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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

I ordered 5th only for my 13/51. What final sprockets do you run?

I run 14/50, which is stock. Tried lower, preferred this. Considered the 5th only, basically an over drive. If I were buying all the OEM parts new, it would have been a strong consideration. But I got a great deal on ebay a year or so ago for the whole WR450F transmission. Want to say $50 or $75, had been looking a long time and knew to jump on that price.

Looking forward to trying it. Really going to spread out 4th and 5th, with 4th being as high as the old 5th.


New X and (OEM YZ)
5th .84 (.95)
4th .95 (1.09)
3rd 1.31 (1.27)
2nd 1.56 (unchanged)
1st 1.93 (unchanged)

The only real question for me is the 3rd gear. Some folks like the lower 3rd gear, others not, I'm going to try it. If I don't like it, not too hard to change back.
You may be able to tune around that 3rd with the rear sprocket if it's important. That tranny does have a rather narrow focus doesn't it (1.93 to .95 spread)? My TX is 2.06 to .77 and the TE's have an even lower first!? Bet it will be nice to have the considerably taller 5th.
You may be able to tune around that 3rd with the rear sprocket if it's important. That tranny does have a rather narrow focus doesn't it (1.93 to .95 spread)? My TX is 2.06 to .77 and the TE's have an even lower first!? Bet it will be nice to have the considerably taller 5th.

Yep, they do. Its a MX bike first and foremost, no way around it. This will make it better, but still no TE or XC-W. I've kept the taller stock sprockets as more often than not, I'll be in 4th or even 5th lugging along comfortably on non technical trails all the time.

This will make it better and give me the option of going with larger rear sprocket if I want to, but I've never found the need beyond just a little more clutch work.

I can also install the lower 1st and 2nd with the main and counter shafts I have from the WR (the YZ250X does not use them either.) It just takes a tiny bit of case clearance work from the pictures and threads I've read. I've got spare cases, so I don't really mind modifying one.

But thought I'd start here with the stock OEM YZ250X ratios as I really don't remember a time I was dying for a lower first with my riding.

Fun SIP project for now. Splitting the case and going back in is just an afternoon of time to invest if I don't like it or wish to change further.

Really looking forward to riding again soon!
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Fun SIP project for now.

Yeah, re-built and re-shimmed the AER's on the Husky two times; added the MXtech mid-valve, SKF seals and low friction band. Then dug into the shock and added some shims to the rebound, put in an SKF seal head and Schraeder valve on the res. It's pretty darned good now.

Then went and swapped the Showa 47mm cc from my old Gas gas and put them on my '93 550. Can't wait to get that out for a rip, those forks are pretty dialed and should shine on that bike.

Finally I ordered new Trials bike that I should see in June (Montesa 301RR). Don't typically gravitate towards 4ts but am real curious about this one; maybe I'll ride like Bou (Hah!).

Looks like a few things may open up in a couple of weeks, can't wait to get out on the big bikes and play around.
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. Finally I ordered new Trials bike that I should see in June (Montesa 301RR). Don't typically gravitate towards 4ts but am real curious about this one; maybe I'll ride like Bou (Hah!).

You've been busy! Sweet bike, hope to see it. You already ride at a level closer to Bou on a trials bike than I'll ever get. :laughing :thumbup
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Fun SIP project for now. Splitting the case and going back in is just an afternoon of time to invest if I don't like it or wish to change further.

Before I started this, I was scared of transmissions. They were like magic. Thanks to google and YouTube, I'm no longer afraid. Except for that shift pawl thing.
Installed all black plastics on the 2020 350 XCF-W green sticker, instead of destroying the mint OEM :ride

Next up is custom graphics for D36 :cool

Looks good! Kinda stormtrooper-ish! :thumbup
Since I abuse my plastics in a hurry, I also buy aftermarket plastics to go on right away, and if I ever sell the bike, the new owner will really like the pristine OEM plastics (much easier to sell)
Well, I only ever bought one new dirt bike, and I still have it haha)

Installed all black plastics on the 2020 350 XCF-W green sticker, instead of destroying the mint OEM :ride

Next up is custom graphics for D36 :cool

Finally decided it is worth trying lower gearing, so i'm dropping from stock 13/50 to 12/50 (new chain and steel sprocket, too).
I've gotten very used to the stock gearing since I bought the 300xc just over a year ago, but lower gearing should be a lot nicer through the stuff I seem to spend most of my time in:



Finally decided it is worth trying lower gearing, so I'm dropping from stock 13/50 to 12/50
A 12-tooth sprocket? And I thought a 13 was small. I've never used smaller than 14 on a bike, although I have a 13 for my XR650L in case I need to go really low someday.
Finally decided it is worth trying lower gearing, so i'm dropping from stock 13/50 to 12/50 (new chain and steel sprocket, too).
I've gotten very used to the stock gearing since I bought the 300xc just over a year ago, but lower gearing should be a lot nicer through the stuff I seem to spend most of my time in:


Oh my..... that IS some challenging riding. I like the comment in the video "thats the Cody Web line" :thumbup That looks like some nice coastal Mtn riding, I assume private. :teeth

I assume you gave up the ghost on the YZ250. Is your 300XC the W with wide ratio? I thought the wide ratio had a pretty low first already and the 12 tooth must be a tractor.

That kind of terrain almost requires e start, or at least it would for me and I still be napping after 15 minutes of it. :laughing

Looks like somebody was riding one of the Free Ride style bikes too.

Thanks for sharing, watched it all the way through... twice. :ride
Thanks CJ. And yeah, keep an eye on Cody's youtube, and you are sure to see him ride that whole section (but you probably won't recognize it, since he'll be traveling about 20x faster!). It is private property, and the owner just cleaned that part enough to ride it. Thanks Steve!)

The YZ is still in the garage for my son whenever he is on leave. I love the YZ250 (which is why I kept pouring money into it, like the WR tranny), but some health issues were making it just too hard to kick 40 times a day, so I had to get something with a button.
I miss the YZ. The big rock face I crashed twice on? Well, the only other time I rode it was on the YZ, and I flew up it no problem. (well, it helped there was a small helper rock at the bottom that time)
(it's at the 0:40 on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zErtoo8Qelw)

The 2015 300XC is stock (not an XCW, which I assume is the WRatio).
13 is stock. I've heard of people running an 11.
I haven't tried the 12 yet. I hope it's not too short, I really liked all the momentum I could get with the 13 for bigger ups. We shall see.
Geez, not sure that creek even looks fun....on a big bike at least. Looks like a real workout and hard to keep moving. I think I'd try a 9mm master before the 12 front, my clutch finger gets tired as the pull is much harder than the Scorpa. With the big bike I find you really have to get all the drive on the lead up, if the nobs catch on the obstacle you go over backwards pretty fast (don't ask how I know...). The 12 front will mean less clutch work but you might spin out more on drive...you will have to test and report!
Cool vid for sure.
Not fun?! Haha, yeah, not the first time i've heard that about hard enduro.
I get that not everybody thinks this is fun. But I do, and that's what matters to me.
Those type of comments are actually the reason I figured I'd start naming the videos "wanna be a hard enduro rider", a suggestion for folks to compare this practice riding with what real hard enduro riders do. It's suffering, exhaustion, pushing one's self to new limits, and sometimes we surprise ourselves with what we can do. "Hard" is in the title for good reason LOL it's meant to be. All of it makes me happy (except for injury, but that seems to happen to me no matter where I go and what I do!). I'm so stoked I found some awesome people to ride with that enjoy these types of rides.

I didn't know they sold master cylinders with different piston diameters. interesting. Do you have any links on where to buy or discussions about these? I doubt i'd want to go that route, but interested to look into it.
I'm so stoked I found some awesome people to ride with that enjoy these types of rides.

And ultimately, that's what its all about. :thumbup

That trail would have kicked my ass and had me opting out very early in the video. Simply don't have the stamina for it anymore. I would have enjoyed the a couple of the sections for the challenge and heckling opportunities.... but couldn't physically endure it all. Certainly motivational.

But I do enjoy watching others suffer... repeatedly. :laughing
Your vid was what got me thinking about doing that on my 300. Using the clutch that much for that long would cause me to make mistakes for sure. That's why I looked at the 9mm bore.

2018 150 xc has the 9mm; 250 and up are running 9.5mm (same as my Husky). Throw is longer to move the same amount of fluid but pressure to do it is less. Few things I read said what you might think, " Longer engagement time you have to adjust to but better ability to control small movements." type comment.

#79202030044 is the KTM part number from Munn Racing; $260 (cough)for the whole master (lever, etc) but there may be cheaper alternatives (used, other years?). I may try to get one just for S&G, don't think the Husky will ever be the Scorpa but a lighter clutch is always a good thing if it works.
What did I do to my dirty bike today?

Sold it.

Well, 1 of 4 of them.

Sold a 2016 ktm 350 excf that was mint, to keep my tried and trusty 2007 453xcw.

For folks considering a 450/500 vs a 350, why did you keep the older generation and larger engine over newer and smaller bike?