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What did you do to your dirty bike today?

Dinked around on my trials bike. The clutch pull at the lever was slightly stiff and it was a problem after 1.5 hours of riding. Is it because of the 42F weather thickening the mineral oil used in the clutch system? The actual clutch itself was fine.



I fell off the left side of this rock:


That last location has a good view of my neighbor's supercross track (being groomed with a little dozer) and figure 8 track. I think he's a pro racer or something, I don't know.

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I've been doing some maintenance on my Gasser after falling on a rock and breaking its shifter.


If you look closely you can see the rear disc guard is already broken. I didn't notice that until later. Not sure if lame or smart, brittle plastic part is sacrificed to save more expensive parts. Aluminum might have transferred force into the caliper or swingarm.


The fork oil was nasty. The steering stem nut was loose and the top triple clamp had some play after removing the forks. So that's what that new squeak was!

The fender is not centered over the front tire when everything is bolted back together. Good thing I don't ride in mud.

This is the second air filter ruined after sticking to the airbox junction. When you leave it on too long with No-Toil grease it sticks and the foam rips. The other filter was Jitsie with a neoprene seal and it was much worse. I need to pull and clean air filters immediately after riding instead of letting them sit for months. Maybe it has something to do with the freezing cold garage, too.

I think I got my winter jetting right.
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