not Stan
I think part of the reason that beer hit me so hard was because I am now definitely over-trained. Last night's ride was supposed to be some stiff VO2Max intervals - 30s at 140%, 2min at 110%, 30s at 60% x2... then spin for 10min and repeat all that 3 more times. We got through the warm-up, the primers, and one set... then it started dumping buckets. So the ride was cut short. I went to finish the intervals today and could barely do the warm-up and primers. The single set I did was so low quality that I bailed and rode home. This was day 7 in a row, totaling about 250miles. And only 2 of those days were chill rides. So no one should be surprised I'm over-trained. At least now I know exactly how it feels and am really finding out how important rest & recovery are. Tmrw is a rest day, then I will do a few Zone2 days before getting back to intervals.
VO2Max is a punishing metric. The two effective ways to increase it are to decrease BF% and to spend time at high heart-rates. The first is difficult for all those reasons we know and the second is outside of any comfort zone, ie it'll hurt. The payoff can be amazing though, so it's all worth it.
VO2Max is a punishing metric. The two effective ways to increase it are to decrease BF% and to spend time at high heart-rates. The first is difficult for all those reasons we know and the second is outside of any comfort zone, ie it'll hurt. The payoff can be amazing though, so it's all worth it.