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Budman Racing and Early Years HooliganTales

There was a trail that led to it. Actually the first trail I ever rode on. No chains. Nada.

In my twenties I unloaded at an Industrial building and idled in.

Never fell in the creek! :banana
Oh, man... so much vintage goodness in this thread! I never wheelied a motorcycle down Louis, but I did ride the back wheel on a Raleigh Space Rider from Loma Verde to Greer! And I saw the dark side of 80 on Brian H's Norton Fastback in the other direction, between East Meadow and Alger. Never got a ticket from the PA cops, happy to say.

Raced a number of times at Santa Clara PAL. There were a bunch of guys from high school that raced there... Doug W on his CZ 400, Vernon N and Dave S on their CR125s, Adrian S on his Hodaka Super Rat, and me on my SL100 (I was always a 4-stroke guy) that I also rode to school. Lots of good times.

Baylands was pretty wonderful. In my avatar, that's me clearing the jump behind Mozart's; 1974. Spent many, many afternoons out there. Most memorable was one day when a guy from A&A shows up on a new, bone-stock, '74 Yamaha 125 Enduro. There was some serious MX iron out there that day, but this guy smoked 'em all, suspension topping and bottoming and the thing pogoing all over the place. Mad skillz. Should've gotten his name.

Only knew of one guy who lost it on the sandbags, going under the freeway. His S65 got a nice soak. We all thought it was pretty funny; he did not share our perspective :laughing

Lastly, rode for years with Steve W, first on the street, and then for many years in the dirt. Last I spoke with him, he'd pretty much hung up his helmet.
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Right on Pete!!

You saw a sand bag boom!! :laughing
Been a minute... enough time to add a few more stories.

Pismo get away
This one took place on my buddies RM 125. I was down at Cal Poly and only had a little ring ding to get to school, but my friends came down to ride and drive Pismo.

My one buddy "Chumly" (the guys house I hid in after my High School hide) brought his RM 125 down and it was a chance to ride a bit. Of course I had to show off for the HS bros so I was banging wheelies. No helmet, no flag on the bike yet right on the beach. 5th gear rocking.

My friends had parked there trucks just a bit south of the beach ramp that led to the oceano dunes. However that beach access ramp was washed out and all access was from Grand Ave basically.

After a few passes I was headed north along the shore on one wheel when I got lit up by a ranger from behind.... Oh shit. What do I do??

Run of course :laughing

I railed up the beach topped out.. maybe 55- 60? :dunno

Right before getting to Grand I noted a opening between some beach rentals and with the Ranger hot on me I carved in between a couple as a short cut.
I suprised the hell out of a gent laying on a lounge chair reading a newspaper. A :wtf moment for him :laughing

I got to Grand and now had a gap on the Ranger. I pinned it and headed to HWY 1. I guess I have no choice.. my friends are south so a right turn put me on the main road. I was not passing all kinds of cars, because the bike was too slow, but I got a couple and the Ranger was in sight, but was not right on my ass. I kept it pinned!!

I saw a beach access sign and took the right back towards the beach.

Coming to the ramp I noted a barrier saying closed. A large storm had washed it out and it was about a 5' drop off. No prob with a run at it, but there was only 4' on the other side of the barrier. No other options appeared to get to the beach so I started to turn around and saw the Ranger coming.
Shit!!.. The barrier was similar to the one I put in the map, but did not have a sign hanging below.

I slid under the barrier and stood the bike up.. no where to go. I thought just rev it and lift the front and go. I went to hit first gear and the shifter was gone. I was stuck in 5th. Shit!!!!... here he comes.

SO.. I just pinned the throttle and dropped the clutch. The front barely lifted and I nosed dived down to the sand. The impact was pretty brutal. I have kids so no permanent damage I suppose. :laughing

I lugged the bike away fanning the shit out of the clutch to get the bike moving. Finally after a bit it got enough speed to get the fuck out of there.
I looked back. The Ranger was at the barrier watching and I knew the radio call for help had gone out so I ripped back to the truck parking the bike on the side away from the beach and I jumped in the truck and laid down on the seat hiding.. Chumly was stunned by me doing that and came to the window.. "What the fuck Koby?" I said "Cops are on my ass go away..!!"

Several Rangers went up and down the beach, but no one in my group looked like me and they never connected that bike to me. Chumly was not happy when he found the shifter was gone and we went on a mission to go find him a new one. The tale was told to my friends and eventually we got to riding.. like with a helmet in the dunes riding. :ride

Another escape by the skin of my teeth.
I did a lot of hiding when necessary of course. :teeth


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Hiding in my front yard - Hi Mom :wave

This one involves the RD again. Zooming up middlefield Road I had a LEO pretty close. I turned onto my home street. There is a stop sign where you jog right and then back left before you get to my house about two blocks off Middlefield. I heard the car come around the corner just as I went through it. 3 driveways later I went into mine. It was on the left side. I went straight to the garage door which was behind my Mom's station wagon. I was going to go for the door when I heard him coming around the corner.. no time and now stuck.

So I laid the bike down on its side in front of her car and ducked. :laughing Stupid kid :facepalm

Thank goodness for the tall bush on the right side of my driveway too as that blocked any potential rear view mirror visual for the officer.

With his siren blazing and foot on the gas he zoomed right past me. I peeked up just in time to see him make a right at the next stop sign.

My heart raced and just then my Mom opened the garage door with the bike laying on the concrete by her car. "Hi Mom.." :p

She said "What happened??".. and I said "I tripped and the bike went over" with a big smile. She just pushed the door open for me and I quickly lifted the bike up rolled it in and shut the door behind me.

Within a few steps the siren returned and went by again. Mom asked "I wonder what is going on with the Police?" :teeth

Made it by just a few seconds...... Phew.

Time to paint my helmet again. :p
this sure beats working :cool
So does writing them up.

Fun memories... now anyway. :teeth
You were quite the terror, back in the day! Great stories! Keep them coming.
You were quite the terror, back in the day! Great stories! Keep them coming.

Guess I was... telling my Dad about the hooligan I was as a teen has been fun over the years :laughing

This one is not Hooligan in nature and took place as a slightly more mature 45 yo.

Penis on Fire

As my kids grew my younger son Kman stayed interested in Moto's. At 16 he was wanting to do more dirt biking. I bought a Yamaha 400 new 4 stroke MX bike. Man that fucker was hard to get kicked over. He quickly learned the trick to do it, but I was lame as hell. I literally broke a kick starter trying. I think Butch was there that day.

Anyway I was at Holister on a really good weather day. Trails were moist and I was having a blast. Love high road when it is a bit wet. :thumbup

Came back to base camp after a good long ride. Filled up the bike, but did not secure that gas cap properly. I took off and we headed to high road.
Just a few minutes after leaving the valley floor my crotch got hot.. :wtf

Then it started burning and I noted the gas washing down on my unit..:wow

It is a one way trail as most of you know and I broke the cardinal rule and went back down.. but my Penis was on Fire..!!! Emergency shit!! There was no way I was going to be able to make it the long way back. Emergency shit!!!

I stayed off the line and was careful as possible and was lucky nobody else was coming. When I hit the valley floor I broke the speed limit big time hussling to the showers. I got there and threw the bike agains the wall and went into the shower fighting to get my gear off as fast as possible. A couple dudes were there and they saw me throw my gloves and googles on the ground outside and once inside managed to unsnap my pant belt and get the water turned on. Went in will everything (including helmet and boots) still on and just exposed the area where smoke was coming from. OH God the cold water helped, but it took a few minutes to really provide relief. :nchantr

I stayed in the life saving water for a solid 5 to 10 minutes. When I came out I was drenched. Looking damn funny to the couple of people there. :laughing

They stared and I looked at them and said "My Penis was on Fire". :rofl

One guy kind of acknowledged that as a thing. Ha!!

I am so glad Holister had showers... saved my ass!!!... I mean Penis. :teeth

Advice: Gasoline and your crotch should maintain proper social distancing.
I see your guts!

This one took place in 10th grade. My friend Ken R. was the only dude in high school that had a car.. actually an old F-100 that he and his Dad restored, but this is a moto tale.

