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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 17th, 7 p.m.

Good stuff.. I am learning the kazoo now.. be there one day!!

Some great pics for the barf books! :thumbup
I'm meeting with a bass instructor during the school break. my goal is to play well enough by mid summer. these jams inspire me, huge props to Mike for hosting them.....:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup
Good stuff.. I am learning the kazoo now.. be there one day!!

Some great pics for the barf books! :thumbup

Knowing how to play an instrument is not a prerequisite for showing up and swilling Aaron's home brew... as is evidenced by the fact that I'm there playing!! :rofl

I'm meeting with a bass instructor during the school break. my goal is to play well enough by mid summer. these jams inspire me, huge props to Mike for hosting them.....:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

Jimmy, I played my first gig about 8 weeks after picking up a bass for the first time... take a couple lessons, practice a bit, and then come out to the next jam... Andy can show you the easy way to play a song's bass line... he's had lots of practice with that for the last 3 years with me!! :teeth
Connie, at this point I'm open to any method that will help, quiting is not an option......
I'm meeting with a bass instructor during the school break. my goal is to play well enough by mid summer. these jams inspire me, huge props to Mike for hosting them.....:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup

The most important aspects of bass are: keeping time (w/ the drummer), and laying the groove (root). It's easy if you listen for it.

I learned how to play buy buying the CD/Books and just started jamming along to them. Very inexpensive, and it's actually a lot of fun. I had been playing for 11 years up until I left, I kept buying CD/Books and played to them nearly daily.

Oh, I even did the cheeky and stole a riff right out of the book during a Jazz Festival and won Best Rhythm Section Solo in Reno :shhh haha.
^^stealing is a bad,bad thing ,Tony....

yeah, i got the CD/books thing,too...
Connie, at this point I'm open to any method that will help, quiting is not an option......

Start listening to the bass lines in songs... trying to hum along with them... then start trying to pick them out on your bass and play them... just keep practicing. I'm nowhere near the bass player Mike is, or Anthony... but I managed to get to being a solid intermediate and play a lot of gigs for a couple of years on my own without lessons. Best thing I can tell you is make the time commitment... I played a minimum of an hour a day when I was in a band, every day.
Start listening to the bass lines in songs... trying to hum along with them...

My mom (who has been playing classical piano all her life), once told me that if you can't hum/sing a melody, you're going to have trouble playing it regardless of the instrument.
Connie/hooli, yep is a time issue,not a lack of carrying a beat. right now, i'm willing to give up riding to play bass, confidently.we'll see what happens next week when i meet up with the instructor.....
Oh no, I actually think it'd be hilarious to see what happens between him and Jen. :rofl

Dude, Jen would rip him to pieces.

Damn, it's like she's some kind of dragon-lady, or something. Jen's a sweetie (in spite of the fact that she's from Jersey). Considering the amount of :leghump going on, I would say she's been well-behaved. Must suck to be good looking. Yay, I found an upside to being a fat old man with a double-digit chin count!
Damn, it's like she's some kind of dragon-lady, or something. Jen's a sweetie (in spite of the fact that she's from Jersey). Considering the amount of :leghump going on, I would say she's been well-behaved. Must suck to be good looking. Yay, I found an upside to being a fat old man with a double-digit chin count!

Is your sarcasm filter there on, buddy? :p

Yes, yes, we *know* she's really a sweetie-pie. :cool
All y'all need to lay off my pit monkey! :shame

And Jimmy, why on earth would you give up riding to play bass? Geez, if I can learn, anyone can! It's not that difficult... keep your bass out on a stand with your amp all set up... having it ready to play in less than a minute helps. Grab 10 or 15 minutes when you can during the day... you'll be amazed how quickly things progress. Shouldn't have to be an "either/or" proposition...
Oh, before I forget:
Hi You! ... You're hot. kthxbai. :later

Thanks :blush

JFC, you never stop do you? :laughing

Good thing you're overseas...stay down there and stop stealing our women. :x

:love Don't worry Hools, no one could replace u.

Damn, it's like she's some kind of dragon-lady, or something. Jen's a sweetie (in spite of the fact that she's from Jersey). Considering the amount of :leghump going on, I would say she's been well-behaved. Must suck to be good looking. Yay, I found an upside to being a fat old man with a double-digit chin count!

Jersey rocks. And thank you......I think. ;)

She's nice until you cross her. :nchantr

Dude, me telling you that you act like a chick is just someone finally telling you the truth.

All y'all need to lay off my pit monkey! :shame

Thanks Connie!! Pit monkey in training ! :party
Dude, me telling you that you act like a chick is just someone finally telling you the truth.

