Safety, Service & Security :CHP

That thing gets towed, it's going to be more of a pita for the owner than it's worth. Just sayin'.
I posted this on the Concours forum, maybe someone is missing this here bike.
The problem is that people who only search or check in here occasionally might not know he is a LEO and might read comments like this as bashing.

Which is why I will state again it would be good to have an indentifier for our resident Leos near the avatar.
Which is why I will state again it would be good to have an indentifier for our resident Leos near the avatar.

That might make some of the more aggresive posters stop and think before leo bashing if they see a thread is filled with said leos.
Thanks Bud. I too had an itchy trigger finger until I saw the poster.

John... you still here :confused... Christ I thought you were a PIO now... haven't seen or heard from you around here in a while.

I know this is off topic, but did you get a copy of the letter I sent to the SHSP for Challenge area 12? And why are most of the committee members from DMV and Caltrans?
Lazy pigs with their fat cat pensions retiring as millionaires and can't be bothered to tow a bike.... :p :laughing

Nick get a time out. Considering just banning you ass.

Very respectful of you.

OK.. I can see that on a second read. I am sensitive to the bs in this forum that serve teh barf. Apologies Nick.

Welcome ta BARF n00b, yer gonna luv it here! :rofl
This thread right here is why we need a sarcasm emocon font thang.
I understand that- but the Officer didn't even mark the wheels and said to call back in 72 hrs. I'm not current on dealing with 11-24s (not sure on the details in Sac), but when I played a cop on TV- the tag/sticker was different and we marked the wheels to ensure it was abandoned/not moved before towing.

For the record: Not bashing anyone, but I can't stand lazy team members that pass stuff on to others.:nchantr Yes, it's more fun (and advantageous) to give tickets and arrest DUI's, but towing shit is time consuming, sucky and part of the job.:shocker

PM me if you want further info; I'm not trying to get anyone into shit and I have not asked for a supervisor.
I was never trained to mark tires. If it was tagged with the orange CHP422 than he tagged it with the only form we have at our desposal. I can't say I would have done anything differently.
I was never trained to mark tires. If it was tagged with the orange CHP422 than he tagged it with the only form we have at our desposal. I can't say I would have done anything differently.

Would you come back in 72 hrs to tow it or does it require an additional call?

The Officer moved it IFO the kreepy neighbor's house (think Ted Kaczynski), so it's his problem now.:laughing
This thread right here is why we need a sarcasm emocon font thang.
Ha ha! So true, but then again..
There is one, it's this..... :teeth. Or this.....:x. Sometimes even this...:twofinger

The failure is that often a sarcastic person sarcastically uses this:rolleyes who may be serious or sarcastic and then, well, you know.:rolleyes:):teeth
Ha ha! So true, but then again..
There is one, it's this..... :teeth. Or this.....:x. Sometimes even this...:twofinger

The failure is that often a sarcastic person sarcastically uses this:rolleyes who may be serious or sarcastic and then, well, you know.:rolleyes:):teeth

I thought the wink with tongue out would have conveyed the same message, but I guess I was wrong.
I think we've all had experiences with officers that unfortunately just don't get it.

Like the Sheriff's Deputy yesterday that pulled someone over on ECR, parking his SUV on a corner, in a bus stop - right as the bus was getting there - and created a condition of such poor visibility that someone merging from a side street nearly got hit (not me).

As I drove away, I wondered: if there had been an accident, could the Deputy be cited for contributing?