He also had an older Trumph 650 that was flat tracked out. Bitchen bike. Ken and I used to ride dirt bikes together in Jr. High, but when he hit highschool that passed with the truck and Triumph.

One day.. we were going to ride up to Felt Lake and hang a bit, but he got delayed and we took off first. I told him I was going to ride to Foothill Park and back and would catch him as he came up the hill.

My buddy Dave H. (the dude staring at the camera below - I am peaking my blond head out and Ken is to my left) climbed on my RD to head up the hill. At the park we turned around and came back down. We hooked a right on Arastedero which parallels 280 before going under it. Just as we went under he was hauling the mail coming the other way!.. Damn. I hit the stop sigh and turned around.

When we went back under that is when I saw my first street crash. Ken's bike was on the otherside of the road up the hill a bit and he was laying on the road. I went into shock basically. Stopped and my bike and it fell over from me not paying attention (putting down the kickstand :p). Dave jumped off and ran to get the bike up and out of on coming traffic. Shaking I got my bike righted and the kickstand down. I can still remember that moment well. I went to Ken who was now up on his feet but hunched over in pain.

Dave joined us.. "You alright Kenny?"

He muttered his side hurt and slid his jacket up and there was a hole.
Holy shit I could see his guts. :wow It was almost and inch and just above his oblique.

"Dude I can see inside you!!" :barf

It was not bleeding at all and just had a big circluar road rash around it.

Knowing he had a hole he was a bit distraught and also kind of less than fully cognizant. He helmet had a huge rash across the front. Thankfully he was wearing a Bell Star.. saved his face. He said "Koby get me to a hospital".

I barely got my bike off the stand without falling over. Even though we were close to Stanford I knew that Veterans Hospital was closer and I was not thinking right so that is where we went.

He held on with one arm and had his other over the hole. Within 2 blocks I felt him let go of me and I thought he was going to fall off so I stabbed the front brake and yelled "Kenny hold on!" putting my free arm around him.

We were both mentally a mess. When we got to the Hospital I parked right in front and we went in. I literally could not talk. A Dr came up to us and said "Mr. Smith?" (or whatever) and Ken had to talk. "No sir. I just crashed my motorcycle" while wincing in pain. He lifted his jacket and the Dr said "Whoaah!" and shuffled him away. Leaving me standing there is disbelief.

I did not know what to do. No cell phones in those days of course, but after a few minutes I figured I should call someone and ask a nurse if I could use the phone. I called Chumly and told him what happened and asked that he call his Dad and let him know what happened and where Ken and the bike were. He showed up within 15 minutes and came in like a storm, not looking happy. I told him Ken was inside and that his bike was still up under 280, but Dave was there. He told me to wait here and went to find out about Kenny. After a bit he came back and said he was going to be OK. Take me to the bike and we can grab that and I will come back for Ken.

Hearing that he was going to be OK was good and my shaking minimized enough to lead him to the bike. By the time we got there I was back under control and was able to park the bike without falling over this time. :laughing

Dave had the bike upright sitting in the shade. We loaded it and I took Dave to his house where we properly chilled for a while.

Kenny was fine but the sewed up hole left him really sore with any movement. He was quite limpy around school for a month.

That really was the first time I felt that drama fear taking me out of my element. I was honestly very shaken.

Ken has moved to Arizona, but still is a a Cubberley boy at heart.
He is a member here that lurks on occasion. We will see if he finds this. :teeth


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After a couple months Coach told me I could go back to regular PE and I asked if I could stay and help the other kids and weightlift with James. He was a bit shocked by my request but granted it.

I continued to life weights over the next two year ultimately just missing out on the 300 pound club. There were only 5 names on that plaque and I wanted to be on it bad. Coach was a fanatic for form and while I could bench 300 it was always with a windmill due to a karate injury. I settled for the 275 club. I still got the metals.

I recently went to the Memorial for the Coach that led the football team and the special physical education class and thought I would cap this off with a memory of a very special dude. Besides my Dad, he likely had the biggest impact on my life and who I became.

Coach Robert Peters of Cubberley and Gunn High Schools in Palo Alto.
I recenly attended a memorial for Bob and the guy in a short time had a big impact on who I am.

