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WTF, Dublin High Kid Jumped at School

I sure do want to hear the back story.... perhaps there is a good reason why a parent would take the risk knowing it is basically wrong and they will get busted for it. I won't go into the list of things that I might have considered as a younger Dad, but there are some where I think I might be that stupid. However I would not have been stupid enough to do it at the school. :p

I got my ass whooped by an adult older brother as a lad and it only involved a grape and a wrist rocket :laughing
I suspect you have the answer right there. Some adults are dumb as rocks.
Memaw said to me:
‘I don’t want you hanging with that no-good kid. I see you with him again I will take the car and run him over and nobody will know.’
How about a boy who bullied another until he committed suicide?

See, there are plenty of shades of gray possible, we just don't know what shade the offense was, on the other side it could be some imagined slight. We don't know.
No, but we do know this kid is black in a school where he’s a definite minority and the parent addressed him using the n-word. Found that in another article.
Well that is a tell.
I've also heard that the kid who was beaten had earlier defended a developmentally disabled kid who was being bullied by a girl. In the process, he evidently insulted the girl.

The girl and her mom were present when the beatdown began, the mom confronted the kid, began recording video with a cell phone and the four hooded guys appeared from behind her and started assaulting the kid, who ran into the locker room. There may be more to it than this and I haven't seen this in writing anywhere. It was reported on KCBS earlier this evening.
from the article:
Byrne said in an email to the school community that football players and head coach Napoleon Kaufman helped stop the altercation.

wait what, you mean that Napoleon Kaufman?
Raiders running back in the 90s that suffered a horrendous career ending knee injury in a game against the whiners
I've also heard that the kid who was beaten had earlier defended a developmentally disabled kid who was being bullied by a girl. In the process, he evidently insulted the girl.

The girl and her mom were present when the beatdown began, the mom confronted the kid, began recording video with a cell phone and the four hooded guys appeared from behind her and started assaulting the kid, who ran into the locker room. There may be more to it than this and I haven't seen this in writing anywhere. It was reported on KCBS earlier this evening.
if this is accurate it sounds like the victim is a good kid. it sounds like the mother and daughter are peas in a pod: bullies. **if** what you heard is accurate. i reckon this thread will end up crazy long as the story unfolds while legal system does its thing.
some ppl shouldnt have kids

this parent is prolly one of those types of peeps
No, but we do know this kid is black in a school where he’s a definite minority and the parent addressed him using the n-word. Found that in another article.

I've also heard that the kid who was beaten had earlier defended a developmentally disabled kid who was being bullied by a girl. In the process, he evidently insulted the girl.

The girl and her mom were present when the beatdown began, the mom confronted the kid, began recording video with a cell phone and the four hooded guys appeared from behind her and started assaulting the kid, who ran into the locker room. There may be more to it than this and I haven't seen this in writing anywhere. It was reported on KCBS earlier this evening.

more info-fuel for the fire but it confirms some things:

It was a Mom... :wow

Still cloudy for sure, but it does not appear the Mother hit him. What a screwed up deal. I hope the kids or young adults that beat him up get caught and we all get to know the real story. Did Mom bring enforcers??? That would be extra nutcase shit.
If the outcome reveals that he was beaten up for dressing down a bully I hope that mother gets jail time. Done with these stupid racist (because she used the n word) idiots getting away with bad behavior. I’m assuming mom is one of Dublin’s plastic fantastic white ladies.
The victim is among 4.27% of the population in Dublin.

Interestingly, if she's white she's only among 29.65 of the population.
He said there was no campus police, or student resource officer, on campus at that time because they are stationed throughout all area schools and move from campus to campus throughout the day. Even if there was an officer on duty, he said, they normally would not be stationed in front of the locker room at that time of day, and instead would be somewhere toward the front of the school in a zone with higher foot traffic.

“I don’t think an SRO (School Resource Officer) would have prevented that from happening,” Funk said.
good to know the superintendent has the expertise to come to that conclusion, wtf.
good to know the superintendent has the expertise to come to that conclusion, wtf.
Why have cops on foot patrol in a school if everyone knows where they won't be? That was a dumb-fuck, flailing answer by the superintendent.