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Post / Chat whores post here (2025)

hello nerds!

i just ate like 6 minneolas and my face was all screwed up from the tartness.

they were soooo good.

my foot hurts. sounds like i have to wear a stupid boot for four weeks or so before i can actually walk in regular shoes. :x

i’m so fucking irritated with how long this all takes.
R, I hope this takes less of time but possibly more because rushing recovery is never a good thing.

Please let us know when you are walking.
relatively strange I'm sometimes finding these used cigarette butts exactly in front of our entrance. : | when the next door neighbors arrive or leave with their "jonestown size" travel van. :dunno dunno who it is but sure prefer they throw them on the ground in front of their door and/or bins than mine. :dunno

brrr baby it's cold outside: when I was out for a long time at 7:30....
found my oldest small digital camera...

... it has a CF card. That's right, Com pact Flash.

Now I wanna see the pics...anyone have an old CF reader?! ?! :rofl :banana
went outside walked past some parked cars. A woman was walking outside one she had apparently just parked and blocking (her own?) driveway.

She then started going towards the house and apparently pressed the remote for lock on her 2008 CRV or whatever with aftermarket alarm . Her car beeped three times SO LOUD that my ear started ringing! Now I hated that woman. : | :x :mad

when I post, BARF Goes down... and out on an outage.
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BARF is back. Sitting at Zeitgeist sipping a beer and applying for jobs I'll most likely get rejected for. It's not much but it's honest work...
R, I hope this takes less of time but possibly more because rushing recovery is never a good thing.

Please let us know when you are walking.
oh everyone will hear all about it. i’m following the doctors orders as best as possible.