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Parking lots for Practice

Resurrecting this dormant thread... I've been riding since March (did my MSF in Feb, but got my bike in March) and although I've gotten a lot of confidence in a lot of areas, I am still STRUGGLING at low speed maneuvers, *especially* going directly into a turn from a stop (IE leaving a parking space, pulling out of a parking lot, etc). Both times I've dropped my bike have been doing that, and most of my extremely embarrassing and disappointing fumbles and near-drops have been there too.

I'm thinking of hitting the CCSF parking lot this weekend to just practice MSF-style low speed maneuvers. There seems to be mixed opinions here on that lot. I know they have MSF courses there sometimes.

I might also checkout Stonestown, it sounds like there's a section of the lot sort of "behind" the galleria, etc, that isn't trafficked as heavily. If anyone has been there on a Saturday or Sunday recently and can verify, I'd much appreciate it!

I wanted to use my office lot, but office manager said no due to insurance liability, but she has seen MSF courses happening in San Mateo https://www.norcalmototraining.com/locations/san-mateo-ca and suggested I try using that parking lot (College of San Mateo). Anyone familiar with that area? I'd rather stay in SF, so I can maximize the time I'm practicing rather than in transit, but have bike, will travel.

I suspect there isn't much new since this thread was last reviewed, but just in case... if you have a lot in SF that you think would be a good place to practice low speed maneuvering control on the weekend, I'd love to hear about it!

Thanks folks :)

This lot is still here.... No one erased it.
San Francisco, California
Resurrecting this dormant thread...

My answer to a similar post a few months back:


It's interesting that your office manager was very specific about your practice… I think it's about qualifying as "workplace injury", aka maybe she thought you'd be doing as a part of your commute or something… anyway, I haven't asked my office manager when I did a bit of practice, but security was pretty chill when they stopped by and I just showed my badge/id and they were cool with it. Community college security didn't bother at all, I saw them chilling nearby. They saw me practicing stuff, not doing burnouts… so they just watched YT or whatever.

she has seen MSF courses happening in San Mateo

I did Intermediate Rider Clinic in that location (College of San Mateo) in October 2022, but "intermediate" was a stretch for me :) Heads up that this specific parking lot where they do MSF has gates, and they are locked when MSF isn't there. However, other nearby lots might be open. The lot that I marked with question mark was open, but had some cars parked. The one with exclamation mark I think was open and empty.

Also, if you're up to meet in San Mateo to do a bit of practice together, I'd be down to that. I'm still pretty bad with that too… and I could bring cones. DM and we'll figure out logistics.

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Not exactly the best road condition, but I like going to Treasure island to practice. No one will bother you there.
Another lot is the Sea Bowl lot in Pacifica. Be advised there is at least one Pacifica poilce officer that takes exception to old farts doing wheelies in the lot. If you point out the fact that it's Private Property, he's likely to say, "OK, but next time I see you on a public road, I'm going to find something to write you up for, got it?"

Kind of a dick.
Any parking lot in the southern Bay with good road condition? We used to go to mission college but many times the good site is occupied and there's police officer frequently showing up.
Anyone in Oakland or Alameda interested in doing some low speed practice ? I have cones, chalk and measuring tape - was going to check out the Walgreens parking lot on High St now that it's closed, but I've also gone to Alameda near the brewery in the base for big empty parking lots.
Resurrecting this dormant thread... I've been riding since March (did my MSF in Feb, but got my bike in March) and although I've gotten a lot of confidence in a lot of areas, I am still STRUGGLING at low speed maneuvers, *especially* going directly into a turn from a stop (IE leaving a parking space, pulling out of a parking lot, etc). Both times I've dropped my bike have been doing that, and most of my extremely embarrassing and disappointing fumbles and near-drops have been there too.

I'm thinking of hitting the CCSF parking lot this weekend to just practice MSF-style low speed maneuvers. There seems to be mixed opinions here on that lot. I know they have MSF courses there sometimes.

I might also checkout Stonestown, it sounds like there's a section of the lot sort of "behind" the galleria, etc, that isn't trafficked as heavily. If anyone has been there on a Saturday or Sunday recently and can verify, I'd much appreciate it!

I wanted to use my office lot, but office manager said no due to insurance liability, but she has seen MSF courses happening in San Mateo https://www.norcalmototraining.com/locations/san-mateo-ca and suggested I try using that parking lot (College of San Mateo). Anyone familiar with that area? I'd rather stay in SF, so I can maximize the time I'm practicing rather than in transit, but have bike, will travel.

I suspect there isn't much new since this thread was last reviewed, but just in case... if you have a lot in SF that you think would be a good place to practice low speed maneuvering control on the weekend, I'd love to hear about it!

Thanks folks :)