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Time To Get Fit - 2024

Awesome. I'm sure there are pics. I'll be on the lookout.

Wanna join me for the XL next year?

RaceKings will probably be going on my MTB for Leadville.

Maybe. Depends on my schedule.

I am thinking about doing the Tahoe Trail 100km again. That is a long day for me.
I rode with a guy in UT that is also doing Tahoe Trail. He had good things to say about the race, so I'm more stoked for it.

There's plenty of time for a fatigue resistance block between now and then.
Seems like an event where people who live and train at higher elevations will have an advantage.

I am disappoint.

I attacked the start, really hard. I got there early, but ended up wasting too much time circling the parking structure and using the bathroom. I did a short 10min warm-up and lined up 30min before the start. Unfortunately, that was probably 200ppl back from the front. This was extra motivation to push early to get in front of as many people as possible. In doing so, I set my 2nd best all-time 20min power. Then I kept on it and set my 2nd best all-time 60min power. 10min and 90min power were both 4th best all-time. It worked and I found myself with riders faster than myself going into the early chokepoints. Even by the first hard dirt climb around 2hrs, I wasn't blocked at all. That was really nice.

But that's where things started to go downhill (figuratively). The first 2hrs were at an IF of 0.88 (intensity factor = normalized power / threshold power) and avg speed of 18mph. That's simply an unsustainable pace for a 7hr race for me. I backed it off as little as possible and tried to recover while also not losing the draft of other riders. Unfortunately there were no other riders. For the entire rest of the race, I was passed by ~10ppl and had nothing to hold onto their wheels. I hemorrhaged time in the middle of the race riding in the wind by myself. Thank god I shaved my legs & arms and wore a speedsuit. Last year for that whole section, I had a bigger faster rider to draft and saved like 10min. I finally felt recovered around mile 100 / hour 6:30 and felt ok going up the final 40min climb.

In the end, I cut 42min off of last year's time but the winner went 35min faster. Finish time was 7:34:55. My finishing time in percentage didn't change one bit from last year... still 138%. Oh wells. I got 126th / 397 for men and 12th / 39 in 35-39 age group.

My jaw dropped at the strava #'s. Dude, you cut 45 minutes off your time and were riding alone for a big chunk of that!!! :wow :wow :wow

Gravel is getting faster year over year, your % may not have changed but you crushed it.

Were you dead at the finish?
You're a winner in our books, Robert.

And I just read the line about shaved legs. I guarantee you that your legs are probably smoother than mine right now. :laughing
As bizarre as it sounds, shaved legs an aero socks are among the biggest aerodynamic gains you can make in your equipment. Those two things are worth more than are bike frames, for example.

Also, running two water bottles- much, much better than no bottles at all...
do you wear short shorts? heehee.

i know a lot of serious athletes do it. forgive me my teasing. but also: waxing is superior. :x
I’ve tried waxing… The aesthetician had a hell of a time because of the overly coarse and sturdy nature of the manly hair on my manly legs. It took forever for her to do the job, and afterwards she encouraged me to give up on the idea.

This was after I tried an Epilady hair yanker that failed utterly in doing anything except tugging painfully…

So, yeah, it’s razor or nothing for me.

That said, shaving my legs is way, way easier than shaving my face…
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^ this made me laugh.

sorry to derail the thread a bit with depilation talk. but robert started it.

when are we doing a short shorts calendar, though?
42 minutes faster is impressive, Robert.

It sounds like you found yourself in a situation where you had to push hard but the cost in damaged cells early in the race put you at a disadvantage later on.

For anybody who doesn't know, hard physical activity damages cells, that's why sprinters try to move through the rounds with the least effort to save their legs as much as they can for the final day, you can have recovery overnight but only to the extent that your body can recover. That is where your soreness comes from and why protein supplements are popular among athletes, providing building materials for recovery/repair.
Apparently the race winner went full beast-mode this year and surprised everyone with an attack by mile 60. Maybe that took 10min off the winning time, maybe not. The course was 6.5mi shorter than last year so it's always hard to compare times.

Here's a cool vid about the race.


I haven't shaved my legs since swimming in Jr. college almost 2 decades ago. I definitely saved tons of watts there. My tan lines are so fucked right now from a combo of diff length bibs and short shorts :laughing. I used a Phillips OneBlade electric. It went pretty fast.


Legs weren't sore yesterday. Honestly, this is probably the least sore I've been in the following days which is kinda cool, especially considering my attack. Today is a quick 60min spin, the rest of the week is chill 1-2hrs easy rides, and the weekend is whatever I want. Then training starts again on Tuesday. It's also almost time to start riding the MTB.
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Sits quietly trying not compare my training volume to others... :laughing

I'm not sure why it feels so hard to get the volume up. I have an arbitrary 10 hrs/week goal in mind but, when I look at my monthly totals on strava I'm not even close. 18 -20 hr's a MONTH is what a good month usually is. The trend lines are heading in the right direction so, there is that. Sometimes it feels impossible to do more though. I never though training for endurance sports would be more challenging than getting swoll for aesthetics but damn it if it isn't so.

Your work is impressive Robert. Killroy being a watt monster is making me wonder what his training is like too. Feel free to crow about it man! Fucking amazing guys. :thumbup

This is the chart I use to buck myself up when I need it. I strongly encourage anyone struggling to stick with their fitness goals to give strava a try. The free version is great. It's been instrumental in keeping me in the fight. You can't lose if you never quit.


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The hardest part with volume is often just leaving the house. You may need to commit to exercising in the dark, like with a 2-3hr base ride after work. I didn't really unlock >10hrs volume until I could ride that much any day of the week. Also, I rly like airpods and an audiobook or music to break up the monotony of doing base miles alone. 3hrs of audiobook during a chill night ride after traffic time is a great experience IMO.

10hrs/week that includes running and swimming is a lot. Running and swimming are definitely more load per minute than cycling. 4-5 sessions a week may be a better goal for now, no matter how many hours it ends up being. You are right to know that you shouldn't be comparing to others :D

The Strava Fitness chart heavily favors consistency. IMO it's good for people that could stand to build a better base. But if you switch your training to focus on intervals or something other than volume, don't worry too much about the number going down. My Strava Fitness number has slowly been decreasing since Dec even though I'm way stronger than back then.
Interesting. I have the Apple Watch pressuring me to close my rings and now I am on a streak that I don't want to break.

editing to add:

speaking of the watch here are my numbers for april:

11,773 steps average.
5.5 miles daily walking average.
58 bpm average resting heart rate.
67 minutes/day average exercise.
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58 BPM!!! Consistency wins!

Im unashamed to admit the prompts from my devices help keep me going. Nice work.
I agree 100% that audio books are a really good way to break up the monotony of workouts, yardwork or anything else that takes time.

Nothing like getting exercise while listening to a book, I've always enjoyed reading but when it was a book I was forced to stay in place, but with an audio book I can be active throughout. The technology is a real boon.
Wireless earbuds and $11/month for spotify are life changing. I have thought about getting the bone conducting headphones for pool sessions but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Being in my head for an entire swim is a bit of a challenge lol.
I'm just the opposite. I have to have music on when I work, but working out? No way.