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(Handled) Mean dad broken down , needs help (6/10/13)

OK, now THIS is what I like to see!! BARFers all jumping in to help- I've got almost a dozen PMs and notifications because everyone wants to help... THIS is why I love this place!!! :)

Big BIG ups to Mark for making the trek out to the hinterlands to scoop up Kev and get him home... and big thanks to everyone who took the time to PM me, send text messages, and volunteer to facilitate! All y'all RAWK!! :banana

Mark, if you run into any trouble, call me or shoot me a text message! :thumbup
Kevin has been called. Any other rescue efforts please stand down 'cause Splat has it handled.
People love Meandad! :love

I'm so happy Splat stepped up, or else I'd be in traffic right now. Splat, if I am ever in Sactown I am buying you a beverage of your choice 'cause Kevin is one of my favorite people. :)
Home safely. Thank you all very much, I appreciate it.
Also, Ninja 250's are surprisingly heavy when you're pushing it up a ramp into a lifted pick up.

Aaand this is why my bike has a CAN-Bus system and outlet, so I can keep my phone charged. :teeth

I'd help, but I'm at Moffett Field and on the bike and at work, so I'm kinda not available.

Sorry, next time. :thumbup


Can your CAN-Bus fix a smart phone after a +/-80mph impact?
Kevin, so glad you're home... and yeah, I've shoved a Li'l Ninjette up a ramp by myself... it blows... :nchantr
Hope the Li'l Ninjette is easily fixed, and you're back on the road asap!

Mark, again, THANK YOU for stepping up!! I'm out in Sac now and again- you've got a good beer on me next time! :thumbup
Thank you, but no need for any beverages...just paying it forward somehow some way. Never know when it might be me standing on the side of the road.

I have a short ramp that works well with a my little dirt bike, unfortunately, a lifted F150 isn't ideal for road side rescue. Maybe I'll seriously look into a hitch carrier again.
Goddammit this is exactly why the wife should have let me buy that Huey.

Get it! I volunteer Jason's services to keep it serviced. :teeth

Kev, glad you're home safe and sound. BARF rocks!
At least you made it to a Chev station Kevin ;) . Glad you got assistance quickly!
At least you made it to a Chev station Kevin ;) . Glad you got assistance quickly!

All I can think of is Splat's drive home to Sac. We sure are surrounded by good generous people.