AMA members check in - why you should join


Updated all. Thanks for supporting the effort!
Maybe not the place for this, but I struggle with joining the AMA.

Regarding excessive motorcycle sound, they say this:

The AMA believes that few other factors contribute more to misunderstanding and prejudice against the motorcycling community than excessively loud motorcycles.

However, I think that a factor that contributes even more to public prejudice and misunderstanding against riders is the AMA's high profile fight against helmet laws.

I don't favor these laws myself: I agree with the AMA position that adults can make their own decisions (and the social cost of no helmets is low).

Yes, I know the slippery slope argument. But we have laws for seat belts and child seats and ABS and airbags, so I don't think motorcyclists are unduly targeted or singled out for helmet laws.

I suspect AMA fights them because it's an easy way to gain support and funding for cruiser riders, who make up the largest proportion of street bike riders. But fighting these laws in a high profile fashion makes us look like idiots in the eyes of the public, and causes resentment about perceived social costs.

So while I support most of their other initiatives, I can't get behind an organization that makes fighting helmet laws a top priority. This focus by the AMA further alienates us from the public.

Plus they made a mess of the roadracing series...:laughing
who's says no one reads the stickies...

I guess someone can add my AMA numba to the correct spot....
AMA# 734668 since 2005. Good organization in my opinion.
signed up today following the release of the first O/MC!

AMA# 2821644
Right on Tim.. you can see I appreciate it by the quick hit back on the number listing. :thumbup
Hey Mr. Hill

Could you explain to others what the defender means??
Hey Mr. Hill

Could you explain to others what the defender means??

It means I'm a bad mamma jamma, and I pay $10 extra per year. That $10 goes towards defending the riding rights of myself and my fellow riders (you guys!). It helps the AMA continue to monitor and respond to legislation that may inhibit our two-wheeled freedoms, and to push for rules that are fair and promote safe riding.

I felt that a Defender membership was very much in line with what you and silversvs are trying to do for us all as riders, so I decided that the extra $10 per year was well worth it. The Defender membership also comes with AMA Roadside Assistance for not only my bike(s), but also my car and my spouse's (if I had one) as well. :thumbup
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Mike, I have a friend that is looking for wild romance. :)

Say, I thought all levels come with roadside assistance. Did I get it wrong?
Mike, I have a friend that is looking for wild romance. :)

Say, I thought all levels come with roadside assistance. Did I get it wrong?

Ooh, interesting! She's not just looking for a free tow, is she? :laughing

I think all levels come with roadside assistance if you sign up with auto-renewal.