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BARF Jam: Saturday, December 1st, 7 p.m.

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I have to agree with Kev~~ The electric Violin was great!! we wanted to hear more...

I had a wonderful time.. you guys rocked it!!:)

Glad you liked it. I bought myself a pickup for next time :) I totally wasn't expecting things to be that loud.

There was great talent all around, and 2 bassists at the same time was pretty intense :laughing

Also, the "venue"/Pad was awesome!
ya know ya liked it when ya...just..cant..WAIT..to do it again!!
thanks, too, to rhythmrider, big time. probably didnt need to be said...
old joke...whats a singer?
some dude who likes to hang out with musicians...
I couldnt hear Jeff too well, but his fingers looked busier than mine!!
freeway jam, jelled..
ok, back to work
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freeway jam, jelled..

We didn't end up playing Freeway Jam. Jeff had suggested it, but then we changed our mind and played Stratus. Freeway Jam is a cool song and has an extended jam that would be perfect for people to blow on.

I think I've resigned myself to the idea that nobody is going to want to play The Dance of Maya with me. :laughing
We didn't end up playing Freeway Jam. Jeff had suggested it, but then we changed our mind and played Stratus. Freeway Jam is a cool song and has an extended jam that would be perfect for people to blow on.

I think I've resigned myself to the idea that nobody is going to want to play The Dance of Maya with me. :laughing

One of these days you'll get a taker. :)
Thats what I thought..save me from my depredations!:rofl
wish I had wicked up Higher Ground..sax and violins woulda been shreddin'!

Who doesn't like a little sex & violence? Wait wut?
We didn't end up playing Freeway Jam. Jeff had suggested it, but then we changed our mind and played Stratus. Freeway Jam is a cool song and has an extended jam that would be perfect for people to blow on.

I think I've resigned myself to the idea that nobody is going to want to play The Dance of Maya with me. :laughing

I met a gal named Maya once...blonde, as I recall..
Got a new front tire, and am looking forward to doing some riding.
Down to BevMo!!
And get some Shine and quit drinking this crap Ancient Age..
once youve found what makes you happy..
you..just..might.. not.want to work anymore.:thumbup

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Got a new front tire, and am looking forward to doing some riding.
Down to BevMo!!
And get some Shine and quit drinking this crap Ancient Age..
once youve found what makes you happy..
you..just..might.. not.want to work anymore.:thumbup

Maker's Mark
Bombay Star Sapphire
Bacardi Gold Top Shelf

That is all. :x
nope. shine. like jack ripper in dr strangelove. rain water and pure grain alcohol.
unless youre buyin...
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Finally got a few moments to process and upload the videos that I took from the jam:


For not being there.. so :) for those that were. :thumbup
We also found the Monopoly man slumming in Oakland

We have a lot of good pictures... I"ll bug the gal about them...
We also found the Monopoly man slumming in Oakland

I misplaced my monocle. If anyone sees it, please swing by Park Place and drop it off. Thanks! :twofinger

"I don't always go to Oakland."

"But when I do, I'm scared as hell."


Yeah, I do look pretty terrified there, don't I? For some reason I am rarely smart enough to be scared, even if I should be. :dunno
The Hokey Pokey? I could have sang AND danced!
Finally got a few moments to process and upload the videos that I took from the jam:


wackoboxesfckinsixtimeshighfive!!! :twofinger
THANKS HOHO!!!! Lucky RAWKS it UP!!!!!
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