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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Damn @Kornholio that is a big hole!
went to the local bakery chatted with one of the worker women, the one that knows me most (... by my real name, Q :LOL: ) ... fun stuff.

some life advice, some awkward work questions

nice weather today, I told her people will be there a lot. I can already see all sorts of dog walkers and other phone talkers in exercise pants walking around. seems like a Heat Wave , as opposed to Dark Wave 🎹🥁
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That pvc pipe seems like a questionable thing to find along a roadway.
was wondering about the road engineering too. Probably infill creek creates that drop-hole?

I have an extra 7 feet of PVC myself. Was just thinking of doing something like this or this. Which one.... will take the plastic cake?!?!!?

Looks like a Taurus wagon, which would normally be okay for a PVC roof rack, except it looks like it might be pretty clean and too nice for it. The Audi should be okay though. :p
oooh if I actually had a Taurus Wagon I would already have a combo PVC and copper-pipe-on-the-sides rack


perhaps put some wood trim stickers on the doors too!!!

haha good job but "sadly" no audi to grace this with right now.

you could however say that most of my cars have an audi engine and transmission inside.

In the ongoing adventures of new roommate, he said to me "Joseph, I know you don't like me moving things around but I need at least one drawer in the kitchen."

This is a reasonable request. I'm not a monster. You pay rent here. It's your home as much as it is mine and that can be easily accommodated.

But you could have said that weeks ago before started just moving shit and not telling anyone. I shouldn't have to turn into Scooby Doo to find things. Nor should our other roommate that's had the same problem/grievance.
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so hungry for a burrito.


looks like there was a missed opportunity to communicate for kitchen space , from day 1...
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In the ongoing adventures of new roommate, he said to me "Joseph, I know you don't like me moving things around but I need at least one drawer in the kitchen."

This is a reasonable request. I'm not a monster. You pay rent here. It's your home as much as it is mine and that can be easily accommodated.

But you could have said that weeks ago before started just moving shit and not telling anyone. I shouldn't have to turn into Scooby Doo to find things. Nor should our other roommate that's had the same problem/grievance.
Glass half full; he's starting to communicate.

You know, like a toddler.

Encourage that.

Maybe use candy or snacks as a reward.


On second thought, not a great idea! :laughing
Glass half full; he's starting to communicate.

You know, like a toddler.

Encourage that.

Maybe use candy or snacks as a reward.


On second thought, not a great idea! :laughing
That was pretty funny. But it's not funny it seems I have to deal with this guy like a child or a dog.