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Good-ass cover songs

They're both trying to make the song something it isn't, and neither singer is doing themselves any favors with the annoying affectations. The second one is trying WAY too hard :laughing

For the Beatles fans and Paul's Bday.

A blatant repost... because this version is way better than it has a right to be!
And it's that time of the year!:teeth

Any fans of Ryan Adams' covers?

I see that he's covered 3 important popular music albums: Blood on the Tracks (Dylan), Nebraska (Springsteen), 1989 (Swift).

The 1st two are free to download. I did, but haven't listened to them yet.

If there are songs from those or any other covers by Adams that you like, post up.
This one...

"So understand
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years
Face up, make your stand
Realize you're living in the golden years"