BARF 5th birthday Bash! October 15th

I haven't been around all that long, but I have to agree with planegray, feeling old.

Great to see those I know, and see new ones. Had a blast!
Angel said:
And you sir!!! I have a bone to pick with you :x :cry :laughing

What time did you actually show up???? I waited for you as long as I could!!!!!!!!



I missed you again. Yeah, Ms. Alayna told me you waited up for me but had to go.

I got there around 4:15 just in time to rock with The Twofingers!!

Let's ride soon, ok?!
Hooli said:
I didn't meet CeruleanSkye... :(

You're going to the Halloween Party on the 28th, Hooli? I believe Dion and I plan to be there... In costume!
i had a wonderful time.

it was nice to see and meet everyone.

Great party! The bands were groovy. Slow race was fun too.

A giant BARFday cake would be cool for the next one.

and thanx to my kids and Chi for making me come outta that place like a bandit!

was cool to be gr33ted by budman for sure, and catching up with everyone of course. gotta make my rounds to the m33ts again. it's b33n too long.

Bap, I coulda used some JD! that's my flavour ;) was even promoting for them with the sweater!

and thanx to Chi again for the brews, too. I owe you a pitcher, ese!

had blast and so did my kids.

great times...