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ok, i was wrong

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I sooo want the last two hours of my life back.

(reminds me of some car forum threads I used to belong to. Fuckin cagers.)

My head hurts. Oh, and some of you may get rep'd for no reason.

edit: weak, my rep'ing was cut short.
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You know what OP? I bet Half these folks wouldn't be E-Thuging you in teh reals world. I mean... They would STILL burn the shit outta you for sure but I think they would do it with some sort of Tact face to face... Am I right folks!? :teeth :later
p.s. we at 20 yet? If not this should get us there!:thumbup:twofinger
I also wantd to add. That I feel bad for the people who feel I betrayed them. I really do. And I'm flattered that ou care enough about me to be effected.

srsly screwed up. and was that supposed to be apology?
thank whatever powers that be that when my husband- in a 'domestic incident' much like the one you described, decided in a drug induced haze I needed to be killed- that my dog was there to save my life. I was lucky. I had someone. she had fur, fangs and four feet but I had someone and so many women DO NOT, bc no one will stand up and say its wrong, much less get involved.

never address me publicly here or anywhere else. how dare you take such a serious problem and corrupt it for sick kicks?
So, I get banned for calling someone a "fuckstick" in a prius thread, but someone can spout off on calling us out? (if you didn't get what he was saying, refer to other threads where he would like to massage ones face w/ a wrench.).

either way, josh... i feel sorry for you. You just don't get it.
never address me publicly here or anywhere else. how dare you take such a serious problem and corrupt it for sick kicks?
In other words..........talk to the :hand

uhm, ok. I'm new to the group, haven't met anybody in person and haven't been able to make it out to meets just yet.

But I think that emotion kinda went past the "talk to the hand" stage and crept, with great haste, into the "infuriated rage" range.

but that's just me.
uhm, ok. I'm new to the group, haven't met anybody in person and haven't been able to make it out to meets just yet.
You're new here and you got 4 green squares?
What did you do, post boobie pics of your girlfriend?
So, I get banned for calling someone a "fuckstick" in a prius thread, but someone can spout off on calling us out? (if you didn't get what he was saying, refer to other threads where he would like to massage ones face w/ a wrench.).

either way, josh... i feel sorry for you. You just don't get it.

Please remind me to rep you when my 24hour thing is up.

You're new here and you got 4 green squares?

I joined earlier this month.

You didn't see them? :wow
Man..you missed out! :laughing

lol, you were one of the first ones I was gonna rep, but it told me to spread the love around first.
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I thought this would fit well :)


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srsly screwed up. and was that supposed to be apology?
thank whatever powers that be that when my husband- in a 'domestic incident' much like the one you described, decided in a drug induced haze I needed to be killed- that my dog was there to save my life. I was lucky. I had someone. she had fur, fangs and four feet but I had someone and so many women DO NOT, bc no one will stand up and say its wrong, much less get involved.

never address me publicly here or anywhere else. how dare you take such a serious problem and corrupt it for sick kicks?

I do understand where you're coming from and I agree some things are not a joking matter.

For what it's worth - only if you're willing to hear it - this speaks to his true desires that have not been met by his life. If you reflect on the concept that he has it in him, but has not done it - he lies in order to fullfill an aspect of his identity that exists, is present, but has not yet come to play.

For an ordinary thread like mine where I post "If someone did ___, I would ____" - he posts that it actually happened. A shrink could tell you what it's called, but it exists.

Fact of the matter is this - I am certain that if your hubby was beating you in front of Super - he'd get involved and help you out. I know this, I feel it as real as anything. Super - you know what I'm talking about.

His calling has not yet come. But someday, you may read the newspaper and hear of a heroic deed of his - because the heart is there, the willingness is there - the opportunity has just not yet come up.

Always a certain way to look at it. I'm not justifying his lies - which is ONE extreme - but I'm honing it down and away from the OTHER extreme.

But I do say this - some people want to be recognized for their thoughts. You could give me half credit for when I say I "would" do this or that, but he wanted full credit for having "done" it. It's not to say he "wouldn't".

I hope that makes sense.
how many more (attention seekers, self involved) individuals can make this thread about themselves? This is truly disheartening as well as revealing.
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