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Random Motorcycle thoughts unworthy of a new thread

Air vests.
Air bag suits to be more accurate. You not only get the Popeye upper body look you get some chunky hips which adds to the pissed off Popeye look as they walk away.

Amazing how often they walk away. A really good safety upgrade.
That was quite brilliant. Rain, no suspension, reach across the tank hand shift so he can keep in pinned.... awesome stuff :thumbup
Amazing they'd let their vintage bikes run in the rain. Figured they'd be worried about a get off in a corner.
Amazing they'd let their vintage bikes run in the rain. Figured they'd be worried about a get off in a corner.
These Goodwood racers (Bikes and cars) are racers first and collectors second. If you crash it at Goodwood, it goes back to the garage to be fixed so it can race another day. Also, most of the bikes and cars at Goodwood have loooong and fascinating racing pedigrees.
would post a cortina vid but it's not a motorcycle, but I will say Kawasaki and mean it.
came across this org

SMARTER is an acronym for Skilled Motorcyclist Association–Responsible, Trained and Educated Riders (SMARTER) Inc.

Guidance for finding what you are looking for:​

Our website contains three major types of resources: (1) research (2) information (3) educational materials. Four of the main menus have “drop downs” – About, Gear, Information and Research. Click on the main menu to reveal the “drop down” headings.

There are eleven categories in the Research section. The most recent research on the topic is listed first. Some topics like Helmets and Helmet Laws have subtopics.

The resources contained in the Information section are divided into categories and displayed in the drop-down menu. You will find links to documents and Web sites that provide relevant information.

If you are looking for material to use for a presentation or to distribute at an event, including data and statistics, check out the Educational Materials section. Contact us if you don’t find the research or presentation material you are looking for and we will help find it or help you develop it.
That is a great find tux. Thanks.. need to do some jogging around their website.

Peeking through their website when I got to Research I noted they had a lanesplitting section.

I came accross this:1726074148943.png

It is a well thought out piece and in particular I was very interested as I was a party to the UC Berkeley study and how it was conceived and ultimately carried out. I would have loved to hear Data Dan's take on that document. I found it pretty well articulated, but the splitter in me did not love it all. :teeth

Lots more to look at on this website. A lot of solid stuff!! :thumbup
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His summary sort of nails it.

The real premise to me was that for a lot of riders are safer staying in the lane because of the increased likelyhood of rear ending other vehicles (so crashing) and the lack of using your head and having the proper skillset makes it so.
Wish lane-splitting was legal in New England. Would make it easier to get away from Massholes tailgating you or being stuck in traffic for no reason.
I googled to see if there was a group trying to legalize it out your way. Came up empty.

Looks like a private party gave it a shot in 2023 with the help of Respresentative Paul Cote.

This one shocked me. Guess they cover their self by saying check state laws. I have seen riders stopped for this, and there is a lot of crap on the sholder.

"Shoulder surfing: Motorcyclists can ride on the shoulder of the road to pass stopped vehicles as long as the road has two lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction."