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Julian's 2022 Dirtbag Challeneg build!

Actually the hard part... assembling a "complete (looking) motorcycle" and getting it titled was done many years ago. All I had to do to prepare for the above photos was make one phone call to instate the insurance and walk in to my local DMV (an appointment helps) and write a check. Super easy if titles and non-ops are kept up to date:teeth

Ya sir! California RZ... now CRZ!!!

Thanks for the props:party... but you do realize that concentric adjusters don't work very well for chain adjustment... but eccentric adjusters work really well:thumbup
I’m not even sure if I’m eccentric or eclectic. :cool
I'm curious as to what type of welder are you using? TIG, MIG, ore stick?
I'm curious as to what type of welder are you using? TIG, MIG, ore stick?

Ah geez... I know my welds aren't the prettiest, but are they so bad you can't tell what technique I'm using?:wow Anyway, I'm using a Miller Dialarc 250-HF. Its an older TIG machine.

20210115_133052 by andbike, on Flickr

The front looks similar to this (photo not my machine)
Old school says there are good welds and bad welds. Good welds hold, bad one's don't. Your welds look good to me, solid and neat. That they aren't as pretty as machine made welds doesn't matter. Good job!
good to see you, the bike and all the other creative participants at the d/b reveal party today
nice burnout, too.

glad you are still with us and kicking ass

that “Akira” scooter was missing the “citizen” graphics but otherwise was hilarious
I missed this one, darn it. I had a huge conflict. Went to the 2 stroke extravaganza the same day.

Can we see some photos and videos please???
The Dirtbag Challenge has now come and gone. This past week has been so crazy I'm not sure where to start. I'm not going to bother with the last few fabrication or assembly photos and just jump to some final pictures.

But first, there was some drama earlier in the week that should be mentioned. Last weekend I finished the final welding, but was not able to assemble the bike. I arranged to take Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off of work to allow assembly time and be ready for Friday morning departure. Well, none of that went as planned.

Wednesday morning I woke up at 6am with a burning pain in my gut. It felt like I was passing a gall stone (had one a few years ago). So off to ER I go!

Once at the hospital they do some scans and blood work. The verdict... I've got a gallbladder full of stones and its infected! Dirtbag will have to wait. Fuck!

The doctors discuss removing my gallbladder, but other medical issues are preventing them from doing that at this time so I'll have to wait a few months for the operation. In the mean time they decide to install a drain bag with a tube to help my gallbladder expel fluids. Great:x

I'm finally released from the hospital Friday night. There is no way to make the Dirtbag ride at this point. There is still the party on Sunday, but the bike is still in pieces and I feel like shit.

It takes every once of energy I can find to motivate myself to assemble the bike on Saturday. I work till 11pm while taking lots of rest breaks along the way (did I mention I had just been released after 3 days in the hospital). I get up early on Sunday and continue. I don't worry about lights. No rear brake. I focus on what I barely need to make the bike run.

Around noon I kick it over and it fires up! I ride down the driveway and into the street making a u-turn and back up the driveway. Good enough!

By 2:30 I've got the bike loaded into my truck and wife and I head to the party. I arrive before the Dirtbags so I can finally catch my breath. I meet up up with a friend who was on the ride but got separated. We are waiting at a rendezvous point a few blocks away expecting the main group anytime. I text my wife and she lets me know the group just arrived from the other direction. Crap!

I fire up the bike and head over to the party. I pull in and light up my first burnout. A few people recognize me and go nuts that I made it. I go nuts happy that I made it! Suddenly the exhaustion is gone. I can't believe I made it to the last and final Dirtbag Challeneg after everything that has happened:wow:teeth:party

20220925_173017 by andbike, on Flickr

20220925_175916 by andbike, on Flickr

Discussing details of the build with Mr Dirtbag himself...

dirtbag photo 1 by andbike, on Flickr

My second burnout. (notice proper two finger braking while palming the throttle). Not sure how to load a video, but if it doesn't load you can click the still image and should go the the video... I think).

DBC burnout by andbike, on Flickr

Dirtbag has had a few long standing traditions... first, if you don't complete the ride you don't get to be in the show. And second, only Dirtbags get to vote on Dirtbags for awards. Three, there is an award called the "Founder's Choice" which is traditionally reserved for someone who is deserving of an award but did not otherwise receive one. I was highly honored to receive the 2022 Dirtbag Challenge Founder's Choice Award!

Now I can rest.
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I was highly honored to receive the 2022 Dirtbag Challenge Founder's Choice Award!

Now I can rest.

wow, so awesome, congratulations! adversity overcome. :hail

my fam got a couple pics of the 2022 Dirtbag Founder's Choice bike at the party on Sunday:



Nice, congrats on the award, seems pretty well deserved to me bike looks pretty solid!
Congrats on the award brother. I'm glad you made it out to the party if not for the ride.
Congrats on the award brother. I'm glad you made it out to the party if not for the ride.

And it's extra cool you got some much deserved recognition on the very last DB Challenge.
Congratulations, Julian. I'm happy for you!
What they said ^^^^^^

Way to go Julian. I'm so happy for you that you were able to attend this event. Unbelievable that you were able to get the bike into the condition that you did. Perseverance and determination. I wish I could've made it but I spontaneously went to the conflicting event down south.

Heal up quick bro.:Port
What they said ^^^^^^

Way to go Julian.

What everyone said ^^^^^

Thanks very much to everyone for your support and praise. Much appreciated:teeth

Over the next few weeks I'm hoping to fix the leaking carb and hook up the electrics. Then take for a proper ride or two. So stay tuned. More updates to come!
it was fun to see you arrive and then see poll go "JULIAN!!!!"
and i wanted to look at the bike a little more with the wife and kids and then the gas started leaking out and my wife says "is that gas"


"it's probably time to go?"


we'd reached the end of the kids endurance anyway but it was funny. sweet ride julian and congrats on a well deserved founder's trophy. i will forever regret not getting my bike ready for the event but i got a little taste of the fun part friday watching everyone leave and those bespoke shirts you made were really cool.
Awesome result for a superior effort. :thumbup

Thanks for taking us along for the build. Really good shit!! :thumbup
I’m in on the congratulations for well deserved recognition on your Dirtbag addiction. May your passion continue.
Way to go Julian! Glad you got some of the recognition you deserve. I'm still watching and wanting to see the end result running and riding. Hope you feel better soon.