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Post / Chat whores post here (2025)

Has Mike checked in? Hope he’s ok.

Need to extract from cat and dog need coffee.
Hi Melissa!

Oh, it meant Kornholio
Thank you. I justy really have a hard time sometimes because you don't give any background or context. Not trying to be a dick, I just often don't understand what you are saying and it would help immensely if you kind of added some context.

For example, I could say "ER docs are weird. Eliquis." Or I could say "So I have a bloodclot in my leg. Spent the evening in the ER and the doctor was kind of weird and talked really loud. They prescribed me eliquis (a bloodthinner)"
Has Mike checked in? Hope he’s ok.

Need to extract from cat and dog need coffee.
Yeah, I'm ok. They gave me some bloodthinners (as described above). I have to drive down to Folsom to pick up more this morning. It sucks because I think this all started a month or so ago when I rode my bike all day. My calf hasn't been the same since and has kind of gradually gotten more and more stiff and engorged (for you Byke). This weekend it went off the rails and puffed up like a throbbing penis (also for you Byke). Anyways, blood thinners for 1-3 months so gotta lay off the fun activities so Idon't bleed out. I think I might also pick up some anti-clotting powder at REI just in case I lop a finger off or something.
kinda surprised. the woman from the "elderly" neighbors with a dog five houses up, sometimes picks up trash with her hands when they walk the dog. So the point is, they clean up wherever they go.

so today the two houses opposite me, in front, one of their bins spilled 7 sheets of white printed paper. Since I walked I went in and saw... tax forms :rofl (I think empty) so I picked up a few and put them in my trash.

some minutes later, the young lady from one of the houses comes out, loads up the car etc... goes looks at the sheets right in front of her garage and car... and doesn't pick them up. :dunno takes off with the car...

nice job ... (oh wait maybe she decided it's the house upwards' from hers' trash , That guy walked out before her, too. :dunno)
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Yeah, I'm ok. They gave me some bloodthinners (as described above). I have to drive down to Folsom to pick up more this morning. It sucks because I think this all started a month or so ago when I rode my bike all day. My calf hasn't been the same since and has kind of gradually gotten more and more stiff and engorged (for you Byke). This weekend it went off the rails and puffed up like a throbbing penis (also for you Byke). Anyways, blood thinners for 1-3 months so gotta lay off the fun activities so Idon't bleed out. I think I might also pick up some anti-clotting powder at REI just in case I lop a finger off or something.

Best wishes for a positive outcome in a few months.
AE, I constantly pick up trash and don’t get people who stop look and walk past :dunno
If I was to pick up trash when I saw it on Market Street I'd never make it more than a block from home before I ran out of time
If I was to pick up trash when I saw it on Market Street I'd never make it more than a block from home before I ran out of time
Eh, didn't mean literally everyone, besides, some people's buildings actually have an attendant or cleaning staff.

AE, I constantly pick up trash and don’t get people who stop look and walk past :dunno
Awesome. High five latte (it's a cap)


Was just appalled that apparently the two, "so good", homeowners across didn't care. Now that I think of it, one kid living across earlier was telling me that up wind guy was yelling at them due to the bins once:dunno
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Hi Jeff!! :wave

About that trash... I can clarify, trash blows into our yard, the guys walk past it all day, I pick it up before I shut down, why so freaking hard, bend over pick it up place in one of the multitude of trashcans placed all over.
Yeah, I'm ok. They gave me some bloodthinners (as described above). I have to drive down to Folsom to pick up more this morning. It sucks because I think this all started a month or so ago when I rode my bike all day. My calf hasn't been the same since and has kind of gradually gotten more and more stiff and engorged (for you Byke). This weekend it went off the rails and puffed up like a throbbing penis (also for you Byke). Anyways, blood thinners for 1-3 months so gotta lay off the fun activities so Idon't bleed out. I think I might also pick up some anti-clotting powder at REI just in case I lop a finger off or something.
fuck. no lovenox for immediate anti-coagulation?

i’m sorry you’re going through this. if memory serves me correctly any good er has the antidote to eloquis on hand so don’t limit life too much!
I've decided not to treat this. If I die, I die. I am fine with that outcome. But I refuse to pay 700 bucks for a 21 day supply of pills, knowing I need to be on this for up to three months. Nope. Fuck it. Not doing it.

Furthermore, this was pretty much the final straw for me with this fucking country. I am now going to seriously start working toward getting the fuck out of here before the entire POS is run into the ground.

Fuck this fucking country and it's "medical system". What a fucking scam.
I've decided not to treat this. If I die, I die. I am fine with that outcome. But I refuse to pay 700 bucks for a 21 day supply of pills, knowing I need to be on this for up to three months. Nope. Fuck it. Not doing it.

Furthermore, this was pretty much the final straw for me with this fucking country. I am now going to seriously start working toward getting the fuck out of here before the entire POS is run into the ground.

Fuck this fucking country and its "medical system". What a fucking scam.
hey. are you with kaiser? if so request a change to pradaxa which is available as a generic for like $10
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I am with Kaiser. Originally it was 800 bucks. The pharmacist saiod it was because the ER doctor (that my PCP sent me to) prescribed it and to go ask my PCP to rewrite the prescription. So I hobbled upstairs and asked them.

She did and I stood around for another hour only to find they switched to something else due to the cost and now it's 700. Fuck them. Fuck all of them.

I will send a nice email asking for pradaxa. But it sucks I should have to do this. I already asked them for a cheaper alternative. How would I even know about this if it wasn't for you. Thanks Reema. I am really disappointed in Kaiser right now and the state of this country and it's medical system in particular.
I am with Kaiser. Originally it was 800 bucks. The pharmacist saiod it was because the ER doctor (that my PCP sent me to) prescribed it and to go ask my PCP to rewrite the prescription. So I hobbled upstairs and asked them.

She did and I stood around for another hour only to find they switched to something else due to the cost and now it's 700. Fuck them. Fuck all of them.

I will send a nice email asking for pradaxa. But it sucks I should have to do this. I already asked them for a cheaper alternative. How would I even know about this if it wasn't for you. Thanks Reema. I am really disappointed in Kaiser right now and the state of this country and it's medical system in particular.
Healthcare/housing/food are probably my top three reasons why we plan to leave when the pooches are gone.
I am with Kaiser. Originally it was 800 bucks. The pharmacist saiod it was because the ER doctor (that my PCP sent me to) prescribed it and to go ask my PCP to rewrite the prescription. So I hobbled upstairs and asked them.

She did and I stood around for another hour only to find they switched to something else due to the cost and now it's 700. Fuck them. Fuck all of them.

I will send a nice email asking for pradaxa. But it sucks I should have to do this. I already asked them for a cheaper alternative. How would I even know about this if it wasn't for you. Thanks Reema. I am really disappointed in Kaiser right now and the state of this country and it's medical system in particular.
i shot you a pm. there are payment assistance offers from the manufacturer.