should be made clear between me and my SO early on?

Hopefully this gives a different dimension and some depth on the topic of “Becoming a LEO 101”. Thanks to those that serve, and to their families.

(Apologies to the Mods if this is off-topic)
Good evening, LEOs.

I would like to ask about the effects of your career on marriage and family life, and how you, your significant other, and/or family have learned to adapt.

I am currently finishing up school and am also in the application process with a LE agency. Meanwhile, things have become more serious with my SO and we've been talking about a future together. I realize it would be a big sacrifice of her to support me in this, so it is my responsibility to educate her and myself as much and as early on as possible to prevent us from getting into something we did not expect.

I've read the book “101 Reasons Why You Should Not Become a Cop” and it has helped give me a bit of insight. Not knowing any LEOs personally, I wanted to ask about your experiences so she and I can have a clearer view of the potential challenges, particularly those at home.

Here are some questions I had in mind:

1. How have you and your family learned to adapt? What works, and what are some mistakes you made along the way?

2. What are the challenges of shift work, particularly those of you with back-to-back 12-hour shifts? Are you essentially unavailable for half of the week?

3. Finally, what do you think are some relevant questions that I (or anybody else considering LE), should be asking myself at this time? What issues should be made clear between me and my SO early on?

Hopefully this gives a different dimension and some depth on the topic of “Becoming a LEO 101”. Thanks to those that serve, and to their families.

(Apologies to the Mods if this is off-topic)

1) I already had my career before I met my wife, so she knew more or less what she's was getting into before we got married. It will be really hard if your spouse didn't support you, especially in the beginning of a LE career. I tell new recruits all the time, during training (academy and FTO) you need to eat sleep and live the job to get through training and off probation. Everything else falls to the back burner and that can be tough if you already have a family.

2) I like shift work much better than a typical 8-5 job. I work 12 hour shifts. You get 1/2 your week off.... Except for things like court, training, extra shifts, and special events. But, that doesn't leave time for much else during your work week... Assuming you even get off on time and don't end up working a 16 hour shift only to turn around and do it again.

3) I'd recommend you both read the book "I love a cop".http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/159385353X?pc_redir=1397542200&robot_redir=1 It's a pretty accurate portrayal of police culture. It will vary some by department, and your experience will vary, but it's surprisingly accurate. It's a great career. Go on a few ride alongs with different agencies you're considering. It can be a very hard field to get hired into. Don't limit yourself because you might not get hired at your so called ideal agency. Most who apply never get hired, but don't let stats scare you if you know you have what it takes.
I'd also suggest reading, well have your family/wife/SO read this: Emotional Survival for law Enforcement. http://www.amazon.com/Emotional-sur...1&keywords=survival+guide+for+law+enforcement

You have to want to do this job. You have to want to be disliked by society now. You have to be ready to do bad things for a good reason.

Apply to a lot of different agencies, and do a lot of ride alongs. Not everyone is cut out to be a CHP or SO or PD, but there is a place for everyone.
...You have to want to do this job. You have to want to be disliked by society now. You have to be ready to do bad things for a good reason...


I hear this from all my LEO friends. Except from my SFPD ones. :p :banana :later