Pictures and videos of pets being assholes

So Joshie isn't really an asshole as much as she's a bit creepy.
She likes to arrange her toys, paper, and sometimes food. I have a whole album of stuff she has done over the years. I wonder just :wtf goes on in her little kitty brain. In the last one, her Freud action figure is doing a little 69 with an Ikea mouse.


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OMG the lined up mice.

No picture but last night I got up and stepped on something squishy. Cat left a little rat for me :love

OMG the lined up mice.

No picture but last night I got up and stepped on something squishy. Cat left a little rat for me :love


Offerings of love. :kiss

Since ours are indoors, we get squishy hairballs at the foot of the bed : |
Felix gets pissed when we come home and go back out without him so he drags this backpack off the chair and opens every zipper and spreads it around the hallway..

At least he wont crap where he sleeps..

He also likes to run from the PoPo


I think you should also post Felix with the “no pets” sign. He is a proper little asshole with a bigger dick than the Bossdog :laughing

I think you should also post Felix with the “no pets” sign. He is a proper little asshole with a bigger dick than the Bossdog :laughing

haha.. He's definitely an asshole.. Rules are for chumps..

Shaming photo
Yeah he ate the barrel... and the rose bush :wow


This used to be a trellis...

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So Joshie isn't really an asshole as much as she's a bit creepy.
She likes to arrange her toys, paper, and sometimes food. I have a whole album of stuff she has done over the years. I wonder just :wtf goes on in her little kitty brain. In the last one, her Freud action figure is doing a little 69 with an Ikea mouse.

I used to have a cat the collected stuff and put it in a pile. I came home once and he had collected a huge pile of these weird flower ball things. Another time I came home and he had been going outside and under the house where he ripped off pieces of pipe insulation and then ran back inside and stacked it in the livingroom. Loved that cat although I also missed the hot water.
No pics but Ted the asshole Flamepoint siamese dropped a not yet dead rat right onto my head this morning.
No pics but Ted the asshole Flamepoint siamese dropped a not yet dead rat right onto my head this morning.

He can tell you're stressed from dealing with deadbeat assholes - just wanted to provide a snack to make sure you're eating properly. Kitty love!
He can tell you're stressed from dealing with deadbeat assholes - just wanted to provide a snack to make sure you're eating properly. Kitty love!

I took it completely differently. Thought he wanted me to prepare it for him and serve it on a platter :laughing

I like your take.
Our old cat Kiki brought a live cricket in the house and put it in my parent's bed. My dad thought it was one of our toy Creepy Crawlies and went to pick it up. Almost hit the ceiling when it jumped.
Our Master Hunter's biggest kill was a moth...


“hey mom!
I found the used coffee grounds,
they were in the garbage!
I spread em out on tha
kitchen floor for you ...” :gsxrgrl

Schnitzel is always helpful like that ... :toothless


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“hey mom!
I found the used coffee grounds,
they were in the garbage!
I spread em out on tha
kitchen floor for you ...” :gsxrgrl

Schnitzel is always helpful like that ... :toothless

Yay, Schnitzel!!

We have had to lock up the kitchen each night with a child's gate, due to my trash can raider pupper,

woe be to us if we forget, and I am usually the first one downstairs, so ...
Mine is a Russian Blue.

A one person cat, and a true asshole where my wife is concerned. She is not permitted to sit next to me, lay with her head in my lap, give me hugs or the cat will assault her until she leaves my vicinity.

Talk about a conflicted husband. . .
We call him Dusty the Destroyer. He has gone through every toy at Petco. He ate the back tire off my daughters bike. He has chewed through 3 throw rugs. Now I know why you call them throw rugs cuz you throw them away! the only thing he has not been able to destroy (within a matter of hours) is a Kong bone.


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We call him Dusty the Destroyer. He has gone through every toy at Petco. He ate the back tire off my daughters bike. He has chewed through 3 throw rugs. Now I know why you call them throw rugs cuz you throw them away! the only thing he has not been able to destroy (within a matter of hours) is a Kong bone.

Clearly every new toy you bring home has the same name...

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