If you crash or break down, & need help getting your bike home...

Awesome idea Connie! Good karma coming your way and the others that are willing to help. I'm sure one of these days i will need someones assistance.

I see the possibility for abuse of this system, anyone wanting a date with gixxergirl just pulls a couple of plug wires outside of a romantic restaurant!!


Someone lying to Connie? :wow Oh that won't be pretty.
I just helped out a fellow barfer with medium sized bike. The only glitch would be a touring sized or immobile ,i.e bent non rollable bike. I answered a call from a friend who it turns out was riding a six cylinder full touring rig. No ramp/pick up possible here. If you ride a large bike, make arrangements for alternate pick ups.
I was thinking of posting a thread like this awhile back when I was at work and then forgot about it until right now. It'd be good to have a group of people willing to go pick up downed bikes and riders in popular areas that are a bit off the beaten path so if then unforeseen happens there is help close!

I am down in Carmel and know a lot of people ride Carmel Valley Road & Highway 1 south. With it's inherent danger and proximity to friends in the bay area could leave a rider stranded for hours in unfamiliar territory if something went awry.

I have a ramp and tie downs and a tire changer, and a mechanical genius of a brother.

If anyone gets stuck down in this area and needs some help call me...
call Connie she's got my contact info!

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PM Sent. Also I have 1 gallon gas cans here and can swing out to bring you some gas if needed. Im in SF near 280 and 101 by Top of the Hill. Also available to just come hang out till help with a truck arrives. Hopefully no one will need the help but I'm around if you do.
Also this thread is full of awesome and yes MODS please sticky.
How awesome! Wish I knew you, well I kinda do already.

I plan on reaching out to you regarding an event I'm doing this Spring up on Hwy 9.



Happy to help, Michael, and I look forward to hearing from you!

He he, he said "warm barf":laughing

I see the possibility for abuse of this system, anyone wanting a date with gixxergirl just pulls a couple of plug wires outside of a romantic restaurant!!


Actually, I'd be surprised and flattered as hell if a guy went to all that trouble just to take me out to dinner! :laughing

Once again you prove your awesomeness.


Just here to help, that's all!
Did you get your bike home yet, or are you still needing some help with that? Let me know if you need some help.
Connie you rock, so when are you going to do another 1Rider event?

Hey Nick! Probably not until March, unless we get an unexpected couple of warm days... I really want to be able to reach newer riders, and there's just not as many Newbies out this time of year! Come spring, though, I'll be out at least once a month! :)

Someone lying to Connie? :wow Oh that won't be pretty.

Actually, in that instance, I'd be flustered, and flattered! Of course, they'd better be mostly hawt :x ... and wouldn't it suck if I sent one of the guys on the list?? :laughing

I just helped out a fellow barfer with medium sized bike. The only glitch would be a touring sized or immobile ,i.e bent non rollable bike. I answered a call from a friend who it turns out was riding a six cylinder full touring rig. No ramp/pick up possible here. If you ride a large bike, make arrangements for alternate pick ups.

In that instance, I'd roll out myself with my trailer. And any bike that's not rolling is going to bring out me with the trailer, too. No way I'm going to try to roll something with square wheels up a ramp into the back of my 4-wheel drive truck! :laughing
subscribed...been stranded before on the side of the freeway..no fun at all
You are too kewl Connie. :thumbup When I clicked on Mcarb's thread yesterday, I was telling Kreem that I bet Connie already has it in hand. Lo and behold, thar you were (along with Hooli and a couple of other great BARFers)!

If you need help pushing things on the truck give me a call, or if you need Coffee...
You are too kewl Connie. :thumbup When I clicked on Mcarb's thread yesterday, I was telling Kreem that I bet Connie already has it in hand. Lo and behold, thar you were (along with Hooli and a couple of other great BARFers)!

If you need help pushing things on the truck give me a call, or if you need Coffee...

Or a bag of cement... you're good that way, too! :thumbup :laughing
Connie you can add me to the help list ;)

I dont have truck or trailer but I have jeep and joe hauler so if the bike still rolls and is in 1 piece then I can help

I think you have my info but i'll pm you anyways
thanks for today connie your the bestest:thumbup
Connie you rock. :thumbup.

I have a 3x ramp too, if someone needs to borrow it. I'm cool with that. My shortbed taco doesnt like hauling anything larger then a 600cc though. :-/