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Time To Get Fit - 2024

I guess I am telling my family history of heart disease "F. U." I suppose part of my "meh" is just boredom but the gym, once I join, will get me excited about something different a few times a week.

OK. I retract my meh!

Oh yeah, I saw something about Planet Fitness. Best thing about that place: no one uses the free weight section for the most part. Bad part: the dumbbells aren't the stated weight. 60lb's were something like 54 lbs when weighed...I knew something was wrong when I did their free pass for an out of town need.

We will accept your "meh" retraction and update the record.

Keep that vital energy up. Do you practice this a week or two before an event?
Hey gang. It's my race weekend. Start time is 7:00 am Sunday and I'm bib #1342. If wanna follow along, there is an ap. The Pros race Saturday at 6:00 and its a stacked field this year!

In other exciting news I just got the results of my CT Calcium score.... ZERO BABY!!!
If you don't know, a CT calcium score is a measurement of the calcification of the blood vessels in your heart. Higher numbers indicate more buildup of plaque that could lead to a blockage or cardiac event. Zero is the best possible score. Usually the test isn't something that's done without a family history of heart disease or other symptoms. However, middle aged wanna be athletes who want to push their heart rate into the upper limits and or do events like triathlon that have been shown to have a link to cardiac events can ask and pay for the test with their Dr's approval. I did. It cost me $350 with insurance from Kaiser. I do have some heart disease in my family and piece of mind is worth a few bucks to me. More info here.

I feel ready race. LETS GOOOOO!!!!
Hey gang. It's my race weekend. Start time is 7:00 am Sunday and I'm bib #1342. If wanna follow along, there is an ap. The Pros race Saturday at 6:00 and its a stacked field this year!

In other exciting news I just got the results of my CT Calcium score.... ZERO BABY!!!
If you don't know, a CT calcium score is a measurement of the calcification of the blood vessels in your heart. Higher numbers indicate more buildup of plaque that could lead to a blockage or cardiac event. Zero is the best possible score. Usually the test isn't something that's done without a family history of heart disease or other symptoms. However, middle aged wanna be athletes who want to push their heart rate into the upper limits and or do events like triathlon that have been shown to have a link to cardiac events can ask and pay for the test with their Dr's approval. I did. It cost me $350 with insurance from Kaiser. I do have some heart disease in my family and piece of mind is worth a few bucks to me. More info here.

I feel ready race. LETS GOOOOO!!!!
Ya Mike, you got this!!! 🥳

And now you got me wondering about another potential health issue :LOL:
Hey gang. It's my race weekend. Start time is 7:00 am Sunday and I'm bib #1342. If wanna follow along, there is an ap. The Pros race Saturday at 6:00 and it’s a stacked field this year! … I feel ready race. LETS GOOOOO!!!!


the BARF poli-stink made an irl appearance to cheer on our compañero Mr @Mike95060 but I missed a pic of him … it was an awesome scene down the Marina Green, and super-fun watching 2000 racers making the swim/bike transition … couple pics:



parking was easy for me on a motorcycle, but it was a fun zoo with spectators at 7:10 am. looking forward to cheering him on again next time! :ride
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Thanks guys! Im cooked lol. Super fun day. Im stoked you made it down John! Ill nerd out over this later. Im pretty happy though. Im going to have beers at “southern pacific” in the mission. :thumbup
Awesome job Mike! Hero of the month for the TTGT 2024!
Thanks guys! Im cooked lol. Super fun day. Im stoked you made it down John! Ill nerd out over this later. Im pretty happy though. Im going to have beers at “southern pacific” in the mission. :thumbup
Outstanding job, Mike!

