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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 1st, 7 p.m.

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Couple Q's:

1. Is there room for an acoustic drum kit? (In addition to the electric one we see in the videos?)

2. Will the neighbors revolt if it gets loud? What's the neighbor situation?

Usually, if you buy some of their crack, they stay cool...
but seriously folks,
if our numbers start getting too big for 85th, soundwave isn't far, its a cool scene, and I'd be OK to kick in a little $$$. Its TZs ride...
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If you guys want an acoustic drum kit, I can bring that one instead. My real kit has 3 rack toms, one floor tom, two crashes, ride, hi-hat, and a china. All A-Custom cymbals. The only reason I bring the e-kit is to keep the noise level tolerable. If there will be acoustic drums, I will bring enough ear plugs for everyone.
Hey, heres a barf jam joke I made up over breakfast

Q: What does a grape call steaming hot oatmeal?
A: Raisin hell.

You SURE you want me to play bass?:teeth
Q: What does a grape call steaming hot oatmeal?
A: Raisin hell.

One song I've always loved to play to over and over and louder and louder is the Penniman penned tune 'Directly From My Heart to You' as recorderd by Frank Zappa on Weasels Ripped My Flesh. Theres a violin, but no sax.:nchantr
I play bass poorly, mainly 1,4,5 blues stuff. Beyond that I'm no good. Anyone into such a genre?

blues rule, just keep the beat, lay back when youre unsure, and go for it when the universe is at your back, sorta like riding. Oh, yeah...make sure everyones as drunk as you are. Sorta like riding NOT!!:cool
hmmm posting a lot...dont wanta give the wrong impression, so heres an old joke.

Two Irishman were walking out of a bar....:rolleyes
One song I've always loved to play to over and over and louder and louder is the Penniman penned tune 'Directly From My Heart to You' as recorderd by Frank Zappa on Weasels Ripped My Flesh. Theres a violin, but no sax.:nchantr

I imagine we can add one, as it sounds like there may be one of each. :)
OK, no bullshit, hows the 'hood? No knock on your crib, Ironbutt, I lived in Oakland for 17 years, and still work in some really bad areas there, but we workers leave at 4:00, and arent really a part of the life. loud music on a Saturday night really could attract unwanted elements looking to take shit off. could also attract hotties who like to dance...and then take shit off. Its TZs ride, I'll play where ever. I wasnt at the last one, so I dont know what we're growing here..shit happens. it happens some places more than others, OK?
Soundwave is mellow Disneyland...
still in
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Channelcat, I haven't been there, but I don't think there is a lot to worry about. Use common sense like you would anywhere else and you should be fine.

The crowd we attract has always been mellow and supportive, so I don't expect our group will create problems for ourselves either.
Couple Q's:

1. Is there room for an acoustic drum kit? (In addition to the electric one we see in the videos?)

2. Will the neighbors revolt if it gets loud? What's the neighbor situation?


Yes, there is room for an acustic drum Kit, I was hoping someone would bring one.. Do we have two drum kits we can setup? that'd be fun, I have room for two.

The neighboors the my left own a music studio and the largest green room in Northern California; I'm sure they'll enjoy the 'musak' for as long as it lasts, I'll let em know when I wake up tomorrow.. I just go back from the LAB2V... zzzzzzzzzz
OK, no bullshit, hows the 'hood? No knock on your crib, Ironbutt, I lived in Oakland for 17 years, and still work in some really bad areas there, but we workers leave at 4:00, and arent really a part of the life. loud music on a Saturday night really could attract unwanted elements looking to take shit off. could also attract hotties who like to dance...and then take shit off. Its TZs ride, I'll play where ever. I wasnt at the last one, so I dont know what we're growing here..shit happens. it happens some places more than others, OK?
Soundwave is mellow Disneyland...
still in

We can be loud here and not attract neighboorhood attention. It'll all be inside.
One song I've always loved to play to over and over and louder and louder is the Penniman penned tune 'Directly From My Heart to You' as recorderd by Frank Zappa on Weasels Ripped My Flesh. Theres a violin, but no sax.:nchantr

I'll have to fire up the Zappa CD's and learn some of that one..
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