The beginning of the video shares some of who Bob was and shows how unique he really was. Massively strong man. Classical pianist. Stanford grad. Community fundraiser.. caring man. He is the one that raised my competitiveness to another level and showed me there is something special to be had from human kindness. So a bit more about that class and if you want to watch the first few minutes of the vid to see a very cool caring cat that we all called Coach. After I graduated I stayed in touch with Bob via the weight room and also through his side gig selling nutritional products. That remained until he moved South shortly after his first wife passed. He came out to class reunions at a friends house and he really was genuinely loved.

My very short comment at the memorial about this subject is at 1:12.28.

Godspeed Coach. :rip


The Special PhysED class was a mix of mentally and physically challenged students. Since I was temporarily physically challenged I was sent there for a few months. At first I thought this is going to suck, but it only took a week to realize this was an opportunity to rehab and after a few weeks it opened my mind on who the disabled really are. Real humans that just got a bum deal in terms of what we consider being normal.

I would help Bob run the program two days a week and bang weights with James three days a week.

I learned to find great joy in seeing those challenged humans find whatever level of success they could. Helping them to find a smile and sharing it became really a special feeling. My cool ass friends did not understand but Bob sure did. When I asked to stay my friends were :wtf and Bob just seemed to see inside and approve with what would become a very mutual respect that lasted for decades.

I still ride by his old home on my Palo Alto OG Thanksgiving ride and give him a nod and a thanks.
I've been lurking this thread and love the stories. I think you should send them off to a publisher.
I recently went to the Memorial for the Coach that led the football team and the special physical education class and thought I would cap this off with a memory of a very special dude. Besides my Dad, he likely had the biggest impact on my life and who I became.

Coach Robert Peters of Cubberley and Gunn High Schools in Palo Alto.
I recenly attended a memorial for Bob and the guy in a short time had a big impact on who I am.

The beginning of the video shares some of who Bob was and shows how unique he really was. Massively strong man. Classical pianist. Stanford grad. Community fundraiser.. caring man. He is the one that raised my competitiveness to another level and showed me there is something special to be had from human kindness. So a bit more about that class and if you want to watch the first few minutes of the vid to see a very cool caring cat that we all called Coach. After I graduated I stayed in touch with Bob via the weight room and also through his side gig selling nutritional products. That remained until he moved South shortly after his first wife passed. He came out to class reunions at a friends house and he really was genunine loved.

My very short comment at the memorial about this subject is at 1:12.28.

Godspeed Coach. :rip


The Special PhysED class was a mix of mentally and physically challenged students. Since I was temporarily physically challenged I was sent there for a few months. At first I thought this is going to suck, but it only took a week to realize this was an opportunity to rehab and after a few weeks it opened my mind on who the disabled really are. Real humans that just got a bum deal in terms of what we consider being normal.

I would help Bob run the program two days a week and bang weights with James three days a week.

I learned to find great joy in seeing those challenged humans find whatever level of success they could. Helping them to find a smile and sharing it became really a special feeling. My cool ass friends did not understand but Bob sure did. When I asked to stay my friends were :wtf and Bob just seemed to see inside and approve with what would become a very mutual respect that lasted for decades.

I still ride by his old home on my Palo Alto OG Thanksgiving ride and give him a nod and a thanks.
:cry :love Great man who influenced many facets of my life and the interaction with young athletes in regard to life as opposed to the win.
Am I subscribed? Surely!

Edit, yeah I remember you breaking the kickstarter. It was on Troll Trail.
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I recently went to the Memorial for the Coach that led the football team and the special physical education class and thought I would cap this off with a memory of a very special dude. Besides my Dad, he likely had the biggest impact on my life and who I became.

Coach Robert Peters of Cubberley and Gunn High Schools in Palo Alto.
I recenly attended a memorial for Bob and the guy in a short time had a big impact on who I am.

The beginning of the video shares some of who Bob was and shows how unique he really was. Massively strong man. Classical pianist. Stanford grad. Community fundraiser.. caring man. He is the one that raised my competitiveness to another level and showed me there is something special to be had from human kindness. So a bit more about that class and if you want to watch the first few minutes of the vid to see a very cool caring cat that we all called Coach. After I graduated I stayed in touch with Bob via the weight room and also through his side gig selling nutritional products. That remained until he moved South shortly after his first wife passed. He came out to class reunions at a friends house and he really was genuinely loved.

