HWY 17 Accident rider down.

Re: Re: Re: Re: DAMN PO PO

Rel said:
First and foremost..... I hope the rider gets well soon.

Secondly, it wasn't reckless driving. It was driving to fast for conditions.

If LEO's took into custody every driver that caused a major crash due to HUA (Head Up Ass), then the jails would be filled with: Soccer moms, teenagers, business men, and all sorts of people who were doing something OTHER then focusing on driving.
Don't have to fill up the jails, but a period of having their license taken away would at least keep them the heck off the road and the inconvenience of not being able to drive might screw their head on a little better. ;)
AverageGuy said:
Glen still has no real feeling below the waist due to the damage to his L4-L5. He also has a broken nose, broken rib, punctured lung, and they're draining the blood out of his lungs. Glen is having surgery today. They'll be putting a titanium support around his spine. The doctor says that over time (1-2 years) he should regain most or all of the use of his legs.

BTW...his bike was a black and silver 954.

Tell Glen to keep his head up! Be strong and I wish him the best of recovery.
I am sure PD was doing the best they could as far as their job is concerned. But enough is enough. Stop showing the public that riders are at the bottom of the food chain. I feel as if we are being made examples of. Thats its our faults that we own a motorcycle. BAH!
VROOM35 said:
I am sure PD was doing the best they could as far as their job is concerned. But enough is enough. Stop showing the public that riders are at the bottom of the food chain. I feel as if we are being made examples of. Thats its our faults that we own a motorcycle. BAH!

So are you a memeber of AMA?;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: DAMN PO PO

Rel said:
First and foremost..... I hope the rider gets well soon.

Secondly, it wasn't reckless driving. It was driving to fast for conditions.

If LEO's took into custody every driver that caused a major crash due to HUA (Head Up Ass), then the jails would be filled with: Soccer moms, teenagers, business men, and all sorts of people who were doing something OTHER then focusing on driving.

Driving too fast for the conditions is by definition reckless. There are very few crashes that are truly accidents, most are a failure by the driver to control their vehicle. If you are negligent in handling a firearm and cause death or injury to another person there are criminal penalties that can be applied. The same should be true for automobiles.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: DAMN PO PO

Chim Chim said:
Driving too fast for the conditions is by definition reckless.The same should be true for automobiles.

The vehicle code is not written that way.
Re: Re: Re: Re: DAMN PO PO

Rel said:

If LEO's took into custody every driver that caused a major crash due to HUA (Head Up Ass), then the jails would be filled with: Soccer moms, teenagers, business men, and all sorts of people who were doing something OTHER then focusing on driving.

As someone else mentioned - if these idiots lost their driving privileges for a year or so, the roads would be safer and the idiots would learn the error of their ways without additional cost to socienty like jail.

Heck, people go to jail every day for "victimless" crimes, why shouldn't someone that has caused material losses, injury or death to another go to jail?

That was the original basis of our legal system and criminal laws, protecting citizens from injury (Assault), Death (Murder), and loss (Theft) at the hands of others. Civil law was created to provide a mechanism for individuals that have suffered harm/losses to recover their losses but not really as a penalty to the original offender (until punitive damages came along).

Our criminal law system is so screwed up at this point, it is no deterrent to prevent crime (as it was intended) so most people end up using civil law to recoup.

Oh yeah, someone referred to this incident as "an accident" and that "accidents happen"... Well, I refuse to refer to this type of incident as "an accident". The unskilled driver made a conscious decision to drive in an unsafe manner that resulted in the injury of another - that's not an accident.

Here's something to ponder: at what speed does an average sedan present more deadly force than a 9mm bullet fired at close range? ANSWER: <20 MPH.

OK - off my rant.

More importantly, Prayers for speedy and full recovery of the downed rider.

Climber said:
I guess you missed this:

I split alot across the Bay Bridge, but it is almost completely straight and even there the drivers are generally more in control than I've experienced (on the weekend) on 17. I also don't split at speed more than a crawl on a windy road.

please keep in mind my disclaimer: i did not actually see any lanesplitting as i did not see the accident. it was only what i heard one witness say.

they might not have had an accurate view, etc. my guess is that traffic would have been doing around ~55-60 at that turn and would have been a terrible idea to split in that turn even with perfect driving for the cars on either side.

silverbelt said:
Yeah, thats really what it comes down to.