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The 1Rider Video Collection


Mama says he's bona fide
Feb 8, 2003
San Luis Obispo
Yamaha FJR1300
We've accumulated some great videos here in 1Rider, but they're in individual threads that tend to wander around in the thread list as new posts come along. So I'm gathering them up into this stickied thread where they will be easy to find.

Keeping with the 1Rider theme, I'm limiting videos in this thread to topics like attitude, decision making, and strategy. They will help you think about riding in ways that will make you safer, but won't get deeply into riding skills. Attitude and strategy must be supported with good skills, of course. For excellent videos on riding technique, you can't beat Captain Crash's Howzit Done series. The MSF site also has some good skills videos.

Got a suggestion? Send me a PM, or post it up here. If there's a lot of discussion about a new video, I'll move it to a thread of its own in order to keep this thread lean and the videos easy to find.
Thrill or Buzz Kill?

The CHP's Thrill Or Buzz Kill?has a powerful message told by riders and the families of riders.

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The Road's No Place To Race

This ingenious bit of video came from the South Australia Motorcycle Accident Commission and was originally posted by jrace in the thread: The Street is No Place to Race--Mick Doohan video.

The full message from Mick can be seen in a longer video at the MAC site. It offers tips on making sure your motorcycle is in tip-top shape for riding, selecting the right protective gear, and skills for safe street riding.

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A Perfect Day

This video, A Perfect Day, is a brilliant--and amusing--piece of work from the UK Department for Transport. Other videos they have done send a message to drivers, but this one is for riders.

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Danny Eslick and Michael Barnes on Motorcycle Safety from Geico

You may hate their TV commercials, but Geico did a superb job on this video featuring AMA racers Danny Eslick and Michael Barnes.

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Crash Course -- The SMIDSY

SMIDSY--Sorry mate, I didn't see you--is Britspeak for the kind of crash where a driver pulls out in front of a motorcycle and claims he didn't see it. This excellent video by riding instructor Duncan MacKillop demonstrates a phenomenon that can contribute to that kind of crash and recommends countermeasures to prevent it.

For discussion of the technique, see the 1Rider thread Traffic Tactics: Left-Turning Vehicles

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That vid is a great find, Dan. :thumbup I use that weaving maneuver, and it has saved me more than once. :cool
Here is a good one directed towards drivers from Washington State.
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Group Rides from the MSF
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Old school stuff.
Not so Easy - A Motorcycle Safety Film
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Slow your roll = know the delta.

OMG, I love this video. "I'm gonna go ride with Danny..." :rofl
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The Bone's 107.7 Motorcycle Safety Vid's / Motorcycle Safety Month

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The SFMTA Video from the Vision Zero Motorcycle Safety effort in San Francisco.

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from our friends up north

Interesting take on the future of Lane Splitting where it is not legal.

Good info on new riders braking ability vs. experienced riders braking ability.

Curves make us crash ourselves... way to often.
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Some stuff from MCrider - Riding instructor from Texas

1. Motorcycle choice
2. Riding above your skill level - pointed at riders from 6 to 18 month of experience.
3. Riding on the street like it is the track.
4. Returning riders
5. Drinking and Riding <-- 30-50% of deaths have factors that include alcohol.

1. Assuming you have the right away -- (Also see SMIDSY above).
2. Following distance (not enough).
3. Rushing the corner (not leaving enough room for error).

5 Bad Habits
1. Not looking far enough down the road.
2. Improper foot placement on the pegs.
3. Believing you are better than you are.
4. Not looking far enough through a curve.
5. Riding at the limits of your skills, motorcycle or the road.

Fear.. too much or too little both are issues.

Riding in traffic.
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Tar snakes

Last Sunday it was hot on Mt. Hamilton and the snakes made it a little extra challenging. Some people don't like Mt. Hamilton because conditions can be challenging. I appreciate the challenge... and when the vid dude said..."Complaining is not a substitute for strategy" -- I kind of liked it.:teeth

He gives a good analysis of using your eyes.
The experiment on the gyroscopic effect of wheels in the Vid is cool too.

Since my ride was somewhat sporty I do a couple things.
1. Identify the snakes (other obstacles too) and vary my vision from looking through the corner to the traction path I am thinking is the best.

2. Try to make sure I am not braking right on top of one.

3. Let the motorcycle work for you. Don't freak out... chances are the slip is just temporary and the moto will self correct quickly.

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Helmet size

This may help new riders get the right size lid and some other things that may be valuable to you for selecting a helmet.

And modular helmet info.
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Since my ride was somewhat sporty I do a couple things.
1. Identify the snakes (other obstacles too) and vary my vision from looking through the corner to the traction path I am thinking is the best.

2. Try to make sure I am not braking right on top of one.

3. Let the motorcycle work for you. Don't freak out... chances are the slip is just temporary and the moto will self correct quickly.

All good, and I think the third one is the least intuitive, but the most important. :thumbup