The Faith In Humanity Thread

So my mom and I have been working the same waitress job for 5-6 years now. She had been waitressing years before, but this is recently. Anyway, about… 15 minutes ago this guy she waited on left and told her to take care. Just that. Prior to this she had talked to him about Italy. Her people are from Florence, this and that, and she said she's never been. She's got 8 years of art education and she's working a waitress job. It's pretty… Sad and disappointing, I guess. Her and my father divorced 6 years ago and she hasn't had a real job ever. Just been stuck in a small town she's not from. This man who we have never seen before tipped her 1000 dollars for a trip to Italy. Walked out, not another word.

love this thread,

keep the smiles coming

there has been too much negativity in our world lately
Some people may argue with me, but this. way to go mom.

NSFW: Language

I am all for parents punishing their kids when the F up but I think yelling at your kid using the F bomb every other word is not the best way to deal a problem. All that does is teach your kid that is how to deal with the problem.

My daughter is 9.5 and I would ever talk to my kid that way. The reason I would never talk her that way is that my wife and I established the ground rules long ago and when our daughter makes a mistake we never have to yell at her to get her to understand her mistake.
I am all for parents punishing their kids when the F up but I think yelling at your kid using the F bomb every other word is not the best way to deal a problem. All that does is teach your kid that is how to deal with the problem.

My daughter is 9.5 and I would ever talk to my kid that way. The reason I would never talk her that way is that my wife and I established the ground rules long ago and when our daughter makes a mistake we never have to yell at her to get her to understand her mistake.

My oldest is going to be 8 this year, so I'm not ignorant to the ways of children either. I also have spent the better part of the last decade in student ministries working with teenagers. Everyone is different, every child is different every circumstance is different. While I do agree with you, and understand your point, lets look at other variables here.

This little girl (at 14, yes, little girl) is sending and receiving sexual content. I agree her language is harsh, bordering on excessive for sure, but I cannot look you in the face and tell you with good conscience that I wouldn't flip my gasket either.

She won't win mother of the year, but I for one appreciate parents who take an active role in their child's upbringing and in this modern age, something like this might be exactly what this kid needed.

Mods please feel free to remove the post if its not completely in tune with the thread.
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I suck at embedding, so can anyone do the story of the kid Zach who had 2 weeks to live and then wrote CLOUDS song? Then his parents got all the celebrities he loved to lip sync to it? Thanks in advance...and for this thread:thumbup
This guy is officially "spiderman's biggest fan". His room is wall to wall...wall crawler. Some how the producers got wind of this and got this guy on the set of the new movie (DIG THE NEW COSTUME BTW)

Not sure what his condition is but when I was watching this some dust got in my eye and well....