What did you do for recovery after your very active day? I know that many people kind of forget their training regimen on the day of competition, but you would have broken down a ton of cells throughout the day, all the more reason to provide protein and other building materials for recovery.
Thanks guys! Im cooked lol. Super fun day. Im stoked you made it down John! Ill nerd out over this later. Im pretty happy though. Im going to have beers at “southern pacific” in the mission. :thumbup
Dang it, had I seen this I would have come to bother you.
Still training martial arts, coaching MMA, and working out daily. Super injured all the time, but I make do. Invest in 3M, because I literally mummify my body with tape to get by. My focus has gone to grappling for the past year and finally got my BJJ blue belt after being completely inconsistent with grappling and being called a “fake white belt” for a loooooong time. Just surpassed 35 years since getting my karate black belt though :). Here’s a recent picture - turned 49 this year. I stopped lifting heavy years ago. I keep my weight around 190-195, although getting back on creatine, I'm up in weigh a bit. I find when I weigh more, I am much slower, and you kinda need explosive power in martial arts (or else you die). It's a balance to maintain strength, power, and TONS of cardio - especially with wrestling. I train with people who are much younger than me, and so it's a challenge to keep up - the consequences are pretty extreme with combat sports, so anything I can do to keep my edge, I do. I am feeling my age these days, though.

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Wow, Dion, you're in great shape for any age!

One thing about injuries, they're often a byproduct of insufficient recovery. In track, we pay a lot of attention to recovery because injuries destroy seasons.

As a reminder, recovery happens while you're sleeping, it's aided by things like protein supplements, epsom salt baths, a proper application of cold and heat cycles and other things. I believe that collagen is useful as it aids in connective tissue repair and the new impact guns are far superior to the old style of massagers. I always tell my athletes to stay ahead of the curve, do the preventative to avoid the strains and injures.

Anyways, Rock On, you're doing great! (y)
Wow, Dion, you're in great shape for any age!

One thing about injuries, they're often a byproduct of insufficient recovery. In track, we pay a lot of attention to recovery because injuries destroy seasons.

As a reminder, recovery happens while you're sleeping, it's aided by things like protein supplements, epsom salt baths, a proper application of cold and heat cycles and other things. I believe that collagen is useful as it aids in connective tissue repair and the new impact guns are far superior to the old style of massagers. I always tell my athletes to stay ahead of the curve, do the preventative to avoid the strains and injures.

Anyways, Rock On, you're doing great! (y)
Thanks! None of it works anymore - rest, saunas, cold plunge, TRT, etc. It is absolutely wear and tear. I'll rest and recover for a week, just for it to all come back first training session back. I am a 1993 Saturn Sedan with 700,000 miles on it with a young man on Red Bull railing through the Santa Cruz Mountains. My injuries come from people beating on me, often. You get your neck crushed, spine crushed, you get choked, punched, kicked, wrestled, your neck gets cranked, you get knee bar'd, arm bar'd and choked and hit more. It's fighting. I have to watch who I train with because I can get really hurt unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally). I stay clear of white belts - especially young men.

I remember grabbing a guy, and I felt every muscle in his body tense up and just thought "This is going to be a long 5 minutes" and sure enough, he stomped my foot by spazzing out. There is an expiry date for combat sports. I just like fighting.

When I coach the young fighters I have to remind them that people won't understand them.
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Thanks guys! Im cooked lol. Super fun day. Im stoked you made it down John! Ill nerd out over this later. Im pretty happy though. Im going to have beers at “southern pacific” in the mission. :thumbup
Triathlon or just swim and bike? At one point years ago i started training for Tri's but got moved around for work quite a bit. I still really like the idea but dont have the time for that type of training. Lets hear about your race.
Still training martial arts, coaching MMA, and working out daily. Super injured all the time, but I make do. Invest in 3M, because I literally mummify my body with tape to get by. My focus has gone to grappling for the past year and finally got my BJJ blue belt after being completely inconsistent with grappling and being called a “fake white belt” for a loooooong time. Just surpassed 35 years since getting my karate black belt though :). Here’s a recent picture - turned 49 this year. I stopped lifting heavy years ago. I keep my weight around 190-195, although getting back on creatine, I'm up in weigh a bit. I find when I weigh more, I am much slower, and you kinda need explosive power in martial arts (or else you die). It's a balance to maintain strength, power, and TONS of cardio - especially with wrestling. I train with people who are much younger than me, and so it's a challenge to keep up - the consequences are pretty extreme with combat sports, so anything I can do to keep my edge, I do. I am feeling my age these days, though.

