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How Can Some People Eat the Same Fude Every Day?


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2002
Menlo Park, CA USA
'05 ZRX1200
You know them, the super cheap/super healthy. These folks must have been born w/o tastebuds!!! I have no freakin idea how they can eat the same stuff every day.

I see them on Mondays, coming in to work really happy, because they spent all day Sunday preparing their 4 gallons of slop, and today will be their 1st day (and only day) that they will enjoy eating their bowl of gruel.

This is why these people, unlike the norm, become MORE miserable as the work week nears it's end.

They are not happy. They have no joy in their (lives). These are the type of people who smile when they look at their 401K investment portfolios because it is growing by massive leaps and bounds, due to the fact that they have learned to live the life of a pauper. They do not know what Salt tastes like. They only know of one flavor= the flavor of paste, because that is what fude tastes like by Thursday, when it is the same thing you've been eating all week.

I know that I speak as though I dislike these people, I do not. In fact, I'm secretly jealous of them. I only wish I could save as much money as they do by never eating at a restaurant, buying cookbooks, or buying spices to put into my fude.

How about you? Can you eat the same fude daily?
You get used to it. And it makes you appreciate eating out or going to parties SO much more. :p

i'm sick of preparing food to bring to work. i'm also sick of eating out.

How about you? Can you eat the same fude daily?

If I really like it, I don't see why I can't.

Granted I've always believed that you gotta moderate things that you like or you end up hating it if you have excess of it.

But when I still had my bachelor pad and lived a mile or two away from work, I always came home for lunch and cooked the same shit everyday if I didn't have leftovers of anything else: eggs with a bit of milk and garlic powder scrambled, and all beef hot dogs. For lunch.

I LOVE breakfast food. I can eat them all day, and they're easy and cheap to make.

It's true that it also saves me money, which every now and then affords me to treat myself to something nice (meal or not) without guilt, but it was never really about saving money.

I just really liked breakfast food. :teeth
I could eat pizza everyday. I had my nephews for a couple of weeks and apparently they can survive off of pizza too. :laughing
I could eat pizza everyday. I had my nephews for a couple of weeks and apparently they can survive off of pizza too. :laughing

I used to be like that too back in high school. Then I started working at my aunt's pizza parlor, it took me 5+ years to start enjoying pizza again cuz I ate soo much of it while I was there.

btw, if you like carmalized onions, try a cheese and onion pizza :drool
yeah, I eat the same thing every day, I just prepare it a little bit different but really it just boils down to fish or chicken and salad.

I'm getting kind of sick of salad, but the chicken and fish I still enjoy:thumbup
They only know of one flavor= the flavor of paste, because that is what fude tastes like by Thursday, when it is the same thing you've been eating all week.
How about you? Can you eat the same fude daily?

I swere....no :facepalm
I used to be like that too back in high school. Then I started working at my aunt's pizza parlor, it took me 5+ years to start enjoying pizza again cuz I ate soo much of it while I was there.

btw, if you like carmalized onions, try a cheese and onion pizza :drool

I couldn't work in a pizza joint, i'd be eating all the profits :rofl Naw man, it is all about the sausage, jalapeno, black olive pizza :love :love

This thread made me hungry :cry
Eating out regularly costs too much and im too lazy to cook daily so I usually cook enough to last me for a few days. Granted whatever I cook is good I have no problem with finishing it off.
If I make a big piece of meat, or two racks of ribs or somat, you can bet I am eating that shit everyday until it is gone :thumbup

Then again I like my cooking, and I can't afford not to eat everything even if it is four days in a row

waste not want not :x
You're talking about me...word for word.

oatmeal, dry chewy chicken, and spinach. Thats really it....really....and eggwhites.

I actually love oatmeal like some people love piza and doughnuts. Waht keeps me away from doughnuts and booze and chocolate are my rippliing 6 pack abs and the ability to chase a hawt chick 8 miles away on the running trail....

Plus i save a shit load of money
I think it just comes down to some people just view eating as a function. A way to survive. Others it's a passion.

I love food. I like to cook.

I'm picky when it comes to what stuff I will eat, so that narrows my range of foods so it seems like I eat the same stuff all the time. Basically meat and potatos.
Because I'd rather eat anything, even if its the same bowl of rice porridge/packets of Ramen for weeks on end then starve.

Everyday when I was still in school ('cept college) for years, I've always had a sandwich and a fruit for lunch - the sandwich is usually made with some lunch meat, cheese, and lettuce while the fruit's generally an apple (though, sometimes, we changed it depending on what was good and in season). I think that at least for lunch, I can mosly have the same thing everyday since I'm one of those who always orders the same thing at each particular restaurants- I know, I'm boring sometimes. :blush :laughing