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Time To Get Fit - 2024

58 BPM!!! Consistency wins!

Im unashamed to admit the prompts from my devices help keep me going. Nice work.

Thanks! The devices do help keep me on track and since I can be a bit obsessively goal oriented I like that they track it all for me.

I feel like my mileage was down for April but it happens.
not hear to complain but here goes...
I work out 6 days/week for 50 minutes with running and weights and planks and stuff but I can not lose weight. Anyone else have this issue? I have been working out for 1 year and 2 months.
Should clarify-I worked out my entire life and then stopped for 2 1/2 years-COVID was my excuse. The 2 1/2 yrs put lots of bad practices my way. I am still trying to lose at this point.
not hear to complain but here goes...
I work out 6 days/week for 50 minutes with running and weights and planks and stuff but I can not lose weight. Anyone else have this issue? I have been working out for 1 year and 2 months.

Ever try counting your calories for a week? (Or longer)

How’s your macronutrient ratios? Go for moderate protein, moderate fat and be careful with carbs. Only eat enough carbs to fuel your workout/energy levels. Rice, potatoes, fruit, veggies.

If you’re going to eat some junk, just do so in moderation.

Avoid liquid calories except protein shakes.

Try 2-3 meals a day, minimal to no snacking. The old 6 meals a day to boost metabolism is bunk. That keeps insulin raised all day and the body doesn’t burn much fat when insulin is raised, need periods of low insulin.

Get enough sleep.

Lower stress.

Alcohol is very bad for weight loss and body composition. (No clue of you drink)

What kind of lifting do you do? Lift to get stronger IMO. So lower to moderate reps if possible.

Walk more.
ty for your suggestions!
I am taking a 3 week vacation from work and I feel the stress melting away. I drink tons of water and some Champaigne on the weekends.
As I age I find myself not getting stronger but again I am trying to maintain some muscle mass.

I usually look at fat intake and not calorie but I will check it out for a few weeks.....
Again, appreciations!
not hear to complain but here goes...
I work out 6 days/week for 50 minutes with running and weights and planks and stuff but I can not lose weight. Anyone else have this issue? I have been working out for 1 year and 2 months.
I agree 100% w/ what Mike said about weight loss. But I would add that working out builds muscle and has nothing to do with losing weight. I'm of the opinion that the human body can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time, it's one or the other. The goal is to lose fat while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible (there's always going to be some loss.) What works for me is to actually reduce the frequency and intensity of my workouts while I'm dieting. Once I diet for a period of time, I ramp back up the calories and the workouts. This method has worked for me. Good luck!
thanks for your post-appreciations. I will check that out too.
Great points on diet being a big factor in losing weight.

Women seem to have it harder than men with losing weight when they get older, my wife is struggling to get her weight down, she's in her early 60's and works out for 2-3 hours a day, walking or on machine.
my endocrinologist says follow a low glycemic diet. that's what i have been doing for the most part.
my endocrinologist says follow a low glycemic diet. that's what i have been doing for the most part.

Are you hip to how freezing/thawing bread before eating it and cooling/re-heating pasta cuts it's glycemic load? Fascinating stuff.
i just cook pasta very al dente if i even eat the stuff. that helps. breads tend to be whole grain af. i’ll look into what you suggested.
Everyone agrees that losing weight comes down to a calorie deficit. But I think the concepts need to go one step further. In order for a calorie deficit to be sustainable, it needs to be easy and not include too much suffering. This is partly why most people can't exercise their way to significant weight loss - exercise is harder and involves too much suffering in the quantities required. Instead, make the calorie deficit easier. One way to accomplish this is by tricking your body into feeling less hungry all the time. That can be accomplished a small amount in many different ways:

- Eat more protein because it keeps you feeling full.
- Eat some fat because it's very satiating.
- Eat less simple sugars because they often make you more hungry.
- Eat more fiber because it's super filling while providing minimal to no calories.
- Fuel properly during exercise so that you don't overeat afterwards.
- Control portions all the time so that your stomach reduces in size.
- And more that I'm probably forgetting.

There are lots of options here. Doing even just one can help. Doing all of them is a lifestyle change that can end up being sustainable.
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Everyone agrees that losing weight comes down to a calorie deficit. But I think the concepts need to go one step further. In order for a calorie deficit to be sustainable, it needs to be easy and not include too much suffering. This is partly why most people can't exercise their way to significant weight loss - exercise is harder and involves too much suffering in the quantities required. Instead, make the calorie deficit easier. One way to accomplish this is by tricking your body into feeling less hungry all the time. That can be accomplished a small amount in many different ways:

- Eat more protein because it keeps you feeling full.
- Eat some fat because it's very satiating.
- Eat less simple sugars because they often make you more hungry.
- Eat more fiber because it's super filling while providing minimal to no calories.
- Fuel properly during exercise so that you don't overeat afterwards.
- Control portions all the time so that your stomach reduces in size.
- And more that I'm probably forgetting.

There are lots of options here. Doing even just one can help. Doing all of them is a lifestyle change that can end up being sustainable.

Yup. 100% this. Small changes you can live with done consistently over time remain undefeated in changing your body.
The trash pandas in my backyard eat the grubs out of my garden. Lots of protein :laughing

The bastards are also eating my strawberries along with their rat friends :mad
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ty for your suggestions!
I usually look at fat intake and not calorie but I will check it out for a few weeks.....
Again, appreciations!

Why were you only checking fat content?

How do you feel about dietary fat?
The trash pandas in my backyard eat the grubs out of my garden. Lots of protein :laughing

The bastards are also eating my strawberries along with their rat friends :mad


back to this thread topic, which is about fitness, i have been at a relative weight plateau for a few months. however i understand what’s required to maintain my current fitness and physique and im not sad about it. i don’t feel restricted at all and i feel great so hell yeah.