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We are the same age. When i was boxing into my 30's and 40's off and on there was rarely anyone my age to spar. So, i was the heavy bag for the teenagers. The speed, the snap, the agility and the experience they had was humbling. I was consistantly injured. Not even close to what would be in combat MMA though. I believe everybody in this world should experience a few years of combat MMA and western boxing. We would be living in a much more respectful place.

Good for you that you are still able to train
Official time.jpg

Welp, here it is. I'm honestly not sure what to think. I'm happy about some things and a little "meh" about others. The big swim improvement is really a result of a much shorter course this year. We had ripping current but, unlike last year, a lot of folks undershot the landing zone and ended up running to the swim exit. I found myself short about 500 yards short of the swim exit. It felt like cheating to get out so early and run to the exit, but I was only in about 3 ft of water at that point. I sorta split the difference and swam to some deeper water, did another 300 yards or so and then hopped out. You can see my pace spike up at the end that reflects my confusion.

swim over view.png

I swam with booties this year. That was a major help with the 800 meter or so run to transition 1. I'm a confirmed tenderfoot and cold feet on asphalt just kills me. My transition 1 time was a bit better this year i think because of the booties.

I always feel strongest on the bike. The stretch goal was under an hour. I missed that by about 6 minutes and 32 seconds. The ride felt "properly uncomfortable" aka, I was pushing. I think my heart rate reflects that pretty well. Strava says my average power was 187 watts for the ride. I'm pretty sure that's the biggest number I have seen. Cool! My bike set up was pretty uncommon for the event. I ran a 1x up front with a 38 tooth oval wolf tooth chain ring and an 11/32 cassette. I did use the 32 tooth granny on the steepest climbs. I'm on the fence weather or not a 34 tooth would let me spin more and climb a little faster. I was absolutely spun out on the descents. I don't think its significant though. Strava says my top speed was 43.2 mph and there is no way I was pedaling for that. I was in a full tuck and trying to recover my heart rate. I don't think I'm quite fit, or even skilled enough, to push much more on the down hill's. I did get into the 11 tooth for the flatter sections but never could quite spin it out there. I do think a 2X up front would be better for this event but, on this bike I'm pretty committed to a 1x. This is the same Blacksheep Ti bike I used for Rock Cobbler. It's my swiss army bike lol. If I wanted to stick with a 1x for this event I might do a 40 tooth up front with an 11/34 Cassette.
ride heart rate .png

And then the run! As much as I want to brag about not being passed on the bike, EVERYONE passed me back on the run. :laughing
Run Pace.png

The Run course of this event is an adventure. Up, down, sandy, steps, a tunnel, athlete traffic, all the things. A single digit pace for the entire event is my goal. I didn't get there this year. I felt a bit cooked off the bike. It didn't help I forgot to fuel in transition 2. They don't allow gels on the coarse. They don't want to deal with the garbage and I don't blame them. I had 2 gels in T1 before the bike and wanted to take 2 more before the Run. I totally spaced and took none. Run fueling consisted of water and "Prime" for electrolytes. I don't like PRIME and have no idea what is in it. It's a sponsor of the event so, its that or water. I really wanted a coke :laughing

Run heart rate.png

So, all in all I'm not disappointed, but maybe feeling a little unsatisfied I didn't improve as much over last year as I would have hoped. The field at this event really impresses me. It's crazy how fast some people are. Anyone who can do this in under 3 hours has my utter respect. I think that will be my goal if I get picked for this again. I may have to come to terms about "competing" in a trisuit to reach that goal. :laughing It's a weird space to feel a little unsatisfied about a result and at the same time be stoked on participating and getting to enjoy all the best vibes. I think this is a special event and I am grateful to participate. Thanks for all the support guys. This is by far my favorite corner of our little online town square.

my mug.jpg

This is a highlight of the Pro T100 race if anyone is interested. Photo finish at the 15:00 mark! The T100 series pro course is much longer than the one the armatures do.

100km total distance for them. 2km swim. 80km Bike. 18 km run.

In freedom units: 1.24 mile swim
49.7 mile bike
11.1 mile run :wow :wow :wow