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Time To Get Fit - 2024

I still dunno what pickelball is, and I am ok with that.

Got my second weights workout in this week, so that is on track. No bicycle rides so far, may get one in Sunday, weather and motivation dependent.
i've come to suspect that i'm addicted to pain. one of my docs accused me of it once. i ignored him. turns out it's a thing. aggressive stretching, weights and abdominals do the trick. every morning. first thing. most often, before i get out of bed lol.
Holy crap! I got into Leadville 100 MTB. I was not expecting to get into this race through lottery, especially after the swift rejection from the Steamboat Lottery. I guess it's time to buy a XC MTB and start doing some altitude training.


Here's the course. I've exercised at altitude before - hiking over 14k and riding over 10k. But I've never done it for time. Leadville has a 12hr cutoff, which I'm not worried about. They also have an extra prize for finishing in under 9hrs. That's the goal. This is going to be FUN in a very hard sort of way.

Congrats Rob! I've got several friends in CO who've done LV a few times. You're gonna love it. You know the deal with high altitude and prep weeks, I'm sure.

I know you are all a bunch of smarty pants but I found this article cool! Fitness goals that are NOT about losing weight.

Good article. The whole "losing weight" thing is so food pyramid 80's. It's "lost fat"...which is likely replaced with muscle mass. Good idea to restart the thread too R. I was late to the party.

I like those. Most seem like what I would consider "functional" movements or activities, something that just shows you have a well functioning body. I should add some of those - I've always wanted to be able to handstand.

And Dragonflag. One my favs.

Ordered a methylation test. Interested to see the results and looking at doing a complete breakdown test too. Not cheap, but worthwhile I'm thinking.

Does anyone know of custom blended (powder) vitamin/ amino/ sources? Does anyone make this?
Across the back of the hand? Wrist?
Wow, I always said I wanted to do the Leadville 100. I also said I wanted to ride the Colorado trail from end to end. It'd take a fair amount of training to get my ass in shape for either of those now though.

First bicycle ride of the year and my buddy and I did 47 miles, with a few coffee breaks mixed in. Not a bad start if I can keep consistent.
Do you do Chiro? Possibly coming from elbow or further up? I restrain from doing closed hand push's on as much exercises as possible. With a closed hand, by wrist sits at a different angle and binds up/ gives pain/ discomfort at times. I also tend to not fully activate the muscle(s) I'm targeting with a closed hand. Maybe something there too?

On a "gotta get it back" discovery: I'm down 6 lbs from when I left for vacation. Look to be leaner, but also lost some nice mass...So, I've got a goal to reach again. Don't get old Jordan....
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I've maintained 166 lbs +/- water differences for 3 years now. I probably should eat more protein. 45 in a month :)

Gotta say much better place than I was a few years ago no more regular back pain due to the exercise, fairly lean, decent cardio.
Wow, I always said I wanted to do the Leadville 100. I also said I wanted to ride the Colorado trail from end to end. It'd take a fair amount of training to get my ass in shape for either of those now though.

First bicycle ride of the year and my buddy and I did 47 miles, with a few coffee breaks mixed in. Not a bad start if I can keep consistent.

Have you seen the 'From The Ground Up' series on YT? Alexey Vermeulen and co sponsor and coach a handful of beginners to race Leadville. They finished Season 3 last year. It both shows how hard it is and that anyone can do it, kinda.

^ Congrats on the draw Robert! that's really cool man. You are going to crush it. I see your work.

I'm currently in one of the biggest fitness slumps I have been in in the last 4 years. My HRV has gone from almost bad to definitely bad over the past three weeks. I'm firmly in the de-training phase of some sort of issue. I was mildly sick over Christmas break and have been actually sick for a week. It kinda feels like Covid but then it kinda goes away but not enough to feel good again. It's really been discouraging. If you noticed me inactive on strava for a while it hasn't been by choice. I have tried to at least do an easy workout here and there to not slip to far back but, im winded walking up my stairs this week and that just tells me its not even worth trying to keep up right now. I'm feeling very doubtful about Cobbler. Being inactive by choice is one thing, when you want to get after it but can't it drives me crazy. Fingers crossed fore better days ahead.
Have you seen the 'From The Ground Up' series on YT? Alexey Vermeulen and co sponsor and coach a handful of beginners to race Leadville. They finished Season 3 last year. It both shows how hard it is and that anyone can do it, kinda.


I'll have to check it out, a riding buddy of mine from my days in Colorado did it one year and finished, which when I was thinking about the race, finishing was the goal. Hardest thing for me now would be the elevation, I was snowboarding with my brother in Colorado just after xmas up at A Basin and apparently I'm not really acclimated for 11,000 feet, it wasn't so much that I was getting out of breath on the moguls, it was more like I couldn't catch my breath. Getting slightly winded strapping on a board is... humbling. That said, we still got a full day in and my legs remembered how to carve. Aiming for another visit Late Feb or early March to get my dad up once there is more snow.
^ Congrats on the draw Robert! that's really cool man. You are going to crush it. I see your work.

I'm currently in one of the biggest fitness slumps I have been in in the last 4 years. My HRV has gone from almost bad to definitely bad over the past three weeks. I'm firmly in the de-training phase of some sort of issue. I was mildly sick over Christmas break and have been actually sick for a week. It kinda feels like Covid but then it kinda goes away but not enough to feel good again. It's really been discouraging. If you noticed me inactive on strava for a while it hasn't been by choice. I have tried to at least do an easy workout here and there to not slip to far back but, im winded walking up my stairs this week and that just tells me its not even worth trying to keep up right now. I'm feeling very doubtful about Cobbler. Being inactive by choice is one thing, when you want to get after it but can't it drives me crazy. Fingers crossed fore better days ahead.

:( That's a long time to be sick. You see a doctor?

IMO, the fitness isn't disappearing. You are sick. It'll come back quickly when you are better.
I tried exercising for the past two months but have not lost any weight or girth. What gives? And no I am not consuming yummy food like ice cream and stuff either. Am I destined to stay phat 4ever? The honey babes in the gym don't even look in my direction :cry
I tried exercising for the past two months but have not lost any weight or girth. What gives? And no I am not consuming yummy food like ice cream and stuff either. Am I destined to stay phat 4ever? The honey babes in the gym don't even look in my direction :cry

Generally, you lose more weight in the kitchen than in the gym. Here's my summary of why. IMO of course.

Exercise often increases your appetite. Even if you aren't eating ice cream, you still may be consuming more calories than before. This can negate any weight-loss effects from the exercise. Think about how good your portion control is.

It's a lot "harder" to use calories than it is to consume them. A single can of soda is ~150Cal. To burn that, you'd need to run a mile or walk 1.5 miles (rough estimates). That soda didn't even contribute to you feeling full when you had your meal, but it took a whole mile of running to burn the sugar.

Feeling full - that's the trick to reducing calories. You should eat foods that make you feel full for as long as possible, so that you can comfortably reduce calorie intake. That's mostly high-fiber or protein-rich foods. Sugary foods generally don't fill you up for long, or worst case make you more hungry. And high fat foods are good at satisfying hunger, but likely have more calories per serving.
I agree with Rob, Mike, especially given the shortness of breath @ altitude. I was in the same state/ altitude over the holidays and even with my asthma, wasn't feeling much impact. FWIW, I run a low SP02 normally. Around 92-93 at sea level on a good day.