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Pictures and videos of pets being assholes

I would think with all the working from home this thread would have lots of fodder. Here's one from YouTube

No explanation necessary-and no, I did not sleep in the dog bed. and neither did the asshole

"No explanation necessary-and no, I did not sleep in the dog bed"; said Boss-Dog. :laughing
Aah yes the golden retriever I once had. The breed is wonderful yet are walking trash cans. He was a big freak weighing 115 pounds.

One day I was in the back yard doing poop patrol and there it was. One of wifey's two foot long blue knee stockings. But this one had a turd wrapped around it, then 6 inches of blue, turd, blue and so on. I bet it took old boo dog a while to push that one out.

One night sleeping at 3am I'm awakened by a wheezing sound. Retrievers love eating cardboard and Mr. mischief found a paper towel roll. A piece of it was lodged in his windpipe and he came to me for help. the idiot sounded like a woodwind instrument reed. I opened his maw and stuck two fingers seemingly a foot down his throat and grabbed it. Happy boy again. The kitchen garbage can was relocated in a cabinet after that.

I get home from work one day and he's looking at me with the guilty look. Then he rubs his mouth with a paw looking distressed. Ok what now. Prying his yap open there's a round ham bone stuck across his mouth between teeth. It was really in there and I couldn't pry it loose. Time to do the horse shoeing maneuver. I put his head between my legs pinching his neck. Prying his yap open I used a punch and hammer to pop it out.

Dang I miss that big old lump of love. Every dog since has been compared to him and has never measured up.
Felix loves his seasonal jacket and also loves the dirty laundry..

Another dead bed !...


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I'm bumping this. If only I knew how to post a video from my phone. I got a kitten. She is very sweet until you sleep. She likes to tap persons, dog, other cats, very gently on the ears until she gets a reaction.


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Stonybarf 2014 or 2015, Bossdog hangs around the campfire. I think it was Alex who asked if he could give him the last 3 sausages. Familiar with dog vomit from too much people food we said no.
The Bossdog says f you and we see three sausages hanging out of his mouth. Upon realizing he’s been caught that big black head turns away from us and all we see is the profile of those sausages one by one going down his gullet.
I remember all of us laughing so hard it hurt while the Bossdog sat there giggling. Yes, that dog could laugh.
Stonybarf 2014 or 2015, Bossdog hangs around the campfire. I think it was Alex who asked if he could give him the last 3 sausages. Familiar with dog vomit from too much people food we said no.
The Bossdog says f you and we see three sausages hanging out of his mouth. Upon realizing he’s been caught that big black head turns away from us and all we see is the profile of those sausages one by one going down his gullet.
I remember all of us laughing so hard it hurt while the Bossdog sat there giggling. Yes, that dog could laugh.

I f*cking love it, long may you run BD.
i'll have to steal video off the gf's phone of our shepherd slapping an amazon box within 3 minutes of the end of her shift like "your time's up woman, get off that computer and love me".

two i wish we'd gotten video of...first, i called him for walk...he sits in front of me. as soon as i bring the collar up to put it on, he slaps it out of my hand and runs off to find her. second, had a shepherd/malinois mix as a foster...put extended baby gate across the step from kitchen to family room. first time she went over there without him and shut the gate, he immediately popped over the gate like nothing.
Thread resurrection..

We stopped to take a pic of this bird

When we turned around Jax was covered in cow dung from body surfing in a fresh pile. Mrs Cabrito had just been saying the day before that we're lucky he doesn't like to roll in shit..

Thankfully we were in the van and have a nice hot outside shower setup to was him before heading back on the road.
I think was it Lefty maybe? started a separate thread when his dog broke his leg?