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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 17th, 7 p.m.

Connie/hooli, yep is a time issue,not a lack of carrying a beat. right now, i'm willing to give up riding to play bass, confidently.we'll see what happens next week when i meet up with the instructor.....

All y'all need to lay off my pit monkey! :shame

And Jimmy, why on earth would you give up riding to play bass? Geez, if I can learn, anyone can! It's not that difficult... keep your bass out on a stand with your amp all set up... having it ready to play in less than a minute helps. Grab 10 or 15 minutes when you can during the day... you'll be amazed how quickly things progress. Shouldn't have to be an "either/or" proposition...
This is great, I just listen'd to Miles Davis' Flamenco Sketches Then Dave Mathews Band, Two step & Ants Marching Niel Young Needle and the damage done and now Marshal Tucker's Running Like the Wind. I luvs music; all kinds of music (except fucking banjos :laughing ) and have always had passion ta play & ride. Like rhythm rider Aaron; the two go hand 'n hand.

Jimmy, sounds like yer try'in too hard, let the music come to you, from you. Play sump'in simple, play it over & over, til you can play it without think'in 'bout it, (Ta gain confidence) then try sump'in harder. Play'in in a serious band is time consuming, but you can play for "you" without sacrifice'in anythang.
I get up at 4:30 a.m. every day, and practice from 6;20 ta 7;50. The music & rhythm helpz my ride'in. :ride
Relax 'n have fun with it; hell, I dun bean sucking fer over 40 years, and it ain't bothered me nun. :rofl

Dear Volcomism: You are officially banned from :leghump anybody in my pictures. It's a forum rule. Damn near started a war last time, remember? :rofl
I get up at 4:30 a.m. every day, and practice from 6;20 ta 7;50. The music & rhythm helpz my ride'in. :ride
Relax 'n have fun with it; hell, I dun bean sucking fer over 40 years, and it ain't bothered me nun. :rofl
thanks for the tips,much appreciated. your neighbors must love you to put up with drum practice at that time of day.....:laughing
thanks for the tips,much appreciated. your neighbors must love you to put up with drum practice at that time of day.....:laughing

Nah... it's a nice counter-point to the far-off sounds of banjos... :laughing

But he's right... find an easy song that you know really well, and start with that. Accept that you'll be playing the same song over and over and over... like 15 times at one sitting... but when you get 3 or 4 of them, and can play along with the CD, then it starts getting fun! :)
Dear Volcomism: You are officially banned from :leghump anybody in my pictures. It's a forum rule. Damn near started a war last time, remember? :rofl

haha. Hey now.. in my defense we ended up happy for about a year only to become best friends now. Soo all ended pretty well. Thanks babe :kiss
thanks for the tips,much appreciated. your neighbors must love you to put up with drum practice at that time of day.....:laughing
What neighbors, they dun moved away! :rofl (Actually I have an electronic kit w/ headphones that doesn't make much noise.)
I'm mostly self taught, but I did take lessons briefly. While lay'in in bed listening to Led Zeppelin, I worked out the (Simple) beat ta Since I've Been Loving You then got my bro's old kit out of the attic and started playing the shit outta it.
All ya gotta do is want it. :teeth

Looking forward to the next BARF jam.

That is all.
And I promise to bring abetted beer selection next time. Inventory was pretty low for this one.