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BARF Jam: Saturday, January 14th, 7 p.m.

Leaving soon, even though I'm exhausted from riding today. Try and forgive me if I'm not exactly in the playing mood this evening.
I'm a little under the weather so I'm gonna wus out on the long journey down there too. :( Hopefull I'll be better fer the next one? :barf
Take lotza video & pics fer us.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Bonerov and I will not be able to attend tonight. Next time, for sure. Have fun, kiddies.
I tried... never even made it out of town... next month!!
We missed the folks who couldn't attend, but had a good turnout and got to see some new faces. As always, it's great of Mike to host these and fun to play with anyone who wants to pick up an instrument.

I need to see if I can tempt anyone into becoming an iPad virtuoso! :teeth
CrAAAAzy fun :)

Wendy's :drool chili!

and xtra great to see Karin and Dale :banana

THANK YOU Mike and Andy and Max !
CrAAAAzy fun :)

Wendy's :drool chili!

and xtra great to see Karin and Dale :banana

THANK YOU Mike and Andy and Max !

WTF Karin and Dale were really there??? :cry

AND I missed Wendy's chili??? Goddammit... I haven't had real food in days... :(

Was this the video you were asking me about?


We want mor!

Supermike rocks.. :love

Thanks for hosting another jam. Looking fwd to the next one. Perhaps we need to put up a CL ad for a backup bassist. :)

Good to see everyone! :party
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well, *that* was fun :party

the chili, lesseeeeeeeee

I cooked a pork shoulder for nigh on 24 hours last weekend in the slow cooker. I made a home made chili type of sauce :dunno

When pork cooked, took the sauce stuff and froze it

Used it in the chili, added more chili sauce/powder etc to bring it up to snuff, et voila :thumbup

reduce, re-use, recycle :twofinger

Good times

Except for the *horrendous* neck pains I had which caused us to bail early. I wanted to chop my head off to make the pain stop :( I hate living in this permanent fight or flight mode that causes me so many aches and pains

But enough of that, good times :party
was good seeing everyone, those we saw more of, and those we didn't get to see at all! :laughing

Great times. Hugs had by all.
It was awesome to see you and Karin! Thanks for coming. :)

:love It was so cool when you guys started dancing!
haha. Yeah...I got DRAGGED into that. She said you were playing a request and that I *HAD* to :laughing