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The AFM is motorcycle history..great pics!

Jeff Short held number one too...I mean 1 one ..:teeth


Current 250 Gp dominator Ed Marchini back in '98


This guy sells the those Dunlop Tires at the races...before..that he tested them..:teeth

Riverside in '81

He still looks the same to me..:teeth


Little more Old school..

1981 Dave Emde and Eddie Lawson

Both riders went on to Success...Eddie's well..was huge success!


Flyin Fred Merkel..trails Greg Goodman and Bill Mullins at Sears point...

Flyin Fred is not related to The Flyin Hawaiin...:smoking


The NMP...National Motorcycle Patrol..helps a rider in about '83 with a busted wing..good people have been taking dare of downed riders for many years...

All of the volunteers...:Port This bud's for you!


1985 ..Steve Holt dicing with BARF Racings Steve Conk (390)

both riding those sweet 500 Honda VFR's..


AFM Pres...Joe Montoya #13

Joe chases Frank Mazur...I bet every AFM pres has raced with the AFM..


Keith Code..in on the Action too!

6 hour race at Ontario...just one of many great photo's sent in by John Ulrich..a truely passionate motorcyclist..

John's son is racing AMA now..


Doug Toland too...jeez...

Doug at Willow Springs...


Racing is racing....

Some things will never change....

Thank God!


Oh wait...they do...2004 BARF's own fearless leader has joined in on the fun...Dito..I stole the picture off your site..forgive me..?:teeth

And I stole all the other pics of the Reunion site..if I have offended any one..please let me know and I will remove them..

Just too good not to share..:cool


One more...

One more KSJO rider...

Danny Fernandes / L8Braker on the board....(also helping out BARF Racing)

on the 90's version of the Rock bike!


Top class. Thanks..:cool
:cool :laughing

That gixxer definately has a power advantage..:teeth
