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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 1st, 7 p.m.

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Andy, I was thinking of bringing my laptop. That way, if anyone wants to plug in their iPod any desired tunes can be played right through my THS10. Hope it's loud enough. :laughing

It might be a stretch with acoustic drums, but lets give it a shot. I'll bring a Mesa combo as a backup and you're welcome to play through that or my other rig.
Jeff, I'd be happy to bring my bass amp to the jam...thing is it's buried somewhere in my storage unit in Alameda. Tell you what, I'll stop by there sometime tomorrow or Friday and see if I can dig it out without becoming a statistic. :laughing

Channelcat, am disappoint in your attitude. :nchantr We share where/when we can.

Thanks Jeff I appreciate the gesture but please don't go through too much trouble especially since I'm not positive I can make it yet. I have a little practice amp I could bring, it aint very loud but it may do if that don't pan out.
Sorry, didnt mean to be a dick..I'm a hyper competitive social retard.
My little dumass music stuff isnt in storage or on the fritz...I live with it everyday. Its all I got. I bring, we use, no problem, ok? If not, say so, and I'm out, no problem.
usually, once the music starts, everything seems to work out...
hey, Jeff, that practice amp would be neat. then we play with no whos got what...loud isnt necessary.
Hope to see you there. Dont forget the keys...
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Sorry, didnt mean to be a dick..I'm a hyper competitive social retard.
My little dumass music stuff isnt in storage or on the fritz...I live with it everyday. Its all I got. I bring, we use, no problem, ok? If not, say so, and I'm out, no problem.
usually, once the music starts, everything seems to work out...

My ideal scene is for you to be there and for all to have a good time. These things generally last several hours and everyone should get enough playing in to make their fingers hurt. :)
:(:( Not looking good for me now. It's my birthday today :party and I've been told there is a party for me Sat. night. APPARENTLY its rude to not show up? I learned this after being yelled at that I was rude and selfish cuz I wanted to jam instead.. :laughing I thought on your birthday you got whatever you wanted.... :mad Anyway for my present you guys can move it to Sunday night. Thanks! :thumbup
:(:( Not looking good for me now. It's my birthday today :party and I've been told there is a party for me Sat. night. APPARENTLY its rude to not show up? I learned this after being yelled at that I was rude and selfish cuz I wanted to jam instead.. :laughing I thought on your birthday you got whatever you wanted.... :mad Anyway for my present you guys can move it to Sunday night. Thanks! :thumbup

so jazzed about this I played till my fingers swole up. Now they hurt. Guess it serves me right for being so tweaky on the board...
I'm nervous.
Yeah, don't worry, it's just fun and notes and stuff...

I PROMISE to play MORE WRONG notes than ANYONE tomorrow night.

- a promise you can believe in -

Liquor me up and I'll shriek into the microphone...

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