My very short comment at the memorial about this subject is at 1:12.28.

Godspeed Coach. :rip


The Special PhysED class was a mix of mentally and physically challenged students. Since I was temporarily physically challenged I was sent there for a few months. At first I thought this is going to suck, but it only took a week to realize this was an opportunity to rehab and after a few weeks it opened my mind on who the disabled really are. Real humans that just got a bum deal in terms of what we consider being normal.

I would help Bob run the program two days a week and bang weights with James three days a week.

I learned to find great joy in seeing those challenged humans find whatever level of success they could. Helping them to find a smile and sharing it became really a special feeling. My cool ass friends did not understand but Bob sure did. When I asked to stay my friends were :wtf and Bob just seemed to see inside and approve with what would become a very mutual respect that lasted for decades.

I still ride by his old home on my Palo Alto OG Thanksgiving ride and give him a nod and a thanks.

Saw the pics from the event. Looks like it was quite the turnout. Coach had a lot of fans.

Didn't know Cubb had a Special PE class. My developmentally disabled brother went to Gunn after Cubberley closed, and I don't recall anything like that being available. Curious if Coach kept it up at Gunn.
Just read the Ken R tale above. Had never heard that story before. Really liked that Triumph he rode; a street tracker before the term existed.

I have a kind of similar story, not quite as intense:

I was riding at Sunnyvale PAL with Adrian S. We were heading out the entrance road, toward the street. I hung a U, and motioned for him to do the same. He proceeded to lock up the front brake on the sandy asphalt, and went flying over the bars, landing on his chin. This was probably 1973 - still at Wilbur - so no full-face helmet. He landed on his chin. I whipped around, to see if he was OK. He was picking himself up, and I asked that exact question:

"Are you OK?"

"I landed on my chin. Can you take a look?"

"Ugh!" I said, and looked away. It was raw hamburger.

He didn't seem to be in much pain (shock?), so I went over to the 1/4 midget track to use a phone and call his Dad.

"Uh, hi, Mr. S? It's Pete. Adrian crashed and tore up his chin pretty bad. I think you should come pick us up."

Adrian ended up with a bunch of stitches, and then plastic surgery, so it really wasn't noticeable. But I still gave him endless shit in the following years, for locking up the front brake :rolleyes
Oh, man... so much vintage goodness in this thread! I never wheelied a motorcycle down Louis, but I did ride the back wheel on a Raleigh Space Rider from Loma Verde to Greer! And I saw the dark side of 80 on Brian H's Norton Fastback in the other direction, between East Meadow and Alger. Never got a ticket from the PA cops, happy to say.

Raced a number of times at Santa Clara PAL. There were a bunch of guys from high school that raced there... Doug W on his CZ 400, Vernon N and Dave S on their CR125s, Adrian S on his Hodaka Super Rat, and me on my SL100 (I was always a 4-stroke guy) that I also rode to school. Lots of good times.

Baylands was pretty wonderful. In my avatar, that's me clearing the jump behind Mozart's; 1974. Spent many, many afternoons out there. Most memorable was one day when a guy from A&A shows up on a new, bone-stock, '74 Yamaha 125 Enduro. There was some serious MX iron out there that day, but this guy smoked 'em all, suspension topping and bottoming and the thing pogoing all over the place. Mad skillz. Should've gotten his name.

Only knew of one guy who lost it on the sandbags, going under the freeway. His S65 got a nice soak. We all thought it was pretty funny; he did not share our perspective :laughing

Lastly, rode for years with Steve W, first on the street, and then for many years in the dirt. Last I spoke with him, he'd pretty much hung up his helmet.

I have a similar pic from Mozarts on my CZ 250... as a 14yo lad.
Have resisted opening the photo album to grab and scan. It is so pristine and a gift from my Mom. A bunch of love went into it. Can't help but tear up everytime I look at it.

Pretty cool to share some vintage times in the same hood.
Guess it would be good to add some to this. :teeth

Give me a minute.
It's been 45 minutes Bud.........