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It's HOHO TIME. 7/28-7/30/2023

Just registered again. Please send me to special place. I’m still dealing with ye old crashed up ribs may or may not bring a bike
^^ooofff, sorry to hear about the ribs, hope to see you there in any capacity^^

Was prepping this weekend! Tires scrubbed, bolts bolted, bike CLEANED (made me think of Paul, always gave me shit for not having a clean bike :laughing). Nothing but gassing up and packing :teeth :party

Anyway, prepping and riding got me thinking of past rallies and all the awesome amazing people you get to meet, ride, and spend time with. Great memories and miles of smiles. If you are interested in going and are on the fence for any reason, pull the trigger and go! :ride

I also had a “holy shit” moment. A very strong memory popped. On Hoho 2021, I had the pleasure of having lunch in Etna at Denny Bar Co. with Paul “Big Dog Bites” and Ed “Sweeping Winger”. Moto lunch for me is usually gas station or roadside, sitting for a long lunch means I’m not riding. Boo. But that Saturday, I heard Ed and Paul talking about this place in Etna and I’m thinking that it would be really cool to sit with these guys. I am so glad I did. A nice long lunch with two moto OGs on a day when we didn’t have to be anywhere. I will miss them.

I’ll be thinking about BDB, Sweeping Winger, and Hoho this coming weekend. My bike will be clean, I’m not going to be in a hurry, and will bring some crazy unnecessary tech gadget. 3 scoops please.
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Heya, I'll be heading down from Portland for this. In a car :( =, bad shoulder. Looking for any hotel cancellation?
Just registered again. Please send me to special place. I’m still dealing with ye old crashed up ribs may or may not bring a bike

Done sent ya!!!!

Heya, I'll be heading down from Portland for this. In a car :( =, bad shoulder. Looking for any hotel cancellation?

Ribs... shoulder... age catching up to us?? :laughing

Hope ya find a spot Kyle. ;)
BTW, also just registered. And spoke to Motopropellent about rooms.... the Lord will provide.... "ah there'll be plenty of rooms"
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BTW, also just registered. And spoke to Motopropellent about rooms.... the Lord will provide.... "ah there'll be plenty of rooms"

Just cuddle with Klau. :laughing

I gave him one of my doubles and told him to reach out to Jeff.
May be a room coming up :(
I thought owning your own business meant freedom :mad

I hate boats and barges. See if it can be resolved by tonight.
Owning your own business means doing what you gotta do when you gotta do it. The freedom comes in smaller doses. Still worth it to me.

Hope you get it resolved G.
I have not posted in many moons. :twofinger
But I am in with +2 other non-barf goobers.


Well howdy!! Looking forward to seeing flashes of you this weekend!
Job has stepped in for me too. :( I've been working towards a "normal" desk job since moving to Seattle last spring. Body is fuckin tired of working nights and loud 14-16 hour shifts in the fulfillment center. I've progressed to the final stage of multiple interviews and they booked me for tomorrow and Friday afternoon. They make the decision on Monday so no wiggle room. I'm grateful for the opportunity and have to take it. It's been a really awful year and I was looking forward to spending time relaxing and reminiscing. My room will be available. Please hoist a beverage for all of our missing :angelBARFers for me and hopefully I will see some of you in Hawthorne
Bummer.... and good luck!!!!
Anyone on the fence because no rooms available? Single room is up for grabs.