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Comic strips,and Troll Faces, etc. (NSFW images must be linked & labelled)

If you can't piss with someone standing next to you also pissing, I'm not sure what to tell you. In the Army, we had toilets lined up the same way with no stalls. If you gotta go, you gotta go. :dunno
Pretty sure he can and does, but who likes being shoulder to shoulder with other dudes holding their wieners spraying piss all over the place? People are nasty and I don't want to be near them under normal circumstances, let alone when they're excreting bodily fluids.
You do realize that's not how it really works, right? At no point in my life have I pissed in a urinal next to someone doing the same without a divider and had their piss spray on to me. :laughing
No, but I have eyes. And if you use a public bathroom, piss is going to get on your shoes regardless. Not only that, any particles of anything floating in the air will get on your clothes regardless so what are you going to do? Not use public bathrooms because you're afraid of cross-contamination? :dunno :laughing
Well which is it, there's no pee on you, or you can't do anything about the pee on you? :p
It's always weird how when a bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a while, there's a 3ft radius of moisture on the floor. Must be the humidity from people's feet.
The round urinal at the very right of the picture looks very practical
It's always weird how when a bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a while, there's a 3ft radius of moisture on the floor. Must be the humidity from people's feet.

That's called lazy fuckers that stand too far to the rear when they're solo or there are dividers. However, when's the last time someone did that when you were right next to them and there were no dividers? Everyone's afraid someone might see their tiny wee-wee. They move right up on the urinal when there's other people nearby.
All I can say is, you've probably been pee'd on a lot and don't know/deny it. Ur wunna dem peedeniers.
If you can't piss with someone standing next to you also pissing, I'm not sure what to tell you. In the Army, we had toilets lined up the same way with no stalls. If you gotta go, you gotta go. :dunno

Public restrooms are not the Army. If there's enough room to leave a urinal between us, don't walk up to the one right next to me. Urinal etiquette, bro :x
Public restrooms are not the Army. If there's enough room to leave a urinal between us, don't walk up to the one right next to me. Urinal etiquette, bro :x

No one wants to do it if they don't have to. The point is, it's not impossible to pee next to someone else. And yes, it's not the Army, but at least the Army proved to me that Americans really are a bunch of damn Quakers. :laughing
