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Post / Chat whores post here (2025)

Welcome home! Ahhh your own bed a lovely thought!

It’s going to be a great day today Shiver Gomes home this week.
Hey G, been thinking about you lately and hoping your stress level is going down.
I wonder what your baseline is?
Baseline is typically stable but constant stress. I used to deal with it by taking off every 6-8 weeks renting a clean anonymous room somewhere. Covid disrupted that routine but it feels as though the momentum is beginning to build again and life will resume in a joyous direction.
Ok, I finally got my goddam medicine sorted. Now I just have to self-inject for five days, then get on the other crap. I don't know howling until the blootclot gets dissolved or passes or whatever, but my whole left leg feels like it weighs 100 pounds and hurts like hell.
Mike, do you have anyone caring for you? I imagine it’s important to keep the leg still and heartbeat steady while the clot dissolves.
Glad you made it home! Next time you are in the area let me know, I'll take you out for a beverage.
ok. that would be lovely.
Welcome home! Ahhh your own bed a lovely thought!

It’s going to be a great day today Shiver Gomes home this week.
i slept quite well but not for very long.
Ok, I finally got my goddam medicine sorted. Now I just have to self-inject for five days, then get on the other crap. I don't know howling until the blootclot gets dissolved or passes or whatever, but my whole left leg feels like it weighs 100 pounds and hurts like hell.
the injection is lovenox. been there, done that. i hope your clot breaks up quickly and im sorry you are going through this.
sticking needles in yourself can get quite interesting. A decade back before the right hip got replaced i was trying to stick 6 inch acupuncture needles into the hip to reach a acupuncture point. Yes it was uncomfortable and didn't work.
Been on barf for a long time . I wonder if I’ve gone to “too many meets” . One more this afternoon on the sad occasion.

If my motorcycle were working (and parked accessibly) I’d pop out for a breakfast like I had done many many times . Now I’m sitting wondering whether to mess around with the car or sweat walk or bicycle instead

Nowadays I’d say the big electric bikes are the new “city motorcycles “ (don’t think many call them that)
Got that not really sick, but sick sort of chest cold. Little congestion and a scratchy throat, no fever, but definitely tired. I want to go out and do things, but I'm certain to turn it into a actual cold if I do. Boring, but it'll save me money this weekend I guess.
yeah that's "like" flu symptoms or something. Should go away.

we had a really bad case recently, I fared the best, pretty much just one evening scratchyness. Still don't know what caused it. Being around too many little humans at a party? Very cold at the crappiest motel room in Tahoe the next day??? Never knew what causes these "colds".
The Rasputin's 50 cent store is now quarter store, all CDs and DVDs are a quarter. Spent a couple of hours there today, it's not organized so you got go through 10000 Enya and Yanni CDs to find things but I got a Bjork CD and a Vangelis CD. It's in the same parking lot as See's candies at the corner of Contra Costa Blvd and Taylor Blvd.