Time To Get Fit - 2024

17 mile round trip to the top of Half Dome and back on Monday. Its been on the list to do for a while.
Always wanted to do that, but the timing was never right and I'd never want to do it when the crowds were there.
What was it like on top?
Was up on Glacier Point one year and a hail storm came with lightning while a bunch of people were on top, seemed like a shitty place to be under those circumstances.
Good question, It's debatable :laughing You still getting out to the bluffs?
Hey Mike - yeah, we were there last Sunday. Rode up USCS and down LongMeadow a couple of weeks back. We never get tired of either ride. How's things? We are deader than dogshit at work. :( I still think back to the Flow training trip to Kent; good times (at least for me).
Always wanted to do that, but the timing was never right and I'd never want to do it when the crowds were there.
That ship probably sailed a long time ago. There's now a permitting system between Memorial Day and October to reduce the number of hikers. The posts holding the cables are removed outside of those months, so the summit kinda becomes a 5th-class climb with good chances of wet/icy granite. You likely have the skill and equipment to summit in the off-season, but it may not be as enjoyable.
That ship probably sailed a long time ago. There's now a permitting system between Memorial Day and October to reduce the number of hikers. The posts holding the cables are removed outside of those months, so the summit kinda becomes a 5th-class climb with good chances of wet/icy granite. You likely have the skill and equipment to summit in the off-season, but it may not be as enjoyable.
It would likely be more enjoyable but with all of the things that have gone on over the last decade my main climbing rope is beyond safety limits so I'd have to replace it at a minimum. Then I'd have to find somebody to go with me.
Always wanted to do that, but the timing was never right and I'd never want to do it when the crowds were there.
What was it like on top?
Was up on Glacier Point one year and a hail storm came with lightning while a bunch of people were on top, seemed like a shitty place to be under those circumstances.

Start early and beat the crowds. We started at 4:30 am with headlamps. Some members of the group i went with needed way too many breaks which set us back several hours (3-4) throughout the way up. Crowds were not a problem until i was running back down the mountain and got to the falls area.

My opinion is that the top is good for fueling up, taking a few pics and heading down. We lost so many hours on the way up i was ready to go after about 25 minutes so i took off and ran as much as i could on the way down.

