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Please watch this video and send it to other riders, both new and experienced..

ONE Point that I always try to hammer home when my girlfriend drives and does stupid shit is, Someone does something stupid, doesn't signal cuts her off, before she even reacts physically, she always screams "why"!! It doesn't matter why someone does anything, there is no point in trying to analyze anything, take evasive maneuver, brake swerve, etcs... And she brakes way too late, she's a terrible driver...
30 years back

three decades back i was hit by a lady that turned into me, did not even have time to cuss, skid marks were only (6) six feet long and then moved wrong. i had my leg crushed both the tib and fib were in very bad shape, (many small parts) if there had been ANY soft tissue (nerves, mussel, blood veins/arteries, laments, etc)damage i would have lost my leg that am.
as it was it took three times on the table and two steel plates, first one broke due to NO bone growth. they installed a batt to encourage this. but after (9) nine months the Dr's said i could keep the leg.

another two years before i could go back to work.

and within 10 years i had a bad case of arthritis. and now thirty years later i do not know what it is like living with NO pain,
it was a very cold am so i was bundled up, and my helmet had a spiderweb of cracks in the back would have split my head open if i did not have it on. and i was only doing about 30mph and she was about the same.

so this video brings back memories.

i live to ride and i ride to live.....please do the same.


aka larry

I'm new to riding a motorcycle after watching this video it really scared me and me think :( alot.. is it really worth it at this point.. I'm going to take motorcycle riding course for sure I have a huge amount of respect for motorcycles I'm not planing on doing any stunts or speeding on the freeway at all I just want to enjoy it relax but I can't even do that with drivers out there and that scares me. I know not to ride alone to have have a win man at my side for any problems that can happen but its still very scary what do you guys think should I just sale the bike or risk it?
Motorcycling is not for everyone. It really depends on how badly you want to ride. I don't think this video is meant to scare you away from motorcycling but just to make you think about safety for yourself and those around you.
I watch these kind of videos regularly, as a reminder that I have to ride safe. It helps a lot.
To me watching motorcycle accidents video almost daily is a big part of riding.
I've watched this video about 3 or 4 times, and it always helps remind me of the things I need to be careful of when riding. ALL GEAR ALL THE TIME! I use to love mashing on my bike, but after riding for a while. I realized that there are too many variables on the street to speed, especially when riding in the twisties. I'm getting prepared for the track in the spring/summer! So excited to ride to my limits at a safe area with professional supervision!
Good information and a reminder of the dangers in riding and to always be safe and wear your gear and be alert for other motorist.
So one thing that I didn't see brought up in this thread, is what part the tennis racquets the guy had strapped to his back (at least I thought that's what he'd said) played in his spinal injury. I'm in no way discounting the value of this video and it's message, I'm simply posing a thought to any of you riders that carry hard items in a backpack, that that might not be a good choice. Chances are bad enough that you'll impact something with a relatively sharp edge in a wreck without guaranteeing it through your luggage choice.
So one thing that I didn't see brought up in this thread, is what part the tennis racquets the guy had strapped to his back (at least I thought that's what he'd said) played in his spinal injury. I'm in no way discounting the value of this video and it's message, I'm simply posing a thought to any of you riders that carry hard items in a backpack, that that might not be a good choice. Chances are bad enough that you'll impact something with a relatively sharp edge in a wreck without guaranteeing it through your luggage choice.

I think it's more of how he got crushed from the waist down is what cause nerve damage... But then again, who am I know how it happened other than the doctors.

However, this is definitely a good watch and to remind myself and others who ride to always be aware of your surroundings. Loud pipes saves lives, but also taking notice of what's around and how drivers are reacting is what will save your life. Keep your speed at speed limits and if you want to go faster, save money for the track where it's an extremely controlled environment to hit 3 digits.
I know that this was posted a little while back in another thread, (so you can spare me the REPOST responses) but I just thought I would post it another time so more people can share it with others, seeing as this could save one rider, or make them think about how they are riding, and how they need to improve their skills in order to survive. I know that we all indulge in the fun of riding and that is why we do it, (and sometimes ride fast or unsafely) but I think some people fail to remember that everytime we get on our bike (or yes in a car also, just less risk), it could be the last, and in order to stay safe we need to be 110% aware of whats going on at every moment, and that the road conditions are always changing, even if you've been on Hwy. 9 300 times, the 301th time could be completely different with a rock around the next corner.. Ride safe everyone, and share this video with whoever you can..http://www.chp.ca.gov/html/motorcycle_v.html

The video is missing now. Is there a new link?