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World swimming bans transgender women from competing

Does trans-men and trans-women actually tell you anything?
It does. It tells you that a person from one gender identity granted based on sex at birth has transitioned away to another.

This is the basis of the debate on cis-women sports inclusion.

Beyond that, I don't think anyone needs to know anything more. Whatever trans-athletes want to do regarding the rules for competition around pre/post op inclusion, hormone regulation or whatever, is something the governing body for their sporting organizations should define and reasonable people in general should not have a beef with that.
Seems like that leaves way too big of a gamut. It would include a man that identifies as a women, but has made no changes beyond appearance.
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The unlimited class could be off the hook; allowance of steroids, bionics, etc. Pretty much anything goes. We'd have handicapped with bionic augments. The whole lot. Full experimental tech!
The unlimited class could be off the hook; allowance of steroids, bionics, etc. Pretty much anything goes. We'd have handicapped with bionic augments. The whole lot. Full experimental tech!
Is that the class a high school sophomore should swim in?
Fully on board with experimental advancements being applied and evaluated through physical activities. If there is entertainment cross over, bring it. If competition pushes an individual to test out experimental technologies, willingly, let's all see it.

We see the experimental applications in mechanical devices. As we learn more about the body, accelerate developments. I believe other countries are doing this at a less ethical clip.
Is that the class a high school sophomore should swim in?

Absolutely. There's gonna be 65 year old retired salmon fishermen on HGH+Sustanon 250+bionic legs in it too. I think Oscal Pistorious too, on a temporary "Freedom pass".

Edit: all jokes aside, I DO think an experimental class in certain sports has benefits to others. The key is to not put limits on the experimental part. I'd watch this shit out this class. Allow in-person betting too.
Competition should be as fair as reasonably possible. That means excluding people who were born male from women’s competitive events. It’s as simple as that.
And I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of people undergoing operations to alter what they were born with, just to comply with what society thinks you should or shouldn’t be, is completely nuts. If I was born with two penises or a penis and a vagina, I’d leave them the hell alone and not risk surgery and all the possible complications and unexpected changes to organs that are so important in life.

People need to accept and love each other as we were born.
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The unlimited class could be off the hook; allowance of steroids, bionics, etc. Pretty much anything goes. We'd have handicapped with bionic augments. The whole lot. Full experimental tech!
Well.. I miss understood.

I thought unlimited meant open to all genders types and a lot of sports may fall into that class by not requiring physical strength to be dominant.

Ping Pong, fencing, badminton, shooting, equestrian, etc. I think your take is more like Xtreme Class.
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And I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of people undergoing operations to alter what they were born with, just to comply with what society thinks you should or shouldn’t be, is completely nuts. If I was born with two penises or a penis and a vagina, I’d leave them the hell alone and not risk surgery and all the possible complications.

People need to accept and love each other as we were born.
No its easier to try to force other people to comply with their delusions!
And I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of people undergoing operations to alter what they were born with, just to comply with what society thinks you should or shouldn’t be, is completely nuts. If I was born with two penises or a penis and a vagina, I’d leave them the hell alone and not risk surgery and all the possible complications.

People need to accept and love each other as we were born.
Maybe you should accept not everyone believes what you believe as far as loving themselves as we were born. Honest question do you personally know any trans people? Also you need to realize many trans people knew they were a different gender as long as they've had the cognitive ability to have such thoughts so they WERE born and had love for themselves but needed to make certain changes to feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Regardless of the trans population, people have been getting surgery to alter their physical appearance as long as the ability to do so has existed. There's not a bunch of outrage when women get boob jobs. Should they just love themselves as being having small boobs? A lot do, a lot don't. It's their right to navigate that in whatever manner makes them happy. How about guys getting hair plugs? Nose jobs?

Also you weren't born with two penises or a penis and a vagina, so it's pretty arrogant to say what you would or wouldn't do if that was your situation.
Well.. I miss understood.

I thought unlimited meant open to all genders types and a lot of sports may fall into that class by not requiring physical strength to be dominant.

Ping Pong, fencing, badminton, shooting, equestrian, etc. I think your take is more like Xtreme Class.

You had it right, I was just expanding....maybe call the experimental class: unlimited extreme. Like formula extreme.
Say . . . . how about penalty weights?

If a transgender, originally male, wants to compete in women's athletics, then give (him/her/they?) a two kilo bag of lead shot, or more, to strap to his torso. Swim meets might garner advertising support then. Ergo, track and field also.

Works on the race track when a factory has figured out an unfair advantage. Why not?
Clearly this is a huge issue and we should discuss on this rather than lesser issues such as what is currently happening to our country.
My (current) primary problem with a blanket ban on transwomen in sports is the discrimination and abuse this will bring to ciswomen, the much larger population here. Banning transwomen from sports will affect dozens of people nationwide and isn't my largest concern - a "solution looking for a problem" in some ways. However the more traction this bullshit gets, the more women and girls that perform well or look a little masculine will be ridiculed, have their results questioned, and may be forced to submit to an examination to prove they arent trans. Fuck that noise. Do you want to your successful wife/sister/daughter going through that for sport? And don't be so naive to think this only applies to pro sports or some tiny subset of all sports. This will bleed into amateur and kids sports too, especially if they are proving grounds for later pros. Examples of this already exist.

"XX, XY, Unlimited" is a terrible idea. Even before HRT, people dont fit nicely into those categories. Adding more incentive to steroid use is laughably bad and a great way to kill people. Also, allowing any extreme competition beyond "natural" human ability will call into question the results in the XY category in the same way that transwomen do for ciswomen sports. Every XY competitor that performs really well - many will do better than the worst in Unlimited - will instantly be accused of cheating. Ooooo, maybe we should have this so that men are more likely to experience what women may go through with today's bullshit.
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And I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of people undergoing operations to alter what they were born with, just to comply with what society thinks you should or shouldn’t be, is completely nuts. If I was born with two penises or a penis and a vagina, I’d leave them the hell alone and not risk surgery and all the possible complications and unexpected changes to organs that are so important in life.

People need to accept and love each other as we were born.

Agreed. People need to stop with the tummy tucks, the butt lifts, the botox, the boob jobs, the scar remediations, the wrinkle reductions, the hair plugs. You know, all of those gender-reaffirming surgeries that folks pursue? Heck, you could add tattoos and medication for erectile dysfunction in there. 100% agree that they should all just love the body they were born with and never change it. Not even if doing so might make you feel more comfortable in your own body, right?

You don't want one? Don't get one. Let others do as they and their doctor decide.