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BARF Jam: Saturday, January 14th, 7 p.m.

Ok I'll check with the owner and see if we can put something together.
Looks like there won't be another one. Someone complained :( and the landlord paid us a visit and said no more music/parties.


I can't imagine who would complain. That neighborhood is pretty much dead after business hours. That sucks. :thumbdown

Hmmm if you guys don't mind San Rafael I can see if we can set something up in the music studios across the street.

I don't know that I'll be able to make it to San Rafael on any kind of a regular basis. I don't play any instruments, so I pretty much went to Mike's just because it was so close to my house. :(
I can't imagine who would complain. That neighborhood is pretty much dead after business hours. That sucks. :thumbdown

Probably some peeps waiting around the corner to rob someone and thought the noise was driving the prey off.
I don't know that I'll be able to make it to San Rafael on any kind of a regular basis. I don't play any instruments, so I pretty much went to Mike's just because it was so close to my house. :(

Slacker. :x

Barf jams are worth the trip. :thumbup
Oh, so that's not enough to travel for.. I see how it is. :laughing

Admit it, you went for the same reason. :laughing
Getting nostalgic over here... Can't wait til June! Keep these meetings happenin!
sounds like y'all had a great time. Bummer if there isn't another one though. I'm still trying to make it to one.