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ok, i was wrong

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Apparently some of you still don't understand me. I am an inconsiderate, drama startin, bullshittin, caring, loyal, heartfelt, funny, nicen asshole. I guess you just have to know ME to understand ME. If you don't want to ok.

And anyone else I missed that continues to talk shit. Pm me. Ill give you my address. PLEASE come on over. All of you if you want. You can see how nice I can me. Its not a threat at all. If after you MEET me, shake my hand and figure me out in person, you STILL have shit to say. Ok. No problem. But until then. Stop talking from behind your monitor and come over

This sounds very familiar to how T-1 posted in the beginning.
Well, I for one request a BAN on the OP. I don't believe there's any room, need, or desire for a skallywag of this nature to be wasting our time, and his, by fabricating delusions of grandeur. If anyone can recommend or encourage council, then that would be an appropriate recourse.

Compulsive lying is an illness and an addiction, which the OP clearly can't change on his own. After losing his job, and getting pissed at the skeptics who outed him, and fabricating this fiance, Carla, words fail. And so do you, Josh. teh fail~
still going strong here? wow. entertainment for sure.

hero -----> zero.

a track concept for me.

i'm a hardcore xaus fan.

oh this thing was "hella" hijacked a few posts ago. But now that the horse is dead, we can commence with the bbq, adult beverages, and self amusement.

Cheers! To green squares! :thumbup :laughing
:rolleyes!!.....The boy who cried worf...



how many more (attention seekers, self involved) individuals can make this thread about themselves? This is truly disheartening as well as revealing.

Aren't about half the posts on BARF written by some guy named Steve who lives in Burlingame?
<-- watching TIVO'd American Idol...cause...well...no excuse :(

Haven't really had the time to log on or consistently check Barf for a few days and come home to this?!?!?! I only got to page 4 of the original thread but had to leave the office to go on my jet.

....errrr......work on something on the company's jet before I get called out. :toothless
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