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Post your best pussycat photos here! (FELINES ONLY!)

This one has overall been pretty non-destructive, as an adult. He does occasionally misjudge a jump which can result in some flailing and him and various things set on the counter crashing to the floor. When he was a kitten he liked to pee in my potted plants (thankfully that habit stopped) and one time as he was exiting a big jade plant which I had up on a stand he knocked it over into a big pane glass sliding door. Somehow the glass didn't break, but that was not my preferred way to be woken up at 5am.

He feels no shame for anything he has done.

Kato taking a break from destruction.

Bites my toes through the blanket in the AM so I get up and feed him.
Was having some problems with rodents at one rental back in the day and a pal said get a cat. I ended up with 2 Eddie and Charlie - if you have seen the Chappelle show I named them after the Rick James sketch. Eddie went missing after I moved but Charlie is still around taking up most of the bed at night when I sleep.
Funny thing is I used to be very allergic to cats back in the day


  • edandcharlie.jpg
    81.5 KB · Views: 3
Not a cat photo but cat related.

We don't heat our house overnight and during the AM till around noon we heat the front of the house so have had to leave the door into the bedroom area on one end of the room and another door into the kitchen ajar to allow the three cats free to roam the house.

Yesterday we installed on of these on each door so now the doors can be closed and the cats can still get in and out and we retain more heat in the room.


Climate challenges, crime, homelessness, the economy, war in Europe and the Middle East, someone stole the Jackie Robinson statue, Fruit Stripe gum and Knott's Jams and Jellies being discontinued, you'd just think the world has turned upside down.

Well, the Sage Georgie has a solution for it.


Peace all!


  • IMG_4264.jpeg
    70.8 KB · Views: 72
Not a cat photo but cat related.

We don't heat our house overnight and during the AM till around noon we heat the front of the house so have had to leave the door into the bedroom area on one end of the room and another door into the kitchen ajar to allow the three cats free to roam the house.

Yesterday we installed on of these on each door so now the doors can be closed and the cats can still get in and out and we retain more heat in the room.


That's the f'n coolest! I love it, just cut a corner off and use a piano hinge and magnet... *files great idea away for future use*
