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How-To: 2003+ Intake Cam > 2002- SV650


New member
Jan 4, 2002
Difficulty Level: Advanced (for the DIYer)

Intake Cams:



Cam Chain Tensioner (CCT) Gaskets (x2)
P/N: 12837-24A10

APE Manual CCT (optional)

I didn't take pics of every single step but you should be competent enough to not need to see every step if you are to do this modification. If at any point you aren't sure what or how to do 1 of these steps, DO NOT PROCEED ANY FURTHER and take it to a professional.

1. remove bodywork (SVS model). side fairings only.
2. remove radiator (highly recommended but not necessary)
3. remove or lift gas tank (i remove as it's easier to work on rear cylinder)
4. remove sparkplugs (front and rear)
5. remove cylinder head covers (front and rear)
6. remove generator plug cover (10mm hex)


7. remove timing inspection plug (8mm hex)
8. turn the crankshaft via the generator rotor (17mm socket) and align it w/ the *|F* mark



9. mark the cam chain with a sharpie or magic marker at the timing marks



10. remove the cam chain guide
11. remove CCT. loosen adjuster nut before removing if reusing stock CCT.
12. remove intake and exhaust camshaft housing
13. remove intake and exhaust camshafts. make sure the cam chain does not fall into cylinder head. use zip ties or safety wire and hang it from the frame.
14. mark the old intake cam (OI) like so with a sharpie:
Note: if you bought the cams as a set and not sure which cam goes to which head, check the lobes and match up the OI to the new intake (NI) so the timing marks and lobes are identical.


Note: We want to transfer these marks onto the OI. As a reference we'll use the '3' mark, it is 65.5 deg CCW from the lobe, therefore the new 'lF' mark will be 65.5 - 29.5 = 36 deg CW from the '3' To get the 36 deg, start at the '3' mark which points to a valley, go 3 valley (30 deg) and then to the next peak (5 deg) for a total of 35 deg (as close as you can get it) For the '2' mark, it'll be 53.5 deg CW from the lobe, again starting from the existing '3' mark, go CW 36 + 29.5 + 53.5 = 119 deg Count 12 valleys from' 3 r mark

15. Install OI into the exhaust side using the new timing marks. 1F should be flush with the cylinder head pointing to the exhaust. line up the cam chain to the new 2 mark

16. Install the NI cam into the intake side using the same timing mark 3. It's 16 links from new #2 timing mark from the OI.

17. Re-Install camshaft housing (7ft-lb torque)
18. Check valve clearance and adjust as necessary. OEM manual procedures P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5

Formula: A = (B-C) + D
A=Shim you want
B=Recorded Clearance
C=Clearance you want
D=Shim you have

Intake spec (0.1-0.2mm). set preferably to 0.15
Exhaust spec (0.2-0.3mm). set preferably to 0.27

19. Re-Install CCT (7ft-lb torque mount bolts; 6ft-lb for adjuster nut)


20. timing marks will be flip-flopped around (1F & 2 will be on the intake side and visa versa)

same steps, except timing marks are slightly different and a bit of a pain to get to the rear CCT. you may need to remove the right rearset (rear brake side) to gain access


Use this timing mark for the OI


21. Rotate the engine and recheck your timing marks. if it binds anywhere, adjust otherwise you'll do bad things that cost $$$$.
22. Button everything back up and ride.

Torque settings:
Head Cover bolt 10ft-lb
Valve Timing Inspection plug (8mm hex) 16.5ft-lb
Generator cover plug (10mm hex) 8ft-lb

If you installed APE CCT's, read the instructions and adjust as necessary


Some people have reported needing to rejet their bikes afterwards. YMMV but it's a good idea to do a before and after dyno run for this swap. Reported gains were in the 7-9rwhp range. Very nice hp bump for a couple hundred dollars and a day of work. This is essentially the same as a JHS stage II cam kit.

Thanks to zoran (TWF) for the cams and for sharing the knowledge. If it weren't for him, the common rider would not even know what this was or how to do it. Alot of tuners like to keep secrets from the competition and zoran's always been helpful

Thanks to valgar for hosting the pics

little dyno tune comparo from quasi's (now drizz's) bike:

Installing the 1st gen intake cams (1GIC) into your exhaust side will net some hp gains. basically skip the intake side and do the exhaust side using the 1GIC and marking them the same as you would in this tutorial. You wil not get the same increase in hp but if you have a couple hundred bucks burning a hole in your pocket and time on your hands, it's possible to do.
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Best cam-swap writeup EVAR!

Where was this, like, 6 months ago?! (Oh wait, nevermind, you came out to oversee the operation in person! :thumbup)

I hope you posted this on svrider.com too.
i actually wrote the original up around this time last yr. just never got around to finishing it...
I am doing this to my SV650. Your step "20" is wrong: it should read rotate the engine 360 degrees back to the "F" mark. I know this 'cuz I forgot to rotate the engine when installing mine. I changed the firing sequence of the engine. Luckily I didn't do any damage. You can read about my experiences at: http://forum.svrider.com/index.php?topic=56720.0
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This swap is the best $200 bucks I've ever spent on my bike! Plus Zoran got to listen to his phone ring every hour from me as he walked me through it! lol Thanks again Z-Man!
Thanks Macky. Also the genius I am, I forgot to mark the links on the chain for alignment. Any way to make sure I get the teeth in the right chain links before I put everything together?

Sorry for the bother.
when you put the cams in just make sure the timing marks are as pictured (in the manual)

made it easy for you


Just finished earlier tonight. Thanks so much. All I have to do id flush the radiator and put it back on.

Thank you again.
enrico vespa said:
Thanks Macky. Also the genius I am, I forgot to mark the links on the chain for alignment.
that is easiest way to get it wrong.which link on chain will be at what mark is pointless.it makes no difference.
MackeyStingray said:
when you put the cams in just make sure the timing marks are as pictured (in the manual)

timing marks that you made on cams,right?
03 intake cam swap

hello guys
i have a 03+ sv650. i want to do the cam swap.
is it better to put 03 intake or 02 intake cam in the exhaust side??



money is no problem, i already have both intake cam
hello guys
i have a 03+ sv650. i want to do the cam swap.
is it better to put 03 intake or 02 intake cam in the exhaust side??



money is no problem, i already have both intake cam

You already HAVE done the cam swap. The 03 cams are basically what the upgrade is about.
After this cam swap, I seem to be getting a hesitation on rapid accelleration. Rejetting needed or... ?
rechecking of cams needed. The swap does not need rejet. Are you carbs still stock? If so, try shimming the needles 40 thous and turning the fuel screws out three turns. If you have an aftermarket filter or exhaust you need bigger mains.