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Music, post it up

a little Craig Chaquico

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This is pretty damn cool. The Danish National Symphony Orchestra (Live)


Ennio Morricone the original composer died – 6 July 2020. He was an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor, and trumpet player who wrote music in a wide range of styles. Morricone composed over 400 scores for cinema and television, as well as over 100 classical works. His score to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) is considered one of the most influential soundtracks in history and was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.

Oh hell.. one more by him.

The complexity of the instraments and singers is just so cool.

The Lord of Lard bringing the classic KMFDM Tune into the New Era....

Who doesn't love a good murder ballad?


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Chalk it up to my hype for Cyberpunk 2077, but I've been jamming to this a lot lately:


The System is Lying To You

I can remember when there were only two tv channels,
You'd read about politics and drink coffee,
The news was watched every day at half seven,
And it always showed the same story, the same gang.
Back then it was easy to spread propaganda,
the people believed in the words on the screen,
there was no room to hear the other side,
all up until somewhere over there they decided to change the plan.
Today after the wars, protests and reforms,
democracy, internet and new technology,
the fight for equality and freedom of speech,
after everything, everything is still as it was before.
And still in the government we have lying puppets,
they follow their orders and steal everything for themselves,
in vain do we have a thousand channels and social media,
(when) we all bury our heads in our screens and hide from conflict!
The system is lying to you, don't believe what it tells you,
this life is a battle, from the cradle to the grave,
so rise up immediately!
From my youth they have lied to me and made me work like a seadog,
They tell me that Jozha sledged on the riverbed,
they gave me a scarf, a flag and an oath,
as though friends cannot be sold even for a spoonful of cream.
And asses have dragged themselves into mansions on Dedinja,
we are all the same, but swine still rule us.
So we wanted democracy, we took to the streets,
spent our energy, sucked dicks!
Foreign agents dragged me out like a monkey,
so that I can get drunk on tear gas, so they can fuck up our country.
Now we're listening to baronies from the mouths of bad actors,
but they aren't our government, they're a theatre of dolls.
I know who is lying to me and who is oppressing me,
the banks, MMF, corporations are important.
And the system exists to make them money,
and there will be justice only when this empire falls.
The system is lying to you, don't believe what it tells you,
this life is a battle, from the cradle to the grave,
so rise up immediately!
A man believes what he sees, a man believes what he hears,
he does not understand that his mind is being poisoned from birth,
propaganda systems, whatever the system might be called,
tabloids, television, reality tv.
These work to make you lose your identity,
to (make you) just be obedient, rotting mediocrity,
to (make you) take the blame for their wrongs, to taint the pure,
to be angry that you're blind, that you've been made into an ass again.
You drank up their dismissals, these are reforms, they have to happen,
there is no pay, but pay late and they'll cut off your electricity
so you wait for the bailiffs, the executioners to arrive,
like our ancestors used to wait for the Turks on their wedding night.
But you kept quiet, believed, hoped, voted,
now you can't believe how you have ended up at the bottom,
that's why you need to pull away on time, when you're hurting say it out loud,
You don't owe that to the bank, but to your hungry children.
The system is lying to you, don't believe what it tells you,
this life is a battle, from the cradle to the grave,
so rise up immediately!
I am absolutely in awe of these guitarists. No exaggeration, my new favorite band

If you haven't heard of Plini and Animals As Leaders, you might like them too.
Plini is awesome too. There's also another band that has this little Asian girl as their lead guitarist and she's super noodly/tappy

Edit: the girl name is Yvette young and her band is called covet
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