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Please watch this video and send it to other riders, both new and experienced..

It's not the violent sudden death that concerns me. It's the price of parts.
54 years old, 38 years riding with no tickets, no crashes.

Crashed into a car and becomes a paraplegic.

You can never be complacent when riding; even after 38 years.
54 years old, 38 years riding with no tickets, no crashes.

Crashed into a car and becomes a paraplegic.

You can never be complacent when riding; even after 38 years.

Agreed. But way easier said than done. Try, try.

If you take all the risk out of life, what is left? Be as safe as you can, but just go ahead and live. And hope that fate is your friend.:nerd
i am a new rider.. and ive been driving very safe.. i even decided to get a 250 ninja first before ever touching a 600.. im still scared everytime i ride near cars... i drive a lot slower than i actually do in my car when on my bike.. we all already knew this stuff before we ever got our first bikes.. but watching it again just hits you and it seems like we all have a connection to him even tho we dont know him.. because we all relate .. we all ride
WOW...every rider needs to be reminded of reality of things from time to time. Thanks for posting it.

this is indeed informative!
thanks for sharing such educational stuff
one reason why its great to be here
not for the light hearted/squeamish...

[mod edit: YouTube video is no longer available, link removed. DD]
Good post but it seems very accident on the video was a motorbike hitting a car (or something). It sends a good message to motorbike riders but not so much to Auto drivers (I think).

It's not always the case (personal expirience). :thumbup for a great post!
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I've been cutting loose lately, but this is a good reminder. I'm always on the verge of life and death.

Thanks for the video.
It makes me think of three things:

1.) Decision making and safety techniques are as importatn as physical riding skills and you need to be a student of both.

2.)Take it to the track if you want yo go fast.

3.) Remember you have a responsibility to others - it's not just your life that is affected by a mistake. Most young people undervalue this when making decisions such as speeding.
i am speachless for the first time in my life.
this is why it is so important to take saftey classes and ride smart we all know how fast ower bikes are there is no need to speed.
i know that i will think twice about speeding on my bike after the saftey course and watching this video i cant afford to loose my life or lims i have 4 kids and a wife and i know thay cant afford to loose me for something dumb as being reckless or unsafe
great posting thank you
:thumbup Good post....makes me want to tone it down a little....ive Been down before, but not Like that......