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If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...


AFM #731
Oct 30, 2006
GSXR-1000; GSX-R 450 Triple race bike "Timmay"; GS 500 race bike "The Murderbike"

1)PM me... my cell phone sends a notification when I get a PM... THEN:
2) Post it up in General! Be sure to include your general location (Hiway 9 near Boulder Creek, Hiway 1 near Tomales, etc). By posting up in General, it also gives every BARFer who sees the thread the opportunity to jump in and help who may not even be on the Volunteer list, which could be a good (and fast!) thing if I'm out riding!
3) As extra coverage, you should also post up in this thread- I'm subscribed to it, so I get notifications when there's a new post (as do some of the other Roadside Angels! :) )
**AGAIN... PLEASE... Be sure to send me a PM!! If all you do is post up in General, I'll only find out if I happen to be on BARF, or someoe else thinks to PM me on your behalf!**

EDIT #2: If you think you can fix the bike and ride it home, please update your post that you no longer need help! And remember- this is for emergencies only, when you're stranded, and have no other options! This is NOT for hauling your bike from your house to a shop because it won't start!

EDIT #3: PLEASE INCLUDE CONTACT INFORMATION (phone #), and your FINAL DESTINATION- and be sure to go back later and edit out your number. But being able to get in contact with you will help me figure out where you are to get someone as close to you (and where you need to be) as possible out to help, and let you know someone's on the way (as well as an ETA), and allow you to let me (or the volunteer) know if you no longer need assistance.

EDIT #4: If you don't have a smartphone with internet access, please call a friend/family member, and have them post up for you. If they don't have a BARF account, have them log on for you on your account, and post up that way.

EDIT #5: YOU ARE EXPECTED TO REIMBURSE MY VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR COSTS IN GETTING OUT TO YOU, AND GETTING YOU WHERE YOU NEED TO GO. I cannot believe I need to tell people this, but it has happened enough in the last year that it's becoming an issue. My Volunteers are donating their TIME... this should not cost them money, as well.

After the posts the last couple of days from people who crashed and needed help, I thought I should put this up. I have a private "emergency contact" list of people willing to help in various locations around the Bay, in the event I can't get there myself. No one should be stranded on the side of the road, hurt, wondering how much damage they took, the bike took, and how they're getting home, let alone the bike.

I'll either arrange for one of my awesome "Roadside Angel" volunteers to help, or come get you myself.

If you have a truck & ramp, and are willing to be on the contact list, please let me know. The more names I have, the better the chance of getting someone out right away. PM me with your name, phone number, and your city. I'll add you to the list, and thank you for your willingness to help out fellow BARFers! :)
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If you are in SF I could grab my dad's truck. My ramp is in the garage with my bike.

...(I work and am in school a lot though)
you do. and a trailer, too. with installed chocks and tie downs :) you were there for me, I'll make my equipment and time available to others.

(still grateful you came to my rescue!)

You and Rich would be the first people I would call to help out a fellow rider.:thumbup

You don't need to be grateful- but you still owe me brownies. :p
If you are near 916 and need help- PM me. I don't have a truck and ramp- but I can find one. :)

You were the first person I contacted when Danni had her incident... thank you for being there! :)

If you are in SF I could grab my dad's truck. My ramp is in the garage with my bike.

...(I work and am in school a lot though)

Please PM me your contact information, I'll add you to the list. If you can't help, no worries- either I'll get out there, or hit up the next guy on the list! :thumbup
I'm on the list :angel

but, only for roadside karaoke, I aint no good at anything else :rofl

gots no truck either :toothless
Ass, Grass or Gas! nobody rides for free

Seriously though, I have hauled at least 5 riders home since acquiring my bike 2 years ago without my name on any lists.

The ducati.ms forum has a cool thread that you add contact info and resources, maybe we could try this? Its would be nice having this as posted info for the ease of printing out and stuffing in the emergency bike kit. check it out

I'll pm my info. In San Jose with truck and ramps.
Excellent idea.

Also, If you sign up for auto annual reup with AMA, you also get free roadside towing with it, but it wouldn`t have that warm Barf touch.
How awesome! Wish I knew you, well I kinda do already.

I plan on reaching out to you regarding an event I'm doing this Spring up on Hwy 9.


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Excellent idea.

Also, If you sign up for auto annual reup with AMA, you also get free roadside towing with it, but it wouldn`t have that warm Barf touch.

He he, he said "warm barf":laughing

I see the possibility for abuse of this system, anyone wanting a date with gixxergirl just pulls a couple of plug wires outside of a romantic restaurant!!
