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How Can Some People Eat the Same Fude Every Day?

You're talking about me...word for word.

oatmeal, dry chewy chicken, and spinach. Thats really it....really....and eggwhites.

I actually love oatmeal like some people love piza and doughnuts. Waht keeps me away from doughnuts and booze and chocolate are my rippliing 6 pack abs and the ability to chase a hawt chick 8 miles away on the running trail....

Plus i save a shit load of money

So what you're saying is your hawt and have lots of money! How YOU doing? :leghump :laughing :twofinger

I cannot eat the same thing for more than two nights in a row. I'd rather not eat at all which wouldn't be so bad for me 'cause I could stand to lose a pound or 50... :p I tend to buy small amounts of ingredients and then make a small meal with one leftover to take to lunch. Works better for my family. :)
I've seen people bring pasta in topperware for the whole week and that's all they ate at work. I've not gone to that extreme but I tend to eat the same thing, like mentioned, oatmeal and veggies. That's about it. Once in a while I'll get pizza or sushi or Panera. But that's really the extent of my diet.
I dunno lefty, if it's tasty food I can eat it over and over again. One time I made a 12 qt. stockpot full of chili, and ate that for a couple weeks straight. Of course that resulted in brown clouds that hang around in that house I was renting to this day...
variety is the spice of life! ;)

if you ever vacation in Ireland and stay in B&B's you'll be eating the same thing every morning and will get sick of it. :laughing
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yeah, I eat the same thing every day, I just prepare it a little bit different but really it just boils down to fish or chicken and salad.

I'm getting kind of sick of salad, but the chicken and fish I still enjoy:thumbup

Same here.

Sunday I made a buttload of beef stew. Froze half for some other time. Sunday night we had beef stew with a side salad (with all kinds of things in it).

Monday for lunch I had beef stew with hot sauce.

Tuesday for lunch I had beef stew with a bunch of melted cheese and a side of toast.

Wednesday I had beef stew with hot sauce and a fried egg.

It's been great!
It drives my g/f up the wall, considering that she loves food, but I'm strictly apathetic towards it. Good food is good, but I honestly don't care that much about what I eat. It's food, it's objective is to get me through the day and let me do more important things.
I grew up in a family that talked about what were going to have for dinner while eating breakfast or lunch. Sitting at the dinner table was mandatory. We HAD to at least try everything that was cooked even if us kids couldn't stand it. If I get a call from the family in the evening, first question is "what are you making/what did you have for dinner?" Now I live with a gal who is so insanely resourceful that meal plans incorporate leftovers from previous meals so they take on something else; hardly anything goes to waste. The only thing that I eat that is the same almost every day is a banana and some yogurt. But even the yogurt gets a different treatment every day.

To me, food is so much more than just fuel that gets you through the day. But I do understand how people find comfort in the familiar.

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You know them, the super cheap/super healthy. These folks must have been born w/o tastebuds!!! I have no freakin idea how they can eat the same stuff every day.
You are not a Mexican-American or Mexican, are you?

Honest question: Do American Hispanics eat anything other than peasant Mexican food?
I think it just comes down to some people just view eating as a function. A way to survive. Others it's a passion.

I love food. I like to cook.

I'm picky when it comes to what stuff I will eat, so that narrows my range of foods so it seems like I eat the same stuff all the time. Basically meat and potatos.
This makes no sense. You got $? Come eat with me for a few days. If you LOVE food, how the hell can meat and potatoes be your only meal?

There is apparently a gene that determines whether somebody can get the same amount of enjoyment each and every time that they do the same activity (such as eating the same thing). Those of us who have the gene (probably a large proportion of the Motorcycling community) get less pleasure out of doing the same activity each time we do it, so we are driven to do new things in order to get pleasure.

My guess is that the people who are eating the same thing every day probably don't have this gene.

The gene has a nickname of 'the risk-takers gene', because of the fact that many people who have it tend to get involved with 'risky' sports in order to achieve the pleasure from doing something new.

THIS is why I am surprised all the time by posts on barf. Even from YOU.

For god's sake, we ride around on two wheels with no real protection. Everything else, less than war, is easy.

I will eat almost anything. And I HAVE. I can cook almost anything.

We will have a Barf dinner at my house before I die. I promise to make something for everyone.

some of us do what we need to survive when things drop in the crapper. Eating the same ramen daily is an easy sacrifice by comparison.

You know them, the super cheap/super healthy. These folks must have been born w/o tastebuds!!! I have no freakin idea how they can eat the same stuff every day.

I see them on Mondays, coming in to work really happy, because they spent all day Sunday preparing their 4 gallons of slop, and today will be their 1st day (and only day) that they will enjoy eating their bowl of gruel.

This is why these people, unlike the norm, become MORE miserable as the work week nears it's end.

They are not happy. They have no joy in their (lives). These are the type of people who smile when they look at their 401K investment portfolios because it is growing by massive leaps and bounds, due to the fact that they have learned to live the life of a pauper. They do not know what Salt tastes like. They only know of one flavor= the flavor of paste, because that is what fude tastes like by Thursday, when it is the same thing you've been eating all week.

I know that I speak as though I dislike these people, I do not. In fact, I'm secretly jealous of them. I only wish I could save as much money as they do by never eating at a restaurant, buying cookbooks, or buying spices to put into my fude.

How about you? Can you eat the same fude daily?
I changed up my normal routine :)

instead of a glass of wine at 4.45 I poured a vodka on the rocks, is that good enough Lefty :confused :p
You know them, the super cheap/super healthy. These folks must have been born w/o tastebuds!!! I have no freakin idea how they can eat the same stuff every day.

I see them on Mondays, coming in to work really happy, because they spent all day Sunday preparing their 4 gallons of slop, and today will be their 1st day (and only day) that they will enjoy eating their bowl of gruel.

This is why these people, unlike the norm, become MORE miserable as the work week nears it's end.

They are not happy. They have no joy in their (lives). These are the type of people who smile when they look at their 401K investment portfolios because it is growing by massive leaps and bounds, due to the fact that they have learned to live the life of a pauper. They do not know what Salt tastes like. They only know of one flavor= the flavor of paste, because that is what fude tastes like by Thursday, when it is the same thing you've been eating all week.

I know that I speak as though I dislike these people, I do not. In fact, I'm secretly jealous of them. I only wish I could save as much money as they do by never eating at a restaurant, buying cookbooks, or buying spices to put into my fude.

How about you? Can you eat the same fude daily?

You've been brainwashed.... mislead by the corporate food giants that convinced you that the crap you're ingesting is actually edible. As evidenced by the fact that you think that preparing food is not as good as buying corporate produced processed "fude". Its a result of watching too much crap in video form and passively allowing the sales pitches to separate you from your money.

Junk food creates a need for more junk food. As your tastebuds are destroyed by more of that corporate food, you need more of that.... more "taste" to compensate for your loss of sensitivity in your taste buds.

Then you eat more... you get fatter..... then you get obese.... get diabetes.... arteries narrow... You die and the CEOs of the food companies making this imitation food gets rich... ain